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Atomic Bomb On Japan Case Study

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Atomic Bomb on Japan!
Which event or decision in World War 2 do you think had a major effect on what happened in the war or on how the war ended? How did this event or decision make a difference in the the larger picture?The event that had a major effect on World War 2 was when The United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
On August 6 1945 Hiroshima was destroyed by an American B-29 called the Enolia Gay droppped the first nuclear bomb,which was not tested at all from the United States called "Little Boy" that killed over 85,000 people and almost leveling the entire city. it destroyed more than 3 miles of the city. The impact of the first bomb was so strong that it left imprint

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