...Strategic Plan Part 1 Walt Disney: Conceptualizing new service division Will Johnson BUS/475 March 12, 2015 Frank Bearden Strategic Plan Part 1: Conceptualizing new service division Introduction The Disney brand is a global powerhouse, renown for entertaining hundreds of millions of people over the past 75 years. Founder Walt Disney (d. 1966) took a simple vision of an animated mouse and turned it into a fantastical empire full of breathtaking imaginations come to life. The Disney Company is an organization which embraces constant innovations, one which the corporate world admires. It is because of this restless and intrepid spirit that Disney consistently lands on Forbes ‘Best Of’ lists, including Most Reputable Businesses and Most Valuable Brand (Forbes, 2014). Some of Disney's breakthrough innovations include the first motion feature using sound (Steamboat Willie), the first full-length animated feature film (Snow White), the first ‘4-D’ feature film (Captain E/O starring Michael Jackson), and the world’s first fully-interactive ‘themed park’ (Disneyland). This ‘company of firsts’ highlights the importance of an organization staying true to its mission statement while pushing above and beyond, breaking new ground with bold, visionary ideas. But Disney is not done. The Disney Company doesn’t rest on its laurels; and there are still new frontiers to discover in this illustrious company. Having developed new advancements in entertainment, Disney now points its...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business Karon Kanadjian Bus/475 June 24, 2014 Kathleen Kemmer Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business This paper will explain the strategic plan for Newmont Mining Corporation’s newest venture, while defining the vision, mission, and goals of this Corporation and how it will interlink. It will state the company’s values and will offer strategic direction while considering the culture, social responsibility, and ethics. It will show how the mission statement along with the vision and values will help the company to achieve success in its new venture of promoting gold in a new format, and how it will guide the strategic direction of the company. It will address the needs of the public and global economies and how the company will offer a competitive advantage over all other companies in this industry. Company History Newmont Mining Corporation is an exploration, refining, and marketing company of gold and copper. They operate in the US, Australia, Peru, Indonesia, Ghana, New Zealand, and Mexico. As of December 31, 2013 , Newmont employed 15,085 people with its headquarters in Denver, Colorado. For the year ended in December 2013, they recorded revenues of $8,322 million. They are considered to be one of the largest producers of gold in the world (“Newmont”, 2014). Vision ...
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...•Ch. 10: Questions 1, 7, 8, & 19; Question 1: Georgia Lazenby believes a current liability is a debt that can be expected to be paid in one year. Is Georgia correct? Explain. * That is correct. Otherwise (if over a year) it would be a long term liability. Question 7: (a) What are long-term liabilities? Give two examples. * Debts that must be paid for a period in excess of a year. Long term note payable; mortgage (b) What is a bond? * A bond is a form of debt Question 8: Contrast these types of bonds: (a) Secured and unsecured. * A secured bond has a claim on something (revenue or property) unsecured has no claim and is just the credit of the person repaying. (b) Convertible and callable. * Convertible means that the bond can be exchanged for common stock. * Callable means it can be taken by the person issuing it at certain times for a certain price. If the holder can hold it to maturity is not callable. Question 19: Valentin Zukovsky says that liquidity and solvency are the same thing. Is he correct? If not, how do they differ? * They are different - Liquidity and solvency are dashboard signs of your financial health. The former, also known as cash flow, measures your ability to pay monthly bills and meet emergencies that require cash. Solvency refers to net worth, which is how much you have left to call your own if you pay off your debts. Brief Exercise BE10-1; BE10-1 Kananga Company has these obligations...
