Lab Report Chemistry 341L: Preparation of Cyclohexene Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to prepare an alkene, cyclohexene, by the dehydration of an alcohol, cyclohexanol. In this experiment cyclohexanol is dehydrated to prepare cyclohexene, using phosphoric acid as a catalyst. Unsaturation tests are then done to ensure cyclohexene was prepared. Experimental Scheme: The procedure for the Preparation of Cyclohexene lab started with first having to add 10mL of cylcohexanol (clear liquid
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Lab 7 Mechanical Properties of Polymers Student: Mikel Ricks Class: ME 3701-1 Instructor: Yang Mu This report contains experimental data and results regarding the mechanical properties of polymers. These tests were conducted under controlled environments to determine the tensile strength of certain polymers. Abstract This lab report was constructed from the results of testing the tensile strength of various polymers. These tests were done to determine the material properties, such as
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Chem 1A Brown 3 July 2014 Density Lab Report Objective: The purpose of this lab was to experimentally determine the density in three different investigations. Prelab procedure outline: What is the Density of an Egg? 1. Obtain the egg and note any observations. 2. Obtain a 400-ml beaker. 3. Add 200-ml of water into the beaker. Record the volume. 4. Place the raw egg into the water and record the volume and any observations. 5. Add NaCl into the water and stir until dissolved
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Tuong Nguyen Professor Eneigho Bio 42 11 March 2014 Bio Lab Report #3 For Lab on Thursday Feb 28 Procedure 24.1 Question 2: What is the shape and size of each bacteria colony? * Shape: circular, irregular, filamentous, rhizoid * Size: The size of the colony can be a useful characteristic for identification. The diameter of a representative colony may be measured. Tiny colonies are referred to as punctiform. Procedure 24.8 Question 6: Do all cells of a trichome of Cillatoria appear
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The purpose of the enzyme lab conducted was to observe the chemical composition of cells. In order to do so we tested for the presence of organic molecules. Molecules are what forms when atoms bond together. Organic molecules of cells include proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, which are composed of smaller molecules known as monomers and polymers. Polymers are joined monomers. A chemical reaction links monomers together occurs and releases a water molecule, this is called dehydration synthesis
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Writing a Laboratory Report The final step in any scientific investigation is to communicate your findings. This is done in the form of a laboratory report or, for more involved studies, a scientific paper. There is a standard format that is generally used for both lab reports and papers. The sections are: * Title * Introduction * Materials and Methods * Results * Discussion * Literature Cited Title: The title should be brief, descriptive, and should clearly
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Lab Report #2 Name: Lab: #9 Enzymes – Experiment #4 Due date: Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to compare and examine the effect of substrate concentration on catalase activity. Introduction All chemical reactions require a catalyst. A type of catalyst that exists is an enzyme, which acts to bring out a specific biochemical reaction. At all times, all work inside a cell is being performed by enzymes (Brian, 2000). The purpose of an enzyme is to help the cell carry out reactions
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Yasmin Martinez Biology 2310 Lab Report I Antibiotics, Antiseptics, and Disinfectants June 22, 2018 Introduction As the world continues to evolve, bacteria evolves along with it. This can begin to impact the effect of antimicrobials, which are used to inhibit or kill the growth of microorganisms. Antimicrobial testing is important to determine the susceptibility within a given agent. It is also important to consider resistance of an antimicrobial agent to a given microorganism. Antimicrobial
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Guided Inquiry Laboratory Procedure: CAN the METTLE of METAL be IMPROVED? OBJECTIVE: You will conduct an experiment to investigate the effect of heating, quenching, and tempering on metals and gather evidence to provide an explanation for the phenomenon observed. QUESTION: What effect will annealing (strong heating followed by slow cooling), quenching (strong heating followed by quick cooling), or tempering (strong heating followed by quick cooling, then strong heating and slow cooling) have
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Lab Report 2 – Titration CHEM1903 – Chemistry 1A (SSP) Michael West (305159240) 1. Experiment 2.2 – Titrimetric determination of the molecular mass of an organic acid Method An unknown organic acid was supplied in solid form. The acid was known to be diprotic and had the reference number 19. Using an analytical balance, 1.5397 g of the acid were weighed out, and made up with deionised water into 250 mL of solution. 25 mL of the acid solution was added to a conical flask with phenolphthalein
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