...LITERATURE SURVEY On Job Satisfaction and Leadership Berikut merupakan survei literatur tentang faktor-faktor yang menentukan kepuasan kerja. Kepuasan kerja dan motivasi dipengaruhi secara positif oleh variabel pengakuan dan penghargaan dengan dimensi sebagai berikut: peluang promosi, prosedur operasi, pekerjaan itu sendiri, pengakuan, relasi dengan rekan kerja, kepuasan terhadap kompensasi, rasa aman, supervisor, dan pengembangan karier (Danis & Usman, 2010). Kepuasan kerja juga berkorelasi positif dengan keadilan organisasional: keadilan distributif, prosedural, interaksional (Al-Zu’bi, 2010). Pada perusahaan dengan tingkat upah yang rendah dan tingkat kepuasan karyawan sedang, kontribusi faktor-faktor kepuasan kerja paling besar ditentukan oleh faktor rekan sekerja, lingkungan kerja, dan pemimpin, tetapi paling rendah oleh faktor upah dan tunjangan (Salviah, 2002). Persepsi karyawan terhadap keadilan kompensasi memiliki korelasi yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerjanya (Astuti, 2001) Kebalikannya dari kepuasan kerja karyawan tingkat operasional, Batthi (20010) stres ditentukan 67% oleh faktor di dalam organisasi (beban kerja, waktu kerja, kepemimpinan, kebijakan perusahaan, kondisi kerja) dan 33% faktor di luar organisasi (kondisi ekonomi, keluarga karyawan, cuaca). Selain faktor di atas, salah satu yang perlu diketahui oleh pemimpin adalah seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan, gaya kepemimpinan, dan spiritualitas pemimpin terhadap kepuasan kerja. Penelitian Aydin dan...
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...HOW TO DEVELOP EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS Everywhere we go, there is always communcation. This communiction explosion has led to one of the most incredible tools, the internet. It allows us to communicate with people all around the world. But despite all our high tech means of communication, effective communication still comes down to people understanding each other, developing skills in order to compete in this worldwide market place. This much needed skills include, building trust, communicating verbally and non-verbally, listening better and dealing with conflict in the work place. One of the keys to succesful communication is trust. Being succesful largely depends on gaining trust from other people. If you dont have trust of other people, they cant count on you. Therefore, it is good to build trust, if you feel you haven’t built trust among people, there are ways you can gain trust. One of them is being supportive when someone is in need of support, it wil gain you trust if support is honest. Also, displaying concern for others is another good way to gain trust, it shows that you care and people will always have that back in their mind whenever they think of you or encouter you unless that is broken. Another way is recognition for initiative, appreciate what people do for you or for others, show that you appreciate them for that. You can also give fedback or honest opinions to people, this shows them that you will not let them go down in times...
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...transporte de datos, con la finalidad de compartir información, recursos y ofrecer servicios. Las redes se clasifican en 2 categorías por alcance y por conexión: Por alcance: • Una red de área local (LAN) se refiere a un grupo de dispositivos interconectados que se encuentran bajo el mismo control administrativo. • La red área metropolitana (MAN) es una red formada por un conjunto de redes LAN en las que se conectan equipos • Las redes de área extensa (WAN) constituyen redes que conectan redes LAN en ubicaciones que se encuentran geográficamente separadas. Internet es el ejemplo más común de una WAN • Red de área personal, o PAN (Personal Area Network), es una red de ordenadores usada para la comunicación entre los dispositivos de la computadora cerca de una persona. • WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network), es una red de computadoras inalámbrica para la comunicación entre distintos dispositivos (tanto computadoras, puntos de acceso a internet, teléfonos celulares, PDA, dispositivos de audio, impresoras) cercanos al punto de acceso. Estas redes normalmente son de unos pocos metros y para uso personal, así como fuera de ella. El medio de transporte puede ser cualquiera de los habituales en las redes inalámbricas pero las que reciben esta denominación son habituales en Bluetooth. • Red de área de campus, o CAN (Campus Area Network), es una red de computadoras de alta velocidad que conecta redes de área local a través de un área geográfica limitada, como un...
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...momento de lanza un producto a nivel mundial algunas de ellas son las siguientes: la publicidad, la cual representa cualquier forma pagada para promover cualquier bien o servicio a diferencia de la estrategia “Word of mouth” la cual es gratuita y se adquiere por medio de la experiencia después de haber utilizado o comprado un producto en particular. Por otro lado, existe la estrategia de “Mercadeo directo”, la cual ofrece una comunicación sobre la consola X-box 360 a los consumidores de manera directa, haciendo uso del correo electrónico, promoción por mensajería de texto, fax, teléfonos, internet con el fin de comunicarse directamente con los cliente o consumidores específicos. En comparación con la estrategia de “Mercadeo Directo” se puede fusionar el “Mercadeo Interactivo”, ya que sus diferencias son bien escasas y esto se debe a que esta diplomacia se enfoca también en utilizar el internet, los teléfonos con el fin de atraer estos posibles prospectos de manera directa o indirecta, para crear conciencia sobre la marca y solicitar una perspectiva...