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...Professional Selling In order for a company to get off the ground, much of the time they need to sell the product through different promotional strategies. This could be through advertising or door to door sales, whatever the company feels will help sell their product. Pet Buddy is in this exact situation now as they are in the introduction phase. They are trying to get off the ground anyway they can, and in order to do so, they must get out and use professional selling. In business they usually say, “Nothing happens until someone sells something”, this could not be any truer ("Professional Selling", n.d.). The company cannot continue to pay their payroll and spend on research and development if the product is not selling. The company just needs to decide how they will sell their product. Different Promotional Strategies The Pet Buddy Company has decided to go through a few different promotional selling strategies in order to get their feet off the ground. They will use minimal advertising at first because they will need the funds in order to advertise as advertising can be fairly expensive. This is why it is important to find the right person to get cheaper advertising through newspapers and flyers, but get the “bang for their buck” they are looking for as well. They will use also use digital marketing and the same applies to digital marketing as does it to advertising. The real selling happens in the other strategies including; sales promotions, direct...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: The Shooting Gallery Wayne Niswander BUS/475 September 4, 2014 Shannon Mathis-Roberts Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: The Shooting Gallery Within the city limits of Temecula and Murrieta California, there are six businesses that sell firearms and ammunition. However, there are very few locations nearby for people to go and shoot. For this project, the writer will discuss a business proposal for a shooting range that will be located within close proximity to Temecula and Murrieta. Some of the topics to be discussed are the company’s mission and vision and how they relate to the overall strategic objectives of the company. The Shooting Gallery will be an indoor shooting range within the city limits located in the commercial district in the far western end of the city away from any residential areas. The company hopes to draw customers from Moreno Valley to Lake Elsinore to Escondido. Mission and Vision Mission Statement The premise for “The Shooting Gallery” is to create a place for customers to patronize for the purpose using their firearms. The mission of the Shooting Gallery is to provide the firearms enthusiast a safe and inviting environment in which they can enjoy the sport of shooting. For gun owners in the immediate area there are not many locations at all to go and shoot. There is a shooting club in eastern Murrieta that requires membership and another range just south of Temecula in the Rainbow...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product of an Existing Business Stephanie Crossman BUS/475 12/11/15 Darrell Costello Table of Contents I. Title Page II. Table of Contents III. Executive Summary IV. Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: * Conceptualizing a New Product of an Existing Business V. Conclusion VI. Reference Page * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Executive Summary * This report is providing information on the future of profitability of SanDisk in regards to a new product launch. SanDisk is proud to announce our new product launch and partnership with Sony Electronics. Their latest and greatest 4K Televisions will now also be equipped with a built-in SanDisk Memory Card. The memory card will be accessed through the record button on the remote control. This new launch and partnership is going to change not only our industry, but the cable and satellite industry as well. Our innovation will replace the need for a DVR. * * New Product Mission Statement * The new Built-in Memory Cards endeavor of SanDisk and Sony is a very innovative division for both our companies. It is initialling going to be geared toward enhancing the viewers home entertainment experience. As time passes, we will be able to build on the consumers’ experience by combining more features to make this product compatible...
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...Strategic Plan Part 1: Conceptualizing a Business 1 Strategic Plan Part 1: Conceptualizing a Business BUS/475 - Integrated Business Topics Michael Portillo August 29, 2011 Strategic Plan Part 1: Conceptualizing a Business 2 GPS Marketing is a marketing company that specializes in getting qualified guaranteed prospects to see in front of independent insurance agents. GPS actually stands for “Guaranteed Prospects to See”. GPS Marketing guarantees every agent that comes aboard with our company that we will put them in front of at least 15 qualified prospects. GPS Marketing’s mission statement is “ Our goal is to get independent insurance agents in front of qualified annuity prospects on a favorable basis which in return increases their income substantially. We do this in a multitude of ways and we want to show you just how we can help you and your business.” In the following paragraphs is a description of how GPS Marketing can do just that. Our first program that we offer our independent insurance agents is our GPS program or our Guaranteed Prospects to See Program. GPS guarantees each of our new independent agents that we will send out one-thousand mailers which are done through direct mail. GPS sends this direct mail to a particular demographic. What this means is that this mailer will only be sent to those individuals that make at least an income of $50,000 or more, own their own home, and are between the ages of 50 and 70 years old. GPS does this for the agent...