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Community Treatment Programs Research Paper

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Eddie, I agree with you that community treatment programs for juveniles have numerous benefits and I it is very commendable that you mention being willing to assist with a program such as this. Furthermore, I agree with you that some juveniles tend to make poor decisions. Truth be told I think we all could have been one poor decision away from not becoming law enforcement. I remember what it was like being a juvenile and thinking I already had the world figured out. You mentioned having the program in a neighborhood away from the juveniles own neighborhood. To me that sounds like a sensible idea. Remove the juvenile from his or her own environment and from some of the factors that could be contributing to the mischievous behaviors and see …show more content…
You bring up a good question as to what problems will arise for the neighborhood or the juvenile if the treatment program is not successful. To me it makes more sense to have a juvenile treatment center or any treatment center in a more metro or downtown city area. Transportation would be easier and there would be less restrictions on the center itself, as opposed to working with HOA regulations and getting the neighborhood community members on board.

Travis, You are absolutely correct in your assertion that law enforcement can learn a lot from just observing the gang members. We can learn their routines, values, hierarchy, colors, rivals, communication and much more. I like the point you made about gangs providing information to guards to get the heat off themselves. It just goes to showing us the importance of good communication and rapport with these members. With good rapport, they will be more likely to tell us what is going on, or even, something that might possibly be about to happen i.e. a hit or brawl between rival gangs inside the yard.

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