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8th Grade Narrative

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Once upon a time, I was in 6th grade. I didn’t do anything really besides work. This goes for 7th and 8th. Nothing but work. Since nothing really happened in all of my Junior High years, I guess I’ll have to think of something

6th Grade
This year was any average year. Besides the fact I was nervous of going because I thought I would forget my classes and walk into the wrong one like some lunatic. Lucky for me I wasn’t that dumb. The teachers were okay, but two out of the four stuck out. These two were Mr. Hern and Mrs. Metcalf (I didn’t know what Misses to use.) Mr. Hern was cool because he was the most laid back teacher on the planet, and Mrs. Metcalf was cool but I can’t really explain why. She just was.
A lot of people here probably talked about the egg thing. They either said theirs broke or theirs lived. The egg thing really …show more content…
Our luck we started 8th grade in 2016 am I right? This has probably been one of the worst years in a while. All that matters is that year is over and now it’s time for 2017. Now that I am on the 8th grade part I can finally remember what I did. For starters My hair was always like this. Not including 5th grade. So let’s get started with the usual, that being the teachers. First off my 1st hour is Mrs. Fehrenbacher. I literally had to look up how to even conceive how to spell that. Anyway, she is...alright. Okay, let me just say this. Could you please inform Mrs. Hubler and Mrs. F that High School is not impossible. I can’t stand it when they make High School seem like it’s the hardest, most painful, most stressful, thing on the planet. Seriously. Do me a favor and inform them that High School is not the most impossible thing ever conceived. Thank you. Anyway, you and Mr. Klostermann do a good job at teaching. I know I never turn in my papers for science because I’m lazy, but I seriously am listening. Nothing that memorable for this year but that’s okay. That’s all I really can write about this year. Soooo,

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