...As of recent, my transition to college has been a difficult one. I did not begin college immediately after graduating high school, instead allowing myself a few months in order to recuperate and work to assist my mother before pursing my major in Chemistry. Initially, she was against the idea of finding work, as there were concerns for my health, however, since recently escaping from years of domestic abuse, we are desperately trying to maintain our freedom. Predictably, I was unable to properly take care of my mental health, due to environmental and work stressors, and succumbed to my ailments, including severe depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. My spring semester of college was the most difficult times, because my mother and I...
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...Abolishing the Electoral College Outline: I. Introduction A. Background information---When Americans vote for a President and Vice President, they actually vote for presidential electors, known as the Electoral College. Under this system, each state gets electoral votes equal to the number of its senators and representatives. The number of electoral votes per state ranges from 3 to 55, for a total of 538. To win, a candidate must receive at least half, or 270. 48 states and the District of Columbia currently use “winner-take-all” system, while Maine and Nebraska adopt the district system. B. Thesis statement---Nowadays, the Electoral College betrays American values of majority rule: a candidate can win the election without a majority of popular votes; some states are overrepresented; and a large number of citizens get left out, thus, the Electoral College should be abolished. II. First point---lose vote, but win election A. Transition---why a candidate can win the election without a majority of popular votes. B. Evidence---This can create a situation which has happened four times in American history, most recently in 2000, where a candidate wins the presidential election by close margins in enough states to win the Electoral College, but loses by large margins in other states and thus gets elected with fewer popular votes than his rival, such as George W. Bush. (Abolishing the Electoral College) C. Analysis---the Electoral College was established to...
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...! 1 Running head: SPEECH ANALYSIS Speech Analysis Marianna Henud Cresci UBIS University ! SPEECH ANALYSIS 2 Abstract: This paper responds to two questions presented by professor Philippe Laurent of Organisational Communication course related to the weekly learning material and analyses Steve Job’s speech at Stanford University. ! SPEECH ANALYSIS 3 1. As a listener, what are the biggest clues you have that a speaker has not taken the time to adapt the presentation so it is appropriate for a particular situation? Think of examples of speeches you have seen that did not take into account the situation (audience, speaker, and occasion). What was the impact of this negligence? There are several questions to be asked when watching a presentation that will help identifying if the speaker was prepared or/and if the speaker adapted the presentation to the particular situation. - Is the speaker adapting to the time? For example, consider a formal presentation at an office that was scheduled at two in the afternoon and was rescheduled to six in the evening. The speaker did the exact one hour presentation he spent days planning, without considering that the listeners are tired and itching to go home. Consequently, leaving the speaker frustrated from not getting the expected response from the colleagues. An attentive speaker would have changed his approach to a quicker, more direct presentation. - Is the presenter repeating information that was already given by the previous...
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...the last sentence is the thesis of the essay, which expresses the author’s position on the topic and previews what the entire paper is about. You learn more about writing effective introductions later in this course. Supporting Paragraphs Every paragraph after your introduction must be a supporting paragraph. A supporting paragraph supports or proves your thesis. All supporting paragraphs must include a topic sentence. You may then develop the supporting paragraphs within your paper by using one or more of the following methods: • Examples and illustrations • Data, facts, or historical or personal details • A simple story, or narrative • Descriptions • Division and classification • Analysis • Process analysis • Definitions • Cause-effect • Comparison-contrast • Argument The previous paragraph about journals used examples to support the topic sentence. Consider the paragraph following the introduction:...
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...Achievement Among White and Hispanic College Students Ani Yazedjian Michelle L. Toews Alice Navarro The purpose of this study was to examine whether college adjustment mediated the relationship between parental factors, such as parental attachment, parental education, and parental expectations, and academic achievement among White and Hispanic first-year college students. We found that adjustment mediated the relationship between parental factors—quality of the parental relationship and parental education—and GPA for White students. However, none of the parental factors explained GPA for Hispanic students. These findings support previous research asserting that correlates of academic achievement might vary across ethnic groups. Adjusting to college is a major transition in a young adult’s life. Unfortunately, a large percentage of students are unsuccessful in navigating this transition. In fact, the majority of students who depart their initial institution often leave during their first 2 years (ACT, 2002). Tinto (1975) argued that these departures result from a lack of integration into the college environment and that the first year is particularly critical because it is during this time that students are initially learning to negotiate the challenges of adjusting to a new environment. In support of this argument, recent researchers have found that students who withdraw often do so for personal reasons such as a lack of adjustment to the college environment (Kalsner & Pistole...
