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Disneyland Research Paper

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It was a warm and sunny day, we had decided to go to Disneyland for summer vacation, it was last year, and my mom and dad were in a rare happy-go-lucky mood. We planned to stay in a hotel and go to Disneyland every day for the week. My cousins and their parents were somewhere else in the park, and we were planning to rendezvous near the entrance so we could eat together in a few hours. I had went through almost through all of the rides in Disneyland and we were going to leave soon. Well, we WERE. Then I saw the rollercoaster. Let me tell you how menacing the ride looked. The words “Screaming California” (or California Screamin’, I forgot) was implanted in the middle of the ride. As I watched, I saw an attendant lead people into the rollarcar, …show more content…
There was even a loop de loop. “Mom, can I ride that?”, I said, pointing towards the rollercoaster
She gave me one of her famous “what-the-hell-are-you-thinking-are-you-insane?” looks. I know from experience that meant “No”, but somehow, I managed to convince her (and my dad) to let me go on the ride. The stupid part of my brain that said “This ride will be awesome!” took over the rational part of my brain that said “Oh my god you’re an idiot” and I decided to get in line.
It was at this point that my brain stopped thinking, “This is gonna be awesome!” when my common sense took over. When I was younger, I had decided to ride a rollercoaster similar to this one in Great America, I had waited in line for nearly half an hour when I realized all the other people in line were adults. I was afraid and wanted to get out, but when I looked back, I was too deep in and the line was too crowded for me to go back to the entrance. So I was forced to wait. When we got to the front of the line, I wimped out and ran to the exit, not rushing back. I lied to my mom and dad that I rode the rollercoaster and said it was

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