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Classroom Management Plan


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Classroom and Behavior Management Plan

Dr. Renee Murley
Learning in the Urban Environment
ICL 7709

July 31, 2009

Rules and Procedures On the first day of class, the students and I will have a conversation about my expectations and the students’ expectations for the classroom. From these expectations, together, we will create a set of guidelines for conduct in the classroom. We will also discuss common occurrences in the classroom such as late arrival, preparation for class, etc., and how they should be handled. From this class forum, we will derive the rules and procedures that will govern our classroom. Whereas, not all rules and procedures will be negotiable, we will discuss the meaning, rationality, and fairness of each rule, and also how these rules fit into the framework of the school’s guidelines. This is done with the idea in mind that if students have a part in creating the classroom rules and procedures that they will be more apt to follow them. These rules will be posted permanently in the classroom, on the teacher’s website, and also printed in written form so that the information may be given to the students, parents, and administrators. General guidelines for behaviors will be as follows: 1) Be respectful of the thoughts, feelings, personal space, and property of others and self. 2) Be on time and prepared for class. 3) Be in your desk and prepared to work when the bell rings. 4) Do ask permission before speaking or getting out of your seat. 5) Be sure to do your own work. I plan to establish a number of classroom routines that will assist me with classroom management. Each class will start with me at the doorway with a greeting for my students. This will set the tone for the class. Every day, I will list on the board the daily lesson, the practice assignment, the homework assignment, and the morning activity. The morning activity and/or practice assignment will be designed to introduce the day’s lesson, and also serve to occupy students while administrative tasks such as roll are conducted. Any assignments that are due must be turned in at the beginning of class in the pre-designated area. Late work will not be accepted without the express permission of the teacher. A number of means will be employed to try and prevent interruptions such as having a well-organized lesson plan, having materials and equipment organized and prepared prior to class, and taking steps such as letting colleagues know that interruptions are unwelcome during class. As interruptions do and will happen, steps will be taken to ensure the interruption is brief and impacts learning minimally. In most cases, students will be required to either continue with their task or remain in their seats quietly, while the teacher addresses the interruption. Transitions between activities will be handled in a number of ways. First, the teacher will establish set routines to help with student expectations. Students will work on an activity until they receive a prearranged signal such a timer or a bell. Students will have an outline of the daily activities on the board which will let them know what comes next. Students will be given a set amount of time for an activity to encourage prompt starting and ending. No food or drinks will be allowed in class. This is to avoid messes being made from spilled drinks, trash, and disruptions such as paper rattling. During teacher led instruction, student will be expected to listen attentively and quietly. They must raise their hand and be recognized before asking a question. Lecture will be conducted in brief 15 minute intervals followed by checks for understanding. While students are doing seatwork, instructor will walk around the room and assist students as needed. Student will be assigned a number 1-4, groups will be assigned by having all numbers get together. For example, all 1’s, 2’s, and so on will form one group. Each student will be assigned a specific role with the group. The group roles will rotate throughout the group. The period will wrap up with a discussion of what we covered in class by asking each student to jot down a few points about the lesson and having them share it with the class, by calling on students randomly to review, or by a teacher summation of the lesson. Teacher will indicate by a prearranged signal time for student to start preparing to leave. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
Organization of the Physical Environment The class room will arranged with the desks in a “U” shaped configuration. There will be ample room between desks for the students and teacher to move freely. The “U” shaped configuration is ideal for teacher led instruction, and is easily adaptable for small and large group work. There will be no impediments between the desks and the chalkboard. All cupboards, cubbies, file cabinets, and desk drawers will be clearly marked with the name of the materials and supplies or equipment they contain with frequently used items stored in the most accessible area. The teacher’s desk will be at the back of the room and out of the way. The walls will be covered with posters with designs in soothing shades with motivational, educational, or inspirational art or text. The wall art will be used enough to provide relief from the bare walls, but not so many that they provide class distractions. Ideas for bulletin board displays include pertinent school and classroom events, themed boards related to topic currently under discussion, and a board aimed at celebrating students’ classroom success. Windows will be hung with curtains and plants will be scattered throughout the room. If space allows, I will have a quiet area with comfortable seating, rug, and lamp, separated from the rest of room by a divider such as a bookcase. This area will be used as a timeout space or as a reward center.