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...Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Campaign: HOLDEN CRUZE SERIES II ‘IT’S NOT JUST A SMALL CAR, IT’S AUSTRALIA’S SMALL CAR’ Executive Summary Consumer behaviour is the study of how individuals behave and decide their purchase, use and dispose of goods and services to fulfil their needs and desires (Kotler & Keller 2009, p. 150). The findings of this report are related to the use two of the consumer behaviour areas: decision making process and consumer motivation to evaluate the integrated marketing communication (IMC) of Holden Series II Cruze. Holden is an Australian automobile brand and Series II Cruze is one of their latest models launched in the beginning of this year. The theme of its IMC campaign is: ‘It’s not just a small car, its Australia’s small car’. The campaign kicked start with a massive launching event and followed by a series of ads on televisions, website, social media and some public relationship activities. Its aim is to build product-specific awareness by displaying various product features of the new car and create preference of Holden Series II Cruze to its target audience. The focus of the Series II Cruze advertisements predominantly highlights the innovative features of the car, proclaim as Australian’s small car and state the reasonable pricing at the end. This message is constant in most of their communications. By doing this they cover product, price, place and eventually using the communications as promotion. Hence appropriately...
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...Masters Programmes ------------------------------------------------- Assignment Cover Sheet Question: [Analyze a strategic issue facing Samsung Electronics Company] “This is to certify that the work I am submitting is my own. All external references and sources are clearly acknowledged and identified within the contents. I am aware of the University of Warwick regulation concerning plagiarism and collusion. No substantial part(s) of the work submitted here has also been submitted by me in other assessments for accredited courses of study, and I acknowledge that if this has been done an appropriate reduction in the mark I might otherwise have received will be made.” Introduction Samsung Electronics Company (SEC), Ltd founded in 1969 is a South Korean multinational electronics company and is the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group, accounting for 70% of the group's revenue. Since the introduction of monochrome television sets in 1971, it has grown on average 38 percent a year, broadening its product range from simple consumer electronics and home appliances to advanced information and communication equipment, computers and peripherals and semiconductors (Renee, 2007) . It is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile and smart phones, LCD Panels and televisions and displaced Apple Inc. as the largest technology company in 2011 (Renee, 2007). Industry boundary Samsung electronics has the following divisions * Consumer electronics (CE)...
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...VIVA Telecom | Marketing Research 420 | Group #1 | | Ali Bin-Shaibah 205113540Sulaiman Al-Fraih 206217072 | Table Of Content Part I: Executive Summary P.3 Part II: Company Background P.4 Part III: Research Plan P.9 Part IV: Plan Execution P.12 Part V: Results & Managerial Implications P.19 Part VI: Conclusion P.22 Work Cited P.23 Appendix -A- P.24 Appendix -B- P.26 Appendix -C- P.28 Appendix -D- P.30 **Part I: Executive Summary** Our project is about viva telecom and the problems that it is facing in its operations in the Kuwaiti market. With this project we will clarify and resolve these problems by using various techniques. Viva is a telecom service provider, which is relatively new in Kuwait providing telecom products and services in order to satisfy the market’s needs. Yet, like any new company it faces many operational problems. These problems will be addressed and resolved through an analytical research study using surveys and computer software (SPSS) so that viva can overcome its current situation. We defined the problems facing viva telecom and formulated the research questions that would enable us to address and solve them properly. After acquiring primary and secondary information about the...
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...RTK 28 2.3.3 GRAS 29 2.3.4 VDL 29 VDL Mode 1 30 VDL Mode -2 30 VDL Mode 3 30 VDL Mode 4 31 2.4 ABAS 31 2.4.1 RAIM 32 RAIM (FD) 32 RAIM (FDE) 33 2.4.2 AAIM 33 3 Communication Systems 34 3.1 INMARSAT 34 3.2 INTELSAT y EUTELSAT 37 3.3 IRIDIUM 39 4 New technologies and developing projects 41 4.1 VSAT 41 4.2 SDLS 44 4.3 MASSAO y Aerofleet projects 45 4.4 OPTIMAL project 48 5 Conclussions 50 5.1 Role in CNS/ATM 50 5.2 Gate to gate? 53 5.3 New system beyond 2020 56 5.4 Comparison with the current ATM system 59 6 Acronyms 61 7 Bibliography 64 7.1 webpages 64 7.2 documents (all of them are in internet) 66 8 Appendix 68 8.1 Techniques of modulation 68 8.2 Standards and recommended practices in annexes 1,6 and 11 68 8.3 Data link services defined by ICAO 72 Introduction All forms of aviation need reliable communications, navigation and surveillance systems to enable them to operate safely and efficiently. The primary means of communications for civil aviation is VHF Radio Telephony (RT) and has been so for over 50 years. During that time the basic features have changed little except for the channel spacing which has gradually been reduced to provide more channels within the available spectrum. The latest reduction to 8.33kHz is probably the last...
