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Cher Wang Research Paper

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An Inspiring Journey of Cher Wang
The technology has remained one of the few fields where women are not expected to make a mark. Men have dominated this field since the beginning with an estimated seventy percent of significant jobs are held by men.
But, one can make the mark only when he/she struggles with the most. Likewise, there are some women who have broken all stereotypes and established their names in the world of technology, despite the fact that this field is dominated by tech savvy men. One such woman is Cher Wang of HTC. Being the founder of HTC, Cher has reached the zenith of success in the world of technology.
Life before HTC
Born in one of the powerful business family on 14 September 1968, Cher Wang is the daughter of Wang Yung-ching. …show more content…
But her sister didn’t drag her to Detroit, instead Charlene enrolled her in one of the best schools in Oakland, The College Preparatory School.
After finishing the high school, it was time for her to get higher education. However, a lover of piano wanted to pursue a career in music at Berkeley. But, some people are destined not to follow their initial instincts, she gave up her love for piano to study economics. Cher joined her brother’s law company, First International Computer after she graduated from the University of …show more content…
However, unluckily, the laptops were not as successful because they were lacking a competitive advantage. Nonetheless, Cher had a contingency plan ready to follow in case the laptops failed in the market.
The plan was build mobile phones and PDAs in partnership with other companies, by becoming a contract manufacturer. Finally, after a lot of struggle, HTC caught its lucky break when the first contract was signed in 2000 to produce the Compaq Aero PDA. Following this deal, HTC had become the official contract manufacturer of mobile phones and PDAs for O2, T-Mobile, Orange, and Palm. HTC had also manufactured Google’s first Android phone, the G1.
In the following years, HTC had successfully built a reputation of being the official contract manufacturer of handheld devices for all leading mobile phone brands. But Cher was not going to stop there, she had a different vision for HTC. She wanted HTC to become a leading brand of smart phone and not just a contract manufacturer. She knew this decision would affect her company in the first few years but she didn’t

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