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A Narrative Essay On A Day After High School

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“But selling your liberty like that. It’s unconscionable,” William said.
Crocco and James shared a look. James glanced across the seat and looked at his father staring out the window with a distant expression on his face.
“I’m not following you, Dad. What do you mean?” James asked.
“He’s selling out to a fucking socialist hell hole. He’s throwing away all the blessing of liberty in America, and turning his life over to the will of the Canadian government.”
“I don’t know,” James said. “A fistful of Canadian dollars and a little stability doesn’t sound too bad.”
William turned and glared at James. Crocco stared into the white-hot expression in William’s eyes, and leaned as far back into his seat as possible. William reached across the cab and began slapping …show more content…
William followed Mary up the porch steps. They stood next to the dinner bell hanging from the eaves. William lifted the wand and began ringing the iron triangle. A sustained clang, clang, clang rang out over the estate, calling the community to dinner.
“How was the knitting circle?” William asked.
“It went well. We spun the last bushel of cotton and made onesies and blankets for the newborns at Heritage Woods,” Mary said.
“That sounds like an appropriate thing to do following your community notes and Reverend Flowers’ sermon.”
“I thought so, too,” Mary said. “The older women and I had a nice talk with some of the younger women. One young woman admitted to using birth control. She told us that her husband was pulling out, but I suspect something a bit more. She didn’t come right out and admit to using condoms, but it was on the tip her tongue.”
“Can you blame her? Would you have admitted to using condoms after Reverend Flowers’ sermon and your community notes? She was probably scared to death.”
“I suppose you’re right; we got the message

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