...Classroom and Behavior Management Plan Dr. Renee Murley Learning in the Urban Environment ICL 7709 July 31, 2009 Rules and Procedures On the first day of class, the students and I will have a conversation about my expectations and the students’ expectations for the classroom. From these expectations, together, we will create a set of guidelines for conduct in the classroom. We will also discuss common occurrences in the classroom such as late arrival, preparation for class, etc., and how they should be handled. From this class forum, we will derive the rules and procedures that will govern our classroom. Whereas, not all rules and procedures will be negotiable, we will discuss the meaning, rationality, and fairness of each rule, and also how these rules fit into the framework of the school’s guidelines. This is done with the idea in mind that if students have a part in creating the classroom rules and procedures that they will be more apt to follow them. These rules will be posted permanently in the classroom, on the teacher’s website, and also printed in written form so that the information may be given to the students, parents, and administrators. General guidelines for behaviors will be as follows: 1) Be respectful of the thoughts, feelings, personal space, and property of others and self. 2) Be on time and prepared for class. 3) Be in your desk and prepared to work when the bell rings. 4) Do ask permission before speaking or getting out of your...
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...Classroom Management Plan Introduction and Overview In teaching there is no one style of classroom management that fits all classrooms. Every classroom is unique, with diverse students going through many things especially in a middle school classroom. Nonetheless, that’s why having a formal, written classroom management plan is of utmost importance especially in a changing classroom. Hence, in planning my own classroom management plan it is why I implemented a plan that relies highly on teacher preparation and organization. I have learned in my short time in the classroom that problems will occur no matter what you do in the classroom. However, being prepared by having a set of rules, procedures, and consequences for certain discipline problems within the classroom is the best method for a successful learning environment. In middle school classroom, students both females and males alike are going through both physical and emotional changes. Having a teacher who they can rely on as an advisor or even a person of confidence is of utmost importance in order to build a family of learners. Classroom Arrangement I arrange students in group tables of four or five students depending on the group of students. I’m most comfortable with this arrangement as it allows for the most amount of free space, and also provides more working space for students when doing group activities. Even though my desk is in the front of the classroom, I will try and not spend much time there, rather...
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...Effective Classroom Management Plan AED/203 In order to achieve your highest teaching and learning potential you must pay attention to your classroom organization because it plays an important role. Classroom organization is known to bring together and keep the atmosphere in a classroom calm because the teacher has the ability to place the students in areas throughout the class so she can keep an eye out for the ones that are likely to cause trouble. Also classroom organization will allow for the teacher to observe the whole classroom from different spots throughout the class, by doing this it allows for the teacher to keep up with the improvement of each student in a way that will benefit the teacher. Organization Procedures and Resources Once School has started it is very important that the teacher in the students become acquainted with each other this way the teacher can take the time out to explain the different classroom practices as well as rules and to discuss and be open with the students about the different process. Once the rules have been established the students will learn how to enter into the room and how they will separate with their guardian at the door when the time comes. While the students are in the classroom it will also be made known to them that if they need help, or have questions they must first raised their hands before the teacher will acknowledge or answer any questions. Once the rule has been followed then the teacher...
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...Classroom Management Plan ECH/521-Maintaining en Effective Learning Climate 21 de Octubre de 2011 Classroom Management Plan Filosofía del Manejo del salón de Clases-Kindergarden * Reforzar la buena conducta y el mejoramiento de mis estudiantes. Me parece muy apropiado utilizar la teoría conductista de la modificación de conducta. * El modelo de Skinner asume que el comportamiento es aprendido y que los refuerzos contribuyen a obtener un buen comportamiento cuando los procedimientos de refuerzos son utilizados para modificar la conducta en la dirección que deseamos. * Los refuerzos pueden ser primarios o secundarios para los seres humanos, en este caso para los niños de edades primarias. Siguiendo la pirámide de Maslow, primario puede ser lo que son necesidades básicas como la comida y el agua y secundarios son los regalos o premios que recibimos a cambio de la conducta deseada por la maestra en un salón. * Trabajar en base de estímulo-respuesta, de esta manera puedo propiciar un sano ambiente y esperar a cambio una buena respuesta de mis estudiantes. Es importante cuando se utiliza este método o teoría como tu filosofía en el salón de clases modelar la conducta esperada o deseada. * Aceptar las opiniones y críticas de mis estudiantes para poder mejorar. Siendo consistente a mi filosofía puedo lograr el comportamiento apropiado para un salón de clases. * Compartir con mis otros compañeros maestros las estrategias que utilizo y escuchar las de ellos...
