Premium Essay



Submitted By mbaraksaid
Words 9095
Pages 37
How to Become an Effective Sales Manager
Building Your Sales Plan - Top 10 Assumptions
If your business has a strong and achievable sales plan, your sales staff (whether that's you as a small business owner or your employees) will be able to focus on selling to the plan. As a manager of sales people, it's your responsibility to build the sales plan.
Building the sales plan means more than just in-putting numbers into a spreadsheet; and that's why many small business owners and sales managers get stumped and why sales plans are often far from reality. Most sales plans are created with only the sales numbers in mind. But to build an effective sales plan, you need to consider more than the numbers.
The sales plan needs to be valid and real; you will use it to plan many other aspects of your business (such as cash flow, capital expenditures, hiring, expansion and more). Test your sales numbers against the market: you need to know market size and your share of the market for this to be effective.
First, your sales plan must define the time period for your sales forecast (1 year, 2 years, and 5 years). Second, it must consider the products you will sell (and potential new products you will develop and need to sell) over the determined period of time. Third, it must identify the number and type of customers you will sell to. Finally, it will identify the resources (human and equipment) you will need to supply to support your plan. And in these four steps, what must be thoroughly considered are the assumptions you are using in each step as well as the assumptions further on.
A sales plan is only useful if you track and compare actual results to the plan. On a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.) make sure that you update your sales plan with comments to highlight why, where, what, when, and how the actual results differ from the planned results.
As you build your

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DBQ: The French Revolution

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...Negritude was both a literary and ideological movement led by French-speaking black writers and intellectuals. The movement is marked by its rejection of European colonization and its role in the African diaspora, pride in "blackness" and traditional African values and culture, mixed with an undercurrent of Marxist ideals. Its founders (or les trois pères), Aimé Césaire, Léopold Sédar Senghor, and Léon-Gontran Damas, met while studying in Paris in 1931 and began to publish the first journal devoted to Negritude, L'Étudiant noir (The Black Student), in 1934. The term "Negritude" was coined by Césaire in his Cahier d’un retour au pays natal (1939) and it means, in his words, "the simple recognition of the fact that one is black, the acceptance of this fact and of our destiny as blacks, of our history and culture." Even in its beginnings Negritude was truly an international movement--drawing inspiration from the flowering of African-American culture brought about by the writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance while asserting its place in the canon of French literature, glorifying the traditions of the African continent, and attracting participants in the colonized countries of the Caribbean, North Africa, and Latin America. The movement's sympathizers included French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and Jacques Roumain, founder of the Haitian Communist party. The movement would later find a major critic in Wole Soyinka, the Nigerian playwright and poet, who believed that...

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