Disciplinary Interventions Even the most efficient classroom manager will need to intervene when student behaviors stray outside of acceptable boundaries. My first step will be preventive measures. I will have reviewed the rules and procedures with the students, and they will be posted in the room. During instruction, whenever possible, I will move throughout the room. This constant movement is to keep me in proximity to the students, and also allows me to check on note taking progress. When I see a student misbehaving, the first step is to look at the offender and make eye contact. If the behavior does not cease, I will move closer to the student or maybe put a hand on the student’s shoulder or call the student’s name to get his or her attention and focus back on the task at hand. Some other options that I have at my disposal to correct infractions are to change the student seating arrangement, to move student to time out area, or to develop a behavior modification contract. Persistent minor offenses will require parent contact in the form of a note, phone call, or parent conference. In the event of severe offenses, such as fighting, school rules hold precedence over the classroom rules, and the student will be sent to the office. I will reinforce positive behavior through a number of ways such as verbal and written praise, positive body language such as a smile, classroom reward system and extra activities such at time spent in the lounge area or extra computer time.

Mental Set The mental set of teacher is extremely important in the classroom. Mental set has the most profound impact on decreasing disruptive behavior. There are two major components of mental set – “withitness” and emotional objectivity. “Withitness” or being conscious of what’s going on in the classroom has the greatest effect on preventing and addressing disruptive behavior. It consists of constantly looking around the classroom, interceding quickly and accurately to reinforce desired behavior, mentally thinking about when and where challenging behavior may occur with certain students, and taking proactive steps to prevent them from occurring &/or escalating. I will use “withitness” when I am constantly moving around the classroom during lecture, seatwork, and group instruction to monitor class so that I can quickly intervene in the event of trouble. Preserving emotional objectivity is really important. Teachers are human with human reactions. Teachers must remove themselves from the emotional aspect and use the mental not the emotional, especially when dealing with problematic students. I will utilize emotional objectiveness by knowing/building contingencies in classroom rules and procedures, and employing behavioral contracts with students. I will also use overlapping, or the ability to attend to two or more simultaneous events, to help with my mental set.
Parental involvement is a key factor in academic success. Parents and teachers must work together to create a successful partnership that will foster success in the classroom. As a teacher, there are a number of ways that I can create and strengthen the parent teacher relationship. Communication is essential. Parental engagement in the schools can fostered with the use of school events such as parent teacher conferences, open house, or special events such as a multicultural fair. Teachers should employ regular communication with parents. Written communication, such as notes sent home by the students, and email can be used to regularly apprise parent of their child’s progress. The teacher’s blog or website should be regularly updated so the parents can be aware of what’s going on in the classroom. I would also try to publish a quarterly newsletter with the assistance of the students to send home. Colleagues can also be of great help with classroom management. Senior colleagues can offer great tips and advice on how to manage problems that you may be experiencing in the classroom. For problem students, who need a change of scenery, a colleague’s classroom may be an excellent avenue for respite.
Getting Off to a Good Start It is really important that teachers try to start off on a positive high note at the beginning of the school year. Careful planning and organization will help start the correct tone. According to Emmer, “Getting off to a good start requires careful attention to how you will communicate your expectations to your classes, introduce your to the students, plan lessons, and assignments, and decide on the sequence and amounts of time of various activities.” In the beginning, I will clearly and consistently review and enforce my rules and procedures. Student success will be encouraged in later lesson by success with lessons early on. Initially, I will use whole group instruction as is simpler and students are still learning the classroom rules and procedures. It is important that I assert myself as the authority figure in the classroom. I will try to use an authoritative style of teacher whereas I am in charge but students find me approachable and fair. I will organize and plan how I will conduct any routine procedures such textbook assignments. I will compile all required paperwork such as class room rosters, and become familiar with school routines and schedules.
Functional Behavior Analysis and Plan A common situation that occurs in classrooms is students speaking out of turn. A student, Tommy, talks out loud and talks back to the teacher when he is corrected. Tommy has many positive attributes. He has plenty of friends and is very social. He likes science and English. Tommy has a favorite uncle whom he sees every other weekend. A number of things may cause the disruptive behavior. Tommy complained of a stomachache, did not complete his homework assignment, and didn’t get enough sleep because he got back late from his weekend outing with his uncle. Tommy was asked to work a problem on the board. Instead of working the problem like he was asked, Tommy continued to talk to his friend. When he was reprimanded by the teacher, he starts to talk back to the teacher. Tommy sees this as a way to get out of working the problem on the board, and he also receives attention from the teacher. Tommy receives a time out for talking out loud and talking back to the teacher. A hypothetical reason for Tommy’s behavior is that he is tired, and has not done his homework. He comes to school after a weekend with his uncle. He is asked to work a science problem on the whiteboard and instead of doing as he was asked he talks out loud and argues with his teacher. Tommy does this in order to get out of the assignment and get attention from the teacher. Observations that support the hypothesis – Tommy told his friend about his great weekend with his uncle; Tommy failed to turn in his homework assignment; Tommy has yawned several times and keeps putting his head down on his desk. My plan to alleviate the problem behavior is to suggest that Tommy complete his homework, prior to his outings with his uncle. Tommy will be asked to work with another student on the problem, and they will jointly put the problem on the board.