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...Explain the goal of the plan, including the grade level(s) it addresses. “Classroom management is the set of procedures and systems that are put in place to create an environment that focuses on student learning” (Newman.2013). I know that classroom management is a key component to having a successful classroom. In my middle school classroom, I want to make sure that both the student and myself always spends time wisely, feels free to participate, and keeps the classroom safe. I will work with the students to make sure that rules and expectations are followed at all time to ensure strong classroom management. According to Newman, my classroom would be considered student-centered. The student- centered classroom relates to what the students need. While engaging the students make decisions in the classroom (Newman.2013). Newman also suggested that this type of classroom allows the student to set the rules and procedures of the classroom, however, this is one characteristic that I would change. While rules may help set control, discipline is also a very important component for control. Discipline will be strictly enforced throughout the classroom. The students can expect immediate action to ensure that my classroom stays under control. Also with such a...
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...A classroom management plan should develop students to be responsible learners, create a positive classroom environment, and to maximize time and opportunity for learning. The goals of my classroom management plan is to provide a safe, challenging and engaging classroom environment that maximizes learning opportunities for my students while still maintaining student behavior. I believe that a good classroom management plan will provide a base for the classroom that is structured around prevention, respect, and consistency. As the teacher, I also need to understand that discipline problems are inevitable, but through high expectations, set rules, interesting curriculum, the use of body language, eye contact, and proximity these behavior...
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...My Preschool Classroom Management Plan Susan Wheeler EDU650: Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21 Century Professor Amy Gray October 21, 2013 Classroom Management Plan I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. I will set the tone in my classroom so I will prevent behavior problems by having interesting and engaging curriculums and effectively including all students in the classroom so that their needs are met. Having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal of implementing good classroom management--without it the students would not be able to learn. My Philosophical Statement I am committed to making my classroom a safe and challenging environment and engaging my students through the curriculum as well as getting to know them and interacting with them one-on-one. I feel that meeting the needs of my students is a very important part of my classroom. I want them to be comfortable with the other students, as well as myself, so we can have meaningful discussions and interactions. Talking will be common place in my classroom, along with group work. I want to encourage all students to participate in class so that they can learn from each other as well as me. I want to be as fair as I can be, so the students trust me. I have a very patient and calm attitude with my class, When children knows that someone is paying attention...
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...Importance of Classroom Management An effective classroom management plan is the key to becoming an effective teacher, as well as making sure that is learning going on in the classroom. (Wong, Wong, Rogers, & Brooks, 2012) All classrooms should have an effective teacher to teach the students. An effective classroom management plan will also help the teacher keep the classroom under control and it helps the students focus better. An effective classroom management plan will help keep the teachers lesson plans running smoothly throughout the year. Learning to manage a classroom full of students can be difficult at times, but with dilliance and careful planning you will soon find out that your hard work and good effort will turn out for the best in the end. For teachers to teach the students then the teacher also need to do their homework and plan an effective classroom management plan that will keep the class on the right track for the year. Effective teachers maintain their classrooms well with procedures and everyday routines where ineffective teachers just depend on punishments and threats to keep their classrooms under control. When starting to plan a classroom management plan you must first make sure that you fully understand what classroom management is and how it works. Classroom management is a set of procedures that structure the classroom so the students know what to do, how to do it, and when to do it in a classroom. (Wong, Wong, Rogers, & Brooks, 2012) A classroom with an...
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...Skip to main content Sign InRegister Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WHAT WORKS IN EDUCATION The George Lucas Educational Foundation Edutopia Browse Topics Watch Videos Join the Conversation About Us April 22, 2015 Trending: Laughter and Learning: Humor Boosts Retention Search form Search Classroom Management Subscribe to RSS 7 Tips for Better Classroom Management September 11, 2013 Share Share1.6K 32 Image credit: shiksastudio via YouTube In my mind, the first and most basic obligation of a teacher is to see the beauty that exists within every student. Every child is infinitely precious. Period. When we start from this vantage point, classroom management -- and its flip side, student engagement -- comes more easily. It's an outgrowth of students feeling loved and respected. This video, shot in the first few days of my classroom in 2010, and the seven tips below will show how I try to put these ideas into practice. 1. Love your Students Love them -- and stand firmly against behavior that doesn't meet your expectations or reflect their inner greatness. Too many students have internalized a profound sense of their own inadequacy, and it is incumbent upon us to remind them of their infinite value and counteract the many messages that they receive to the contrary. By loving our students unconditionally, we remind them of their true worth. Our students know how we feel about them. If we don't like them -- or if we see them as...
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...Classroom Management EDU 650: Teaching Learning and Leading in the 21st century Instructor: Angela Stephens Student: Annie Phillips Date: 5/11/2015 | Classroom management is teacher’s strategies that create and maintain an orderly learning environment. Classroom management is a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior of students. Many teachers establish rules and procedures at the beginning of the school year. They also try to be consistent in enforcing the rules and procedures. A well-organized classroom is a classroom in which students know how to effectively make use of the classroom and its resources. Some of the teaching objectives focus on expected academic behaviors, appropriate use of materials and learning centers, and cooperation with peers. So, teacher should play a role to create a community of learners where students play an active part in forming their environment, understanding their role learning how to work effectively as an individual and with peers. They know whether or not they are learning. They know if what they are learning is relevant to them. These kinds of lesson plans are difficult to create, the students themselves must discover these lessons if presented properly...