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... The interest in this essay will be the academic curriculum transition from secondary education to higher educational institutions such as colleges and universities. Interest in this area affects many individuals preparing for education beyond K12. The purpose of this essay is to provide an outline of how implement a curriculum improvement plan that goes beyond high school transitioning to colleges and universities. Analysis of Curriculum Articulation and Alignment Curriculums in many high schools (systems) throughout America vary, but regionally many public school systems are similar, especially if they are in the same state. Most states mandate certain criteria that must exist in terms of what is expected for graduation. However, school districts do develop their own curriculums, as long as the elements that are mandated exist in the development of each school districts academic plan. By focusing on existing articulation programs a review of what is occurring in Wisconsin and with some reference to California will be used as a comparison to the proposed plan. In most school systems the goal of curriculum articulation as it applies in Wisconsin and California, is to provide educators a method where they can work towards an established articulated curriculum. (Alexson & Kemnitz, 2004) The target is to provide students with a transition between their secondary education towards colleges or universities. (Alexson & Kemnitz, 2004) The overall goal of the...
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...TRANSITIONS IN TEACHING STRATEGIES OF HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY TEACHERS: A GROUNDED THEORY APPROACH Mark Joseph C. Diaz Jerah Mae G. Gilos Kenneth P. Guilan Nerissa E. Sorolla Chapter 1 Introduction to the Study Chapter One has five parts: (1) Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, (2) Statement of the Problem, (3) Significance of the Study (4) Definition of Terms, and (5) Scope and Delimitation of the Study. Part One, Background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, justifies the need for the investigation, describes the origin of the study, discusses the importance of selecting the problem, and the reason for conducting it. Part Two, Statement of the Problem, presents the purpose and enumerates the problems answered in the study. Part Three, Significance of the Study, states and tells the importance and benefits that may be derived from the findings. Part Four, Definition of Terms, clarifies the meaning of the terms used in this investigation. Part Five, Scope and Delimitation of the Study, sets the limit and scope of the investigation. Background of the Study Throughout the history, societies have sought to educate people to produce goods and services, to respond effectively and creatively to their world and to satisfy their curiosity and aesthetic impulses. Education involves theory and empirical sets of knowledge and learning as well. Teaching is the process of helping their learners economically and efficiently. It is...
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...CHAPTER 14 Motivation for Eating and the Nutrition Transition in the Philippines Steven R. Hawks, Hala N. Madanat, TeriSue Smith and M. Lelinneth B. Novilla INTRODUCTION To a large extent, the growing epidemic of global obesity can be explained by rapid changes in dietary patterns that are taking place in both developed and developing societies (Rigby et al., 2004). Specifically, traditional diets that were rich in grains, fiber, fruits and vegetables, are giving way to modern diets that are high in fat, sugar, and sodium (Popkin, 1994). The United States, as one example, progressed through the nutrition transition over a period of approximately 100 years and has now fully transitioned from a traditional to modern diet (Popkin, 2001a). Currently, the U.S. diet derives approximately 33% of calories from fat (Popkin et al., 2001) and the U.S. has achieved one of the highest levels of obesity in the world (23.5%) (Flegal et al., 2002). The prevalence of American obesity continues to climb at alarming rates (a 55% increase between 1980-1994) (Mokdad et al., 2003). Other countries are going through similar nutrition transitions, but at accelerated rates and often with more harmful results (Popkin, 2002). The global epidemic of overnutrition and obesity poses one of the major public health challenges of the coming century (James, 2004). It has been argued that the nutrition transition is an expected consequence of the demographic and economic changes that accompany development (Popkin...
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...Critical Theory Case Study Analysis As introduced in the original case study, “Admissions Professionals in Academic Units”, the admissions office and the College of Sciences at Flagship University remain deadlocked. As an organization, the admissions office exists to recruit, admit, and enroll diverse, high ability students. The College of Sciences exists to educate and serve enrolled students in specific fields through diverse learning experiences and student life resources that ensure persistence through graduation. Jamie’s role has been to work with and for admissions on behalf of the college to address concerns of recruitment, admissions, and enrollment. In addition, Jamie works with the college to ensure prospective students are aware...
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...look back, I think the one event that really turned my life around was joining the Navy, 20 years later and I must say it was a decision well made. As I graduated high school my thought process was to be the first person in my family to go to college. Here I am an 18 year old boy from Queens, New York having to travel more than an hour to college, taking two buses and a train. Now this does not sit well with someone when it is in the middle of winter and you feel like the city is just eating you up. It was at that point where I figured college life was not for me. Transitioning from a place where I knew plenty of people to an environment that was completely made of strangers also contributed to my decision on leaving college. Now here I am attending college, it feels like things have come full circle; I am now laying the foundation for my children setting the example that I did not have while I was growing up. As for my future, I am looking forward to gaining more experience through more watershed moments and hopefully I have the awareness to enjoy the transition from the ending to the new beginnings. Situation Analysis When I was 18 years old going to college living with my parents, I have made up my mind to drop out of college and join the military. I did not know...