Questions 1. How have you managed your class time, classroom space, and learning activities to ensure that your students are actively engaged in learning?

I have scheduled routines and procedures that will be regularly followed in the classroom to keep students on task, to get materials handed out promptly, and to get assignments turned in timely. My classroom space is arranged so that students may engage in several different modes of instruction such as small group, whole group, or teacher led instruction with minimal changes in classroom arrangement. Shelves, cabinets, drawers, etc will be clearly labeled with the materials that are contained within to facilitate quick access to supplies and quick clean up. My desk is located in the back of the room so that I have a clear view of the students in the classroom, so that it does not impede students’ view of the board, and so that students needing assistance at my desk do not disrupt the other students. Learning activities to be completed are written on the board, so that students will know what they need to work on. A set amount of time will be given to each task so that students are less inclined to dawdle. A set cue, such as a timer, will be used to indicate the beginning and end of activities, especially daily activities such as seatwork.

2. What guidelines and resources were used in the development of your classroom management plan?

I mainly used my own experiences as a student, the text, and my peers as sources to help develop my classroom management plan. First and foremost, I used my text, Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers 8th ed.. The text gave a lot of information about what really goes into a classroom management plan. I also talked to a lot of my peers in other classes who are currently teaching for ideas that they implement in their classrooms. Finally, I drew on my own experiences as a student in the classroom, and my observations of veteran teachers during field experiences.

3. How have you implemented your classroom management plan?

I plan on implementing my classroom management plan in a three step process. Step 1 - come up with a workable base plan. Step 2 - introduce the students to rules/procedures that are going to govern the class. Reinforce the plan verbally and physically. Step 3 – look at how the plan is working. Make decisions about what is working/what’s not and make changes accordingly

4. How effective has your classroom management plan been? Has it assisted you sufficiently in managing off-task student behavior so that learning could occur in your classroom? Is the plan manageable or cumbersome? Does it help you accomplish the behavior goals you have set for your students?

I am currently not teaching so I have not had a chance to see my classroom management in action in real life. Based on my experiences, observations, and discussions with others who are teaching, I expect my plan to be fairly effective. It will enable me to manage off task behavior competently enough so that it will not interfere overwhelmingly with classroom learning. I feel that the plan that I have come up with is fairly manageable and will help me be able to accomplish my goal of having an orderly and structured classroom. I also think that my classroom management plan is a flexible document in that it will change as I become a more experienced classroom teacher.

5. What evidence exists that you have, or are developing, an appropriate mental set for teaching? Provide specific examples.

A variety of evidence exists that I have the appropriate mental set for teaching. I am currently an Eligibility Case Manager with the Department of Human Services. I have been with DHS for about five years. In that time, I have had ample opportunity to develop skills that will serve me well as a teacher. Clients are routinely upset with their caseworker about changes in any level of their benefits. One key skill I have learned is not to take the abuse that the clients’ invariably dish out personally. I have learned to distance my feelings about what the client is saying or doing. When calling clients from the lobby, for their interview I encounter a number of different personalities and attitudes. You never know what is waiting for you when you call a new client. I have learned to be very flexible. I have also learned to listen and hear with the client is saying. Difficult life situations are what normally bring clients to DHS. A lot of them feel that they have to explain why they are at DHS. So a big part of my job is just to listen to client, and hear what they have to say.

6. What kind of adjustments/changes have you made in your management plan over time to ensure that students have been more engaged in learning than inappropriate behavior? Provide 1-2 examples to illustrate. What changes do you anticipate making to your classroom management plan in the future? Why?

Being a novice teacher, I know that there will be changes that I will have to account for in my behavior management plan in order to ensure that the class runs smoothly and on schedule so that inappropriate behavior can be dissuaded. For example, initially I will allow students to sharpen their pencils as needed. However if the sharpening of pencils is occurring to frequently or during periods when students should be otherwise occupied, I will change it so that students can only sharpen pencils at the beginning of class before the bell rings. Another example of changes that may need to be made is that initially, I will allow the bell to dismiss students from class. If students start getting for the change of class too early, then I will change the policy to dismissal by teacher. I anticipate making changes in my classroom rules and guidelines in the future. I anticipate these changes because my plan at this point is theoretical only. As I put the plan into action I will make note of what works and what doesn’t and make changes accordingly.

7. Describe one student whose behavior has been a particular discipline challenge for you. What actions did you take to correct the behavior? Which actions were effective? Which were not? Provide a rationale to support your response.