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...capable of doing anything they want to do. This school was designed to believe in having a safe environment for students, differentiating instructions as implemented to ensure the mastery of core subjects, recognizing diversity and value of the individuals, expressing education as a shared responsibility with students, family, and staff, and lastly, the environment in this school will promote student confidence and self-esteem. Receiving this fortunate opportunity at the Buffalo Public School 89 has really helped me to perceive what my future career may appear to be by tracing the steps of a real life teacher. In order for Ms. Lazzara to perform well she needs to comprehend the students’ needs and be aware of the diversity within her own classroom. As the class moved to a different subject, so did the students. The students were called up by table numbers to the rug for reading time. Ms. Lazzara called up each table to the rug depending on their behavior while seated. She read aloud a book and allowed one of the students, who volunteered, to turn the pages. Ms....
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...Diversity and Classroom Management Grand Canyon University- EDU 450 October 20, 2013 In today’s classrooms teachers have a lot of diversity to deal with while trying to teach. When it comes to diversity in the class it varies from cultural, mental socio-economic, physical differences. Educators today have to be able to meet all the needs of the students within the class. Teachers need to have knowledge of all the different types of diversity. All of the diversities within the classroom can present several challenges upon the teacher when it comes to discipline. When it comes to maintaining order in the classroom it can be a difficult thing for new teachers it they do not have a lot of assistants. Over the years students have become defiant and teachers are unprepared to deal with the issues. If teachers do not have control of the classroom it can lead to poor classroom management. This paper will discuss five classroom management strategies that will promote critical thinking and gain the students attention within the classroom. The five strategies will include Canter’s Behavior Management Cycle, Win-Win Discipline, Kounin’s Lesson Management, B. F. Skinner’s Discipline through Shaping Behavior and William Glasser’s Discipline Guide by Choice. Using the Canter’s Behavior Management Cycle in the class can help teachers keep the class in order and control. The Canters can be an assertive discipline approach when it comes to teachers using this management system. When...
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... A TERM PAPER ON EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT: A RICH GROUND FOR RESEARCH In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of Education and Development Submitted to: Dr. Manuel Vasay Submitted by: Vincent t. Libres Master of Education Major in Educational Management TABLE OF CONTENTS Core Assumptions and Statements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Local Research Studies on Education and Development - - - - - - - - - - 2 Factors Affecting the Academic Achievement of Grade Five Pupils with Learning Difficulties in Tagum City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 The Relationship of Vocabulary Proficiency on the Reading Comprehension of Grade Six Pupils in Osmeña Elem. School - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Abroad Research Studies that Provide Tips and Strategies for Better Classroom Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Proven Tips and Strategies for a Great First Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Five Top Strategies to Keep Students Learning in a Calm Classroom Environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Summary/Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 I. Contents A. Core Assumptions and Statements ...
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...best to get the knowledge about different strategies from various sources like workshops, seminars and articles to make my class more student teacher interactive from the very first day of my semester. Teachers often become anxious about their first day of the semester ,so it is very important to convey clear expectations as well as basic information to the students to make sure that they understand exactly what the course will be, like in terms of prerequisite knowledge and skills, content to be learned and anticipated speed and depth of learning. They must understand your grading system and what the term projects will be, and finally how you plan to teach. Here is a checklist that can be of great help for the faculty to review their first day of the semester: * Establish procedures – Arrive early to get the classroom set up the way you want it. Post instructions on the projector telling the students what you need them to do before class begins (e.g. pick up syllabus, introduce yourself and find a seat.) * Use an entrance table – This is where student pick up the syllabus, and anything else they need to pick up or turn in throughout the semester. * Learn students’ names – Have students introduce themselves as they walk in, and create a seating chart. * Use focus activities – On the screen or board, write what students are to do as soon as they arrive each day to class. On the first day, this could simply be to create a name card. Later on...
Words: 616 - Pages: 3
...Classroom Management Plan Description of Setting: I serve as teacher in first grade classroom at Hutchinson Elementary School. The school has more than 900 students of all learning abilities and includes grades 6-8. My classroom will be a place where students feel safe. The classroom rules, designed to assure safety, will be prominently visible in the room. By decorating the classroom with students’ work, the room will be welcoming to the students of all abilities and will make them feel more at home. I believe this is important, because it is easier to learn in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable. Below I discuss the different components of my future classroom in more detail: General classroom arrangement: * My desk will be in the back of the classroom. I will only use the desk for administrative duties, but never during teaching. During teaching, I will either be standing at the black board or circulating about the classroom. I believe it is important to be close to the students and to be up and about at all times, not only to discourage unwanted behavior, but also to show the students that class time is for class business. * The students are arranged in groups of three. This stimulates students to cooperate, but keeps it possible for all tables to face the board in the front of the classroom. It also creates wide aisles between the tables, which makes it easier to circulate about the room. * In the back of the classroom are five trays, one...
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