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Department of Defense (Dod) Ready


Submitted By Hedake316
Words 2282
Pages 10
Department of Defense (DoD) Ready The task is establish security policies for my firm of approximately 390 employees and make them Department of Defense (DoD) compliant. To achieve this goal, a list of compliance laws must be compiled to make sure we me the standard. I will outline the controls placed on the computing devices that are being utilized by company employees. I will develop a plan for implementation of the new security policy. The task of creating a security policy to make my firm DoD complaint starts with knowing what laws to become complaint with. There an array of laws to adhere to, but I have listed the majors laws that the firm must comply with. The following is a list of laws that the firm must become complaint with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). The DFARS contains requirements of law, DoD-wide policies, delegations of FAR authorities, deviations from FAR requirements, and policies/procedures that have a significant effect on the public (DPAP, 2014). The following is a list of standards for handling unclassified DoD information retrieved from Hogan Lovells website (2016).
• prohibiting the posting of any DOD information on websites unless they are restricted to users that provide user ID/password, digital certificate, or similar credentials
• using the “best level of security and privacy available” for transmissions of any DOD information transmitted via email, text messaging, and similar technologies;
• transmitting any DOD information via telephone or fax only when reasonably assured that access is limited to authorized recipients;
• protection of all DOD information by at least one physical (e.g., locked container) or electronic (e.g., user/password restriction) barrier;
• sanitization of media in accordance with NIST protocols prior to disposal;
• implementation of regularly updated malware

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