I think that a student who constantly interrupts the class with side activities such as note passing, side conversations, and disruptive outbursts will be a particular discipline challenge for me. Some actions that I will take to try and correct the behavior are planned ignoring where I just ignore the actions of the student, proximity control, cues or signals to the student to try to get them to stop, seat changes, and by having a discussion with the student whereby we try to figure out why the problem is occurring and try to come up with a solution. The actions that I think will be the most effective are proximity control, seat changes, or a conversation with the student. These actions will be the most effective due to students are less likely to engage in an unwanted behavior when the teacher is nearby. Some of the student’s actions may be caused by his access to his friends or his location at the back of the room, so a seat in the front of the room near the teacher and a positive peer role model may be all it takes. A conversation with the student may be warranted so that the teacher can make sure that the student is aware of the impact that their actions have on other students and the consequences if the behavior fails to stop. The actions that would probably be most ineffective are the planned ignoring or the cues. The student may take the planned ignoring as the teacher is unaware or that they are “getting away with acting out”. The student may just easily ignore the signals or cues from the teacher and continue with the misbehavior.

8. How have you changed over time as a classroom manager? How will you continue to grow in this area?

Initially, as a classroom manager, I expect my skills will be lacking in some areas. For example, transitioning between activities and making sure there is no dead air during lessons is a difficult skill for some new teachers to grasp. But as I continue to teach, observe others, and learn new techniques I expect my confidence and expertise will grow in the management of my classroom and student problem behaviors. I will make progress and become a better classroom manager through trial and error, mentorship by senior colleagues, and a continued quest for better ways to do things in the classroom.

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Education and Development: a Rich Ground for Research

... A TERM PAPER ON EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT: A RICH GROUND FOR RESEARCH In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of Education and Development Submitted to: Dr. Manuel Vasay Submitted by: Vincent t. Libres Master of Education Major in Educational Management TABLE OF CONTENTS Core Assumptions and Statements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Local Research Studies on Education and Development - - - - - - - - - - 2 Factors Affecting the Academic Achievement of Grade Five Pupils with Learning Difficulties in Tagum City - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 The Relationship of Vocabulary Proficiency on the Reading Comprehension of Grade Six Pupils in Osmeña Elem. School - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Abroad Research Studies that Provide Tips and Strategies for Better Classroom Management - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Proven Tips and Strategies for a Great First Year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Five Top Strategies to Keep Students Learning in a Calm Classroom Environment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 Summary/Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 References - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 I. Contents A. Core Assumptions and Statements ...

Words: 2363 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Importance of First Day of the Semester for Faculty to get the knowledge about different strategies from various sources like workshops, seminars and articles to make my class more student teacher interactive from the very first day of my semester. Teachers often become anxious about their first day of the semester ,so it is very important to convey clear expectations as well as basic information to the students to make sure that they understand exactly what the course will be, like in terms of prerequisite knowledge and skills, content to be learned and anticipated speed and depth of learning. They must understand your grading system and what the term projects will be, and finally how you plan to teach. Here is a checklist that can be of great help for the faculty to review their first day of the semester: * Establish procedures – Arrive early to get the classroom set up the way you want it. Post instructions on the projector telling the students what you need them to do before class begins (e.g. pick up syllabus, introduce yourself and find a seat.) * Use an entrance table – This is where student pick up the syllabus, and anything else they need to pick up or turn in throughout the semester. * Learn students’ names – Have students introduce themselves as they walk in, and create a seating chart. * Use focus activities – On the screen or board, write what students are to do as soon as they arrive each day to class. On the first day, this could simply be to create a name card. Later on...

Words: 616 - Pages: 3

Premium Essay

Classroom Management

...Classroom Management Plan Description of Setting: I serve as teacher in first grade classroom at Hutchinson Elementary School. The school has more than 900 students of all learning abilities and includes grades 6-8. My classroom will be a place where students feel safe. The classroom rules, designed to assure safety, will be prominently visible in the room. By decorating the classroom with students’ work, the room will be welcoming to the students of all abilities and will make them feel more at home. I believe this is important, because it is easier to learn in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable. Below I discuss the different components of my future classroom in more detail: General classroom arrangement: * My desk will be in the back of the classroom. I will only use the desk for administrative duties, but never during teaching. During teaching, I will either be standing at the black board or circulating about the classroom. I believe it is important to be close to the students and to be up and about at all times, not only to discourage unwanted behavior, but also to show the students that class time is for class business. * The students are arranged in groups of three. This stimulates students to cooperate, but keeps it possible for all tables to face the board in the front of the classroom. It also creates wide aisles between the tables, which makes it easier to circulate about the room. * In the back of the classroom are five trays, one...

Words: 2817 - Pages: 12