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...Contents: Proposed Business 3 Problem Statement 3 Business Concept with Industry Analysis 3 Competitor Analysis 3 Target Market 4 Strategic Positioning 4 Critical Risks 4 Economics of the Business and Operations Plan: 5 Primary Ten Year Plan 5 Details of Alternative Plans 6 Analysis………...…………………………………………………………………………………7 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………….…7 Appendix 8 References…………………………….…………………………………………………………11 Proposed Business Problem Statement The importance of obtaining a college education to work in today’s society cannot be overstated. That is why in recent years high schools have started to encourage students to pursue a college education as well as begin to prepare the students for college. The current methods high schools are implementing offer general ways of preparing students for college that are often times ineffective and lack proper execution. Since college preparation is critical for high school students to increase their chance of successfully graduating from college, it is now more crucial than ever before to provide proper college preparation for tomorrow’s college students. However college preparation requires more than just helpful techniques for studying and teaching yourself. College preparation also requires a good amount of hard work and learning core subjects that form the foundation for which we build our knowledge upon in college. We are aware that the majority of future jobs involve science, mathematics, and technology...
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...Vocational College in Chicago Though organizations most often do not adopt formal change models in their organizational cultures, change models manifest themselves in modified versions consistent with those that have already been researched. A vocational college in downtown Chicago, Illinois has a change model process which resembles the complexity model. The complexity model of organizational fits closely with the culture of the vocational college. The outcomes resulting from this change model vary. Inhibitors to the change process have stifled change progression in this organization. Change agents in the organization are not readily identifiable making it tough to determining who leads change in the vocational college. This composition will examine the aforementioned aspects of the change process as it relates to the vocational college in detail. Conclusions drawn from this analysis will be based on how it compares to using other change models found in research. A more stable and formal change model might be more effective in this vocational college. If the organization sticks to its current change model, success can be realized if all essential steps are complete. Background on the Change Process The vocational college has recently faced mandatory new construction in the English as a Second Language department of the college. The new construction has forced the college to become denser concerning classroom space. This has caused the other three schools in the college (healthcare...
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...EDUCATION Louisiana State University (LSU), Honors College, Baton Rouge, LA Bachelor of Accounting, E.J. Ourso College of Business August 2012 – May 2016 GPA 3.05 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Accounting Department Suite, E.J. Ourso College of Business at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA Student worker, assisted the Accounting Department Coordinator and the Accounting Department Undergraduate Adviser with their everyday duties, as well as maintaining the departmental front desk and answering service August 2014 - Present Splash Kingdom Family Waterpark, Shreveport, LA Guest service team member, served on a daily rotating basis at one of eight points of sale varying between the gift shop, ticket booth, front entrance gate, and concession stands, as well as handling customer satisfaction issues and acting inside the park mascot costume May 2014 – September 2014 Accounting Department, E.J. Ourso College of Business at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA Student researcher, investigated and reported on current issues in the realm of accounting, for the purpose of eventually contributing to a published article, working in collaboration with faculty mentor Dr. Samuel L. Tiras January 2014 - Present Shell Undergraduate Research Lab, Geology Department at LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 2013 Student researcher, generated and cataloged data from state databases and field experiment reports for professor Dr. Jeffery Nunn who was working for the Chevron Corporation toward a solution...
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...STONE COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Leadership – Fast-Track Program for Adults Student Name: ____________________________ Student ID#: _______________________________ Advisor: __________________ Phone: __________________ Date: ________________ Official Unofficial □ □ Introductory Courses (All introductory courses require a minimum grade of C-) PLS 201 _____________ PLS 202 ______________ Information Literacy & Research Writing Critical Reasoning& Academic Skills RUA – Assessment Test Compass Reading ________ Compass Writing ________ University Writing Requirement ENG 100 _______________ ENG 101 (If required by RUA) English Placement ________ Math Domain ________ ________ ________ ______________ ENG 102 PLS 220 ______________ ______________ Introduction to Composition Argument, Analysis, Research Math Score Math Placement MATH 095 _______________ (If required by RUA) MATH 110 or higher_______ Quantitative Literacy Technological Literacy Grade of C or higher required in all OLED courses. See reverse for important information on pre-requisites. Major Courses in Organizational Leadership OLED 320 ________________ Intro to Org Communication I OLED 325 ________________ Intro to Org Communication II OLED 330 ________________ Foundations of Org Leadership OLED 335 ________________ Organizational Change OLED 350 ________________ Group Dynamics and Facilitation Or Transitions: TRDV...
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...Value tree paper Decision analysis assists in the process of structural thinking about decisions and the development of supportive subjective judgments that form a basis for good decisions. There are four main phases involved in the process of decision analysis that is the problem structuring, preference elicitation, recommendation decision and sensitivity analysis. Under the problem structuring phase several issues need to be identified and defined. The first task to be carried out involves context decision definition. For example, this is the stage of identifying a college. After defining the problem, the objectives or objective is defined. For example, to come up with the decision of attending my college, the main objective was to find a college which offers the course that will assist me in gaining access to my career. In addition, the college had to offer that course at an affordable price and be near my place of residence (Howard, & Matheson 2005). The next step involves the generation and identification of decision alternatives. Under this step, I evaluated different colleges which I could attend that offered the same course as the one I needed. After this, a hierarchical model of the objectives is formed. This assists in easily understanding the relationship existing between the objectives more easily. Moreover, a basis for further analysis is also created. Finally, measures are provided so as to identify the extent to which the decision alternatives satisfy...
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