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Youth To Prison Research Paper

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youth to prison” (p. 9). This report shows that little is being left to provide treatment, prevention, and education; which is one of the main issues why the cycle of recidivism and unemployment doesn’t end. In a 2008 report, the Pew Center found that between 1987 and 2007 funding for higher education grew roughly 21 percent while funding’s for correction grew 127 percent. This report is a clear indicator that when prison spending increases education funding’s diminishes and schools become under-resourced; leading to staff being let go, reduction of programs and shortages in school supplies to provide a welcoming learning environment. Sylvia Saunders wrote an article where she provided statements from people, such as the President of the Yonkers …show more content…
These strategies are targeting our most vulnerable children for minor offenses and children who pose no threat. According to the NYC Department of Education, Annual Report from 2004-2005 77 percent of offenses are non-criminal. There is little evidence that proves that zero-tolerance policies are reducing violence, disorderly conduct and increasing school safety. Exposing youth to the justice system whether its juvenile prisons or adult prison is increasing the likelihood of recidivism, consequently, a child may experience physiological trauma and or end up committing other offenses that are punishable with more time. Not to mention, that our criminal justice system is harsh when punishing; youth aren’t the exception. “Our justice system is one of the few unaccountable systems in the country. It doesn’t make decisions based on best practices… or in the best interest of the young people and family involved. As a result, there is a 70 percent recidivism rate. The decision makers can administer this misery and not take any responsibility for the outcomes” (James Bell, attorney and youth justice activist). De jure segregation is separation enforced by the law and is no longer permissible, nevertheless, de facto segregation continues to flood our society and occurs when individual preferences lead to separation and inequality affecting those who may not have means …show more content…
An example of explicit bias is as simple as a teacher or law enforcement personnel going as far as making a negative or racist comment towards a student. On the other hand, an example of implicit biases is a teacher or an officer making a comment and not realizing that they were biased, implicit biases could also be looked as unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding and decision-making. These attitudes may be unconscious, however, they continue to feed the pipeline and “push-out” students who are in need. A video released by Kirwan Institute on the study of Race and Ethnicity showed that students who are in schools with zero-tolerance policies are likely to be subjected to automatic punishments due to implicit biases; these biases go as far as changing a person’s perspective of someone else whether its because of their own beliefs or beliefs imposed by society. Wald & Losen (2005) stated that, police officers may not engage in explicit direct, control or otherwise initiate or influence school administrators to undertake searches, however, it implicitly occurs. In some cases, just being a police officer and being in school is sufficient justification to search a student without Miranda warnings or probable cause; the standards of proof

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