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...Telecom Industry Business Environment Domain Study S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research Telecom Industry Executive Summary The rapid growth in Indian telecom industry has been contributing to India’s GDP at large. Telecom industry in India started to set up in a phased approach. Privatisation was gradually introduced, first in value-added services, followed by cellular and basic services. Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), was established to regulate and deal with competition (the service providers). This gradual and thoughtful reform process in India has favoured industry growth. Upcoming services such as 3G and WiMax will help to further augment the growth rate. The Indian telecommunications industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and India is projected to become the second largest telecom market globally by 2010. This is evident from the facts of Telecom Industry for example, India added 113.26 million new customers in 2008, the largest globally. The country’s cellular base witnessed close to 50 per cent growth in 2008, with an average 9.5 million customers added every month. This would translate into 612 million mobile subscribers, accounting for a tele-density of around 51 per cent by 2012. It is projected that the industry will generate revenues worth US$ 43 billion in 2009-10. In this report we have tried to capture most of the areas of Telecom Industry. Major highlights of the report are History of Telecom Industry...
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...UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGO. INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS BÁSICAS EN INGENIERÍA. MONOGRAFÍA TITULADA: REDES DE BANDA ANCHA. QUE PARA OBTENER EL TITULO DE INGENIERO EN ELECTRÓNICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES PRESENTA: JOSÉ LUIS MONTIEL ISLAS ASESOR: ING. MARIANO ARUMIR RIVAS PACHUCA DE SOTO, HIDALGO 2006 Agradecimientos Ing. Mariano Arumir Rivas. Por su excelente apoyo y buena orientación para hacer posible este documento. Ing. Miguel Aristeo Rosas Yacotu. Por sus consejos y por ser un buen coordinador y amigo. Y a todos los profesores que fueron eslabones claves para que este momento fuera una realidad. DEDICATORIAS A mis padres Francisca y José Luis con todo mi amor y admiración, a quien dedico todos mis logros y por todo el apoyo incondicional. A mis hermanos Elisa y Jorge que han sido y serán mis mejores amigos por toda la vida. A mi sobrino Oscar por haber llenado de alegría mí corazón. A mi novia Nancy con mucho amor, le agradezco por compartir su tiempo y hacer mi vida mas feliz. A mis familiares y amigos Aquellos que estuvieron presentes en mi vida de estudiante y me dieron su su apoyo y confianza. Índice Justificación …………………………………………… i …………………………………….. iii Objetivo especifico …………………………………….. iv Objetivo general Capitulo I 1.- Introducción a las Redes de Transporte de Alta Velocidad. 1.1 Introducción a Banda Ancha…………………………........... 1 1.2 Dimensiones Técnicas Básicas: Cómo Entender...
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...First Semester Curriculum MBA (Full Time) 2 Yrs. Program of D.A.V.V., Indore For Affiliated Institutions 1 DEVI AHILYA VISHWAVIDYALAYA, INDORE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) CURRICULUM FOR FULL-TIME COURSES FIRST YEAR First Semester SUBJECT CODE LIST OF SUBJECTS FT 101C FT 102C FT 103C FT 104C FT 105C FT 106C FT 107C FT 108C Management Principles and Practices Mathematics and Statistics for Managers Accounting for Managers IT and E-Business Fundamentals Business Environment Organization Behavior and Processes Business Communication Business Legislation 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 COURSES AND SYLLABUS FOR SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH SEMESTER SHALL BE COMMUNICATED LATER. 2 FT-101C MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES Course Objective The objective of this course is to help the students gain understanding of the functions and responsibilities of the manager, provide them tools and techniques to be used in the performance of the managerial job, and enable them to analyze and understand the environment of the organization. Examination The faculty member will award internal marks out of 20 (8 for Tests and 12 for class participation). The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will have 6 theory questions out of which students will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or more cases. Cases prescribed below are only for classroom...
