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Afs 100 Essay #1


Submitted By carlos61
Words 1043
Pages 5
In today’s time, the United States’ government has multiple problems, but there is one problem that really needs adjustment and improvement towards its solution. The United States’ solution towards immigration is very extreme. US Border Patrol all over the world are gunning down immigrants instead of making an attempt to arrest them and bring them to justice. We all know that by preventing immigration in the United States we can reduce our population, poverty, and the crime in our streets; however, not all immigrants that come to the United States cause harm to this country. People assume that just because a person broken the law by coming to this country illegally, he or she is a bad person and should be deported right away. The United States is deporting immigrants so they can help reduce our population, poverty, and crime, but what they do not realize is that may deporting the wrong immigrants.
People think that all immigrants have no business in the United States and should be deported back to their countries. What people do not know is that some immigrants come the United States for a better life and to avoid the hardships they encounter back in their countries. They the choose the United States as a place for a new beginning and a new start to life; therefore, many immigrants that are already in the United States try their best to become US citizens to avoid deportation back to their country. Sadly, if they get deported they will no longer be able to come back to the United States to obtain a better life. Not all immigrants have a negative effect on the US, as there are some immigrants who are hardworking and very determined to improve their life status. In order to prove that an immigrant has truly come to the US in order to improve their life status could be proven by giving them a job and a responsibility. As the immigrant is assigned a job, he or she

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