A STUDY ON THE CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF HEADPHONES IN INDIA Phase III By SECTION C – GROUP V Asmita Vilas Moghe – 13PGDM137 Astha Garg – 13PGDM138 Deeva Choudhury – 13PGDM139 Modhura Roy – 13PGDM149 Navisha Verma – 13PGDM151 Nikhil Gupta – 13PGDM156 By SECTION C – GROUP V Asmita Vilas Moghe – 13PGDM137 Astha Garg – 13PGDM138 Deeva Choudhury – 13PGDM139 Modhura Roy – 13PGDM149 Navisha Verma – 13PGDM151 Nikhil Gupta – 13PGDM156 CONTENT S. No. | Content | Page
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+ Individual Characteristics and Differences Class 2 The Individual and Group Dynamics + Overview of Individual Characteristics and Differences n Personality Dimensions n The “Big 5” Dimensions n Narcissism n Linguistic Style and Gender Rapport vs. Status in social dynamics n Conversational rituals n Negotiating Authority n + Personality Dimensions n Take short online test: http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/personality.htm +
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What is your first reaction to these the strengths that were identified? What do they mean to you at this point? Exited, that the Clifton Strengths Finder can precisely identify the individual strengths, talent orientation and the associated specific behavior and character traits. At this point, this signature theme report has made me aware of the fact that individuals have very specific personalities with specific character traits. Does anything in the report surprise you? Yes, I am surprise how
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question 1 1 A Tyrone: extraversion/ innitiater Yi-ren: conscioutiousness: well organize/ keep track of documentate/ coordinator George: neuroticism: calm/ hamornizer Ana: agreeableness because she is quite/ reserve and trusting, Information seeker or giver/ follower Tyrone: High Extraversion: Tallkative, active Low Agreeableness: critical, ruthless High in Openeness Yi-ren: High conscionticousness, reliable, hardworking, organize low agreeableness
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After reading The Unmanageable Star Performer, it is clear that there is unresolved conflict between the members of Leman Highlander & Company. Some of this stems from the organizational structure. While they have surveys that employees fill out to report and discontent or issues, there is no system of accountability to implement any changes to improve the lives of their staff. Anyone who disagrees with Vijay Kumar doesn’t voice their opinions or just leaves the company. By ignoring the issue of
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Congratulations you completed the questions, time for some feedback. Please cut and paste this feedback if you would like to refer to these materials later - you will not be able to access this information without taking the survey fully again. Six dimensions of personality were measured for you: honesty/humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openess to experience. There is no right or wrong score, this type of information helps us understand how we see, hear
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All personality disorders have four main defining features which are, distorted thinking patterns, problematic emotional responses, over- or under-regulated impulse control, and interpersonal difficulties. Before being diagnosed, a person must display significant and enduring difficulties in at least two of these four areas. This means that anyone can display these at times, but it becomes a problem when it happens over a long period of time, and is disrupting to their everyday life. Personality
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someone has anxiety they don’t clean or freak out when things are not right. Anxiety can be very bad because it causes stress and stress causes blood pressure to rise and can be life threating. Everyone argues that personality disorders are not a big deal. In reality though they can cause some serious danger. Everyone sits around and argues and they are not going to treat them. No one knows what might happen if these disorders go untreated. People could commit suicide and everyone would start pointing
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The most widely used framework to measure personality is the five –factor model or FFM for short (McCrae & Costa, 2013). This approach uses a framework to assess the individual’s personality level on each of the five domains. These factors are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience. “One of the original ideas behind these five basic factors is that they are “orthogonal”, which means that getting a high or low score on any one of them is not supposed
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For this assignment, I took the Enneagram Personality Test. The test took me about 10 minutes since I wanted to make sure I answered each question honestly. Some of the questions were a little confusing, but for the most part they all made sense. The nine personality types were the following, along with my percentages: Type 1: Orderliness 46% Type 2: Helpfulness 74% Type 3: Image Focus 74% Type 4: Individualism 38% Type 5: Intellectualism 50% Type 6: Security Focus 62% Type 7: Adventurousness
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