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business Nikki Dockery BUS475 – Integrated Business Topics December 1, 2014 Dr. Sarita Wesley Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business Innovation is evolution within the business world, without it all businesses would stay at a standstill. In order for a business to go anywhere, they need to evolve and grow with the companies around them in which they may compete, as well as with their customers. If a business does not grow with their customers, then those customers will find a business that is better for them. Within the confectioner’s world, there are very few that cater 100% to their customers’ needs or wants. In my surrounding area many individuals can only buy their cakes, cupcakes, cookies, chocolates, etc., from the grocery store. Limiting personalization for those wanting specific pieces. None of these locations provide any type of “treats” that specify to the 21 and older crowd. As a home baker (starting off with baby steps) experimenting with flavors and liquor has peeked some interest with potential clients. There are no other locations that they can go to get their favorite cake flavor and have it infused with their favorite liquor. Business, Product, and Customers: Mission Statement. According to Pearce and Robinson (2009), the mission of a company is the unique purpose that...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part 1: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of Existing Business Mary Locket Bus/475 July 22, 2015 Franky Johnson Strategic Plan, Part 1: Conceptualizing a Business Introduction The sought after products Ingram offers such computers, software, storage devices and so on will give in such a way that the consumer will report nothing but positive feedback. This is a company that strives to provide the most outstanding services and leads the completion by far. They offer services such as financial planning initiatives for corporation seeking to improve their corporation. These services not only provide a way to improve your business but it provides the technology that by far exceeds the leading corporations that offer these services. The idea of offering warranties for the devices they sell opens a whole new dimension that involves reshaping the company to allow for the growth and become the industry’s leading sought after company for the services they provide. The new offer for technical support which provides online chat and remote assistance with problems people experience will allow for the company to improve on company’s morale and dedication. This will allow for customers to seek advice for their purchased products and allow the new desire for other products that are available. If the customer is satisfied they will be a good referring agent and continue to add to the growth of the company. These steps will allow for...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business Giovanni Anselmo BUS/475 June 29, 2015 Sarita Wesley Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business Aura Cacia is a leader in aromatherapy sales and quality, as well as a key source of expert information that has fueled the widespread awareness of aromatherapy that can be seen today. Aura Cacia prides itself in sourcing authentic, high-quality essential oils and dealing face-to-face with the people growing the plants and extracting the essential oil whenever it is feasible. Aura Cacia frequently makes trips to visit its suppliers and processors to demonstrate their commitment to finding the best sources for their oils. Aura Cacia carries products for aromatherapy such as essential oils, perfumes, to skin care oils, body butters, aromatherapy mists, scent stones, candle lamp and eye pillows as well as bath and a massage products. ("Aura Cacia", 2014). Aura Cacia's Mission Statement Aura Cacia's mission statement is to make aromatherapy easy by offering an extensive selection of high-quality essential oils and aromatherapy products for all ages and spaces ("Aura Cacia", 2014). Aura Cacia is dedicated to serving a variety of customers encompassing a variety cultures, ethnicities, and religions all with the common goal of achieving relaxation, stress relief, balance, purity of mind and body...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing in Business Victoria N Wilbert BUS 475 December 1, 2014 Ryan Simpson Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing in Business Innovation is a money and time saver that will help an organization achieve a competitive advantage to grow and adapt in the marketplace. Innovation refers to implementing new ideas, creating dynamic products, and improving existing services. Businesses that innovate create more efficient work processes and have better productivity and performance. Innovation is the key to competitive advantage for a successful organization. Best Buy’s New Division and Product Innovation requires new ideas. Best Buy is constantly thinking of ways to keep its customers happy. Best Buy is now reaching out to the customers who want to give back to their community. Best Buy is creating a new division called Best Giving. This division's focus will be on helping others in local communities. The mission statement of Best Giving is “To give peace, hope, and help to local communities through the generosity of our loyal customers”. As part of Best Buy’s undefined mission statement “… a growth company focused on better solving the unmet needs of our customers…” (Strategic Management Insight, 2013), Best Giving is meeting customer needs by altering the rewards card program. The card will now allow customers to give back their earned rewards to a charity of their choice. Customers can choose what percentage...