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...Advanced Accounting Beams Anthony 11th Edition Solutions Manual Click here to download immediately!!! http://solutionsmanualtestbanks.blogspot.com/2011/10/advanced-accountingbeams-anthony-11th.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Beams Beams Beams Beams Anthony Anthony Anthony Anthony 11th 11th 11th 11th Edition Edition Edition Edition Solutions Solutions Solutions Solutions Manual Manual Manual Manual -------------------------------------------------------------------------***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Solution Manual in e-version of the following book*** Name: Advanced Accounting Author: Beams Anthony Edition: 11th ISBN-10: 0132568969 Type: Solutions Manual - The file contains solutions and questions to all chapters and all questions. All the files are carefully checked and accuracy is ensured. - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6 hours. This is the quality of service we are providing and we hope to be your helper. Delivery is in the next moment. Solution Manual is accurate. Buy now below and the DOWNLOAD LINK WILL APPEAR IMMEDIATELY once payment is...
Words: 19905 - Pages: 80
...Spis treściSpis treści Wprowadzenie2 Rozdział I: Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy – cechy, definicje, mierniki4 1.1 Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy w różnych ujęciach4 1.1.1 Próba definicji4 1.1.2 Definicja według OECD i Banku Światowego5 1.1.3 Wiedza jako nieodłączny czynnik kształtujący GOW6 1.1.4 Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy a konkurencyjność9 1.1.5 Ewolucja w czasie11 1.1.6 Teorie Josepha Schumpetera i wynikające z nich wnioski12 1.2 Wybrane mierniki GOW16 1.3 Korzyści z rozwoju GOW20 1.3.1 Wzrost konkurencyjności20 1.3.2 Globalizacja21 1.3.3 Przywództwo technologiczne23 1.3.4 Spadek znaczenia zasobności w bogactwa naturalne25 Rozdział II: Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy i jej stopień zaawansowania w Polsce27 2.1 Analiza GOW w Polsce w ujęciu czasowym27 2.2 Porównanie GOW wybranych krajów30 2.3 Stymulacja rozwoju GOW w Polsce34 2.3.1 Polityka Unijna wobec GOW34 2.3.2. Działania Rządu36 2.3.3 Inicjatywy oddolne41 Rozdział III: Metody pobudzania rozwoju GOW42 3.1 Inwestycje42 3.2 Drenaż mózgów43 3.3 Dyfuzja wiedzy44 Rozdział IV:Ocena możliwości rozwoju GOW w Polsce46 4.1 Analiza SWOT46 4.1.1 Mocne strony Polski46 4.1.2 Słabe strony Polski47 4.1.3 Szanse dla Polski51 4.1.4 Zagrożenia dla Polski55 4.2 Polska na rozdrożu 58 Zakończenie60 Bibliografia62 Spis grafik69 Wprowadzenie Polska już nie stoi przed wielką dla niej szansą. Polska powinna ją wykorzystywać. Szansą tą jest nowy rodzaj gospodarki – opartej na wiedzy. Gospodarka ta nie wymaga posiadania...
Words: 11675 - Pages: 47
...TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND SIX SIGMA Edited by Tauseef Aized Total Quality Management and Six Sigma http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/2559 Edited by Tauseef Aized Contributors Aleksandar Vujovic, Zdravko Krivokapic, Jelena Jovanovic, Svante Lifvergren, Bo Bergman, Adela-Eliza Dumitrascu, Anisor Nedelcu, Erika Alves dos Santos, Mithat Zeydan, Gülhan Toğa, Johnson Olabode Adeoti, Andrey Kostogryzov, George Nistratov, Andrey Nistratov, Vidoje Moracanin, Ching-Chow Yang, Ayon Chakraborty, Kay Chuan Tan, Graham Cartwright, John Oakland Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained...
Words: 105584 - Pages: 423
...os recursos humanos a ela necessários, seja por produzirem conhecimento científico e tecnológico, sendo este o principal bem, em termos de valor, desta economia. Este conhecimento tecnológico é produzido em escala industrial, ou seja, em grande quantidade e com alta qualidade, por um aparato produtivo complexo. Frequentemente os avanços tecnológicos geram mudanças paradigmáticas, alterando inesperadamente para melhor as condições de funcionamento da sociedade, mas exigindo de todos um contínuo esforço de adaptação às novas possibilidades. Esta também tem sido a tônica no campo específico da produção de trabalhos acadêmicos, onde aparecem novos recursos, como base de dados, portais de publicações científicas, disponibilização de trabalhos na Internet para crítica e interação entre pesquisadores etc. No caso da Unifacs temos procurado acompanhar estas novas possibilidades na produção de trabalhos acadêmicos. Para isso o nosso Sistema de Bibliotecas possui um grande acervo de material de orientação para trabalhos acadêmicos, sejam trabalhos de conclusão de cursos no caso da graduação, sejam dissertações ou teses no caso dos programas stricto sensu. Entre eles há materiais produzidos por nós ou apoiados por nós. A eles vem se juntar agora o Manual de Normalização para Apresentação de Trabalhos Acadêmicos, fruto da experiência e do trabalho colaborativo de um grupo de bibliotecárias da Universidade, sob a coordenação da...
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