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...with consistent success in achieving revenue, profit and business growth objectives, within turn around environments in financial services industry. Highly successful in building relationship with senior decision makers, leading and motivating teams and managing Profit & Loss (P&L) for business divisions. Proven ability in driving new business through key accounts, establishing strategic partnerships and complex, multi-channel relationships to increase channel revenue. Capabilities in - Wealth Management - Profit Centre Operations - Customer Relationship Management - Business Development - Product Management - Marketing/Brand Management - Legal Business Issues - Channel Management - People Management Career Highlights ABC1 Inc. Aug.’06 till date The ABC1 Inc. - Asset Management Company is among the top ten asset managers in India. Launched in April 2006, ABC1 Inc. Portfolio Management Services (PMS) caters to the unique needs of enterprises and High Networth Individuals. Vice President - (Portfolio Management Services) Distinction of establishing the PMS business and increasing assets under management to US$ 250 Million, a ten fold increase within one year of operations Conceiving and developing channels for distribution and marketing of existing and new products, established channel partnerships with 10 leading wealth managers...
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...evaluation of internal processes in my organization that includes a solution as a contributing factor of the appreciation of innovation within a culture of an organization. This paper will address the problem of innovation of entering a new market and key strategies of the solution. This company is a small organization that repairs people’s credit to secure a successful financial future. In order to achieve growth, the owners are currently trying to target a different market than what the normal course of business is in hopes of gaining perspective clientele from this market. They are adding a bankruptcy attorney to initiate contacts after bankruptcy is dismissed. To be successful in this environment, a manager needs to identify those activities at which the management and the venture excel, not just activities in which they perform equally well with the competition (Ehmke). Organization’s failures during innovation stem from innovative ideas that are incorporated into an existing market and expanded upon. Adding the bankruptcy attorney to the current processes is not a bad idea which adds value to the existing services offered, and in fact will add an additional enterprise to the existing product. Continued evaluation of the product being offered will aid in managing issue that will arise. Since the owners are the only two financial shareholders in the company, their belief is they make all the decisions without input from anyone else. This company is already equipped...
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...Business Model and Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing a New Product or Service Division of an Existing Business BUS/475 February 9th, 2015 Table of Contents Introduction …………………………………………………………………….... 3 V-Gym analysis…..………………………………………………………………. 3 V-Gym’s mission statement and vision ………………………………………….. 4 Values and guiding principles..,………………………………………….………. 5 Organization’s strategic direction and aims …………………………..…………. 6 Customers need satisfaction and Achievement of Competitive Advantage……… 6 Conclusion………...………………………………………………………………. 7 References………...………………………………………………………………. 9 Introduction A Strategic plan is fundamental to conceptualizing and building up new business that existed for success. Mission, vision, and value statements are crucial factors that take a place as guiding and controlling standards for a business's strategic initiatives. This paper is Part 1 of my strategic plan descriptive analysis of mission and vision of V-Gym, and how all these statements will help V-Gym to separate itself from its rivals. In addition to that, the paper likewise discuss V-Gym's values, which are represented by its vision and mission statements, and how these values guide the organization's strategic directions, which thus will help the organization to fulfill its stakeholders, expand productivity, and separate itself from its rivals. V-Gym Analysis My business plan is focusing...
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...BUSINESS MODEL and STRATEGIC PLAN PART I BUS/475 January 12, 2015 BUSINESS MODEL and STRATEGIC PLAN PART I When conceptualizing a new product line of compact track loaders for Terex Corporation it is necessary to develop a strategic plan to meet the needs of the consumer and a innovative mission statement, vision, inline with Terex Corporation’s values. This will assist Terex Corporation to achieve success in its new venture. The division to manage this new product line will be customer-focused, adhering to an innovative mission statement reaching to attain the company’s vision. It will address the customer needs; therefore, achieving a competitive advantage. Terex Corporation Terex Corporation is a lifting and material handling solutions company diversified in five categories: Aerial Work Platforms, Construction, Cranes, Material Handling & Port Solutions and Materials Processing. The company manufactures a wide range of equipment serving customers in various industries, including construction, infrastructure, manufacturing, shipping, transportation, refining, energy, utility, quarrying, and mining industries. The new product line of compact track loaders is being integrated into Terex from its most recent merger with Manitex. Terex Corporation mission statement is “To provide solutions to our Machinery and Industrial Product customers that yield superior productivity and return on investment.” Its vision is: • Customer-to be the most customer...
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