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Dress Me Well Research Report


Submitted By Resi
Words 2483
Pages 10
Research Report for DressMeWell

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………….2
2. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..3
3. Research Questions and Hypotheses……………………………………………………...4
4. Methodology…………………………………………………………………………...….6
4.1 Research and Sample Design………………………………………………………….6
4.2 Data Collection………………………………………………………………………..7
4.3 Measurements…………………………………………………………………………8
4.4 Questionnaire Development…………………………………………………………..9
5. Sample Description…………………………………………………………..................10
6. Data Analysis and Findings……………………………………………………………...11
6.1 Analysis of the Research Questions………………………………………................11
6.2 Analysis of the Additional Questions……………………………………................15
7. Discussion of Results and Recommendations..………………………………………….17
8. Scope and Limitations…………………………………………………………………...18
9. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….18
Appendix A: Research Questionnaires…………………………………………….22 Appendix B: Codebook…………………………………………………………….27 Appendix C: SPSS Output…………………………………………………………29

1. Executive Summary
The marketing research study at hand gives recommendations to DressMeWell concerning the Dutch speaking public’s view of its face-match application and offers possible ideas to improve it. Therefore, the research team used demographic characteristics, brand awareness, interest in additional face-match applications and the ease of use as main factors to study the following problem statement: “To what extent does the face-match application lead people to the final online purchase?”. In consideration of answering this problem statement, six research questions were prepared and analyzed by using different statistical methods. A descriptive research, using a representative sample of 113 Dutch speaking respondents was conducted in November and December 2012 using an online questionnaire. The research team processed, analyzed and interpreted the answers in order to obtain meaningful results and recommendations for DressMeWell.

The results of the marketing study revealed that the face-match application for sunglasses does not lead the Dutch speaking population to the final purchase online. Furthermore, people perceive the application difficult to use and are not satisfied with the personal advice offered by DressMeWell. Additionally the results of the study showed, that participants are neutral towards additional face-match applications and that gender was not a significant factor to explain differences in online buying behavior. Moreover, the research study revealed that participants are not willing to share their picture and personal information with DMW. All these results have been interpreted and transformed into recommendations for DressMeWell. The outcomes of this research study are representative, yet there are certain limitations such as the small sample size, non-proportional sample and convenience bias. While evaluating the research results, these limitations should be taken into consideration.

2. Introduction
Launched in May 1st 2012 in the Netherlands, DressMeWell is a start-up company which has begun the sunglasses App in July on its website The company aims at providing personal fashion advice to men and women regarding clothing and accessories, starting with sunglasses. Through the face-match application and after signing up giving personal information, the visitors have the chance to identify the most suitable sunglasses according to their facial shape, individual characteristics and geometrical dimensions. The complete process involves uploading a face picture and indicating attributes such as skin tone, eye and hair color, as well as personal data. After a careful assessment of these features the website provides a wide range of suggested sunglasses offering the visitor a broad choice. The success of the company relies on a target group who incurs in online purchases and who is willing to receive a free, fast and highly reliable fashion advice. Accordingly the company needs to take into consideration the different demographics, the online buying behavior and the ease of use of the online application of the customers it wants to reach.
The purpose of this research report is to delineate the usefulness of the DressMeWell face-match application and consequently to come up with meaningful recommendations by elaborating on the following problem statement: “To what extent does the face-match application lead people to the final online purchase?”.
In order to be able to respond to the problem statement, this research report firstly starts by introducing all the research questions jointly with their hypotheses and their inherent explanations. Secondly the methodology of the study is going to be outlined, followed by the research and sample design, the data collection method, the measurement used, and the questionnaire development explanation. Thirdly a description of the sample frame is outlined with regards to its demographics. Afterwards the data analysis will follow, describing and explaining the findings in detail; recommendations, scopes and limitations of them will then be given. Lastly the research report will conclude by recapitulating the most important factors determining the usefulness of the DressMeWell face-match application.

3. Research Questions and Hypotheses
The aim of this research is to analyze to what extent the face-match application, offered by DressMeWell, leads people to the final online purchase. In order to answer this research problem, the research team formulated six research questions. According to these questions, hypotheses have been composed. Each hypothesis involves a null and an alternative hypothesis that can be statistically tested, hence the final results provide meaningful answers to the research problems. In order to provide an answer to the problem statement, the research team focused on the relationship between dependent and independent variables. As independent variables, the research team concentrated on different demographics. The dependent variables include the awareness of the DressMeWell application and the interest in buying sunglasses online. In the following, the research questions are listed with their corresponding hypotheses.

Research question one: To what extent does the ease of use of the face-match application relate to different age groups?
H0: The ease of use of the face-match application is not related to different age groups.
Ha: The ease of use of the face-match application is negatively related to people older than forty years old.
The first research question examines whether the face-match application is easy to use for different Dutch-speaking age groups. The research team asked the whole sample and checked whether people older than forty years perceive the face-match application less easy to use than the other age groups. The proportion was tested against forty years because the research group felt that people of higher age might perceive the application’s ease of use more difficult, because it involves familiarity with technology’s usage.

Research question two: Does the gender have an influence on the interest in buying sunglasses online?
H0: Gender does not have an influence on the interest in buying sunglasses online.
Ha: Gender does have an influence on the interest in buying sunglasses online.
Women are said to be more fashion conscious than men. When suggesting that there is some truth in this common testimonial, one might argue that women are more likely to buy sunglasses online than men. With respect to the mentioned stereotype, the research team tested the preference for buying sunglasses online according to gender.

Research question three: Is there a relation between the satisfaction of the advice offered for sunglasses and expectations?
H0: There is no relation between the satisfaction of the advice offered for sunglasses and expectations.
Ha: There is a relation between the satisfaction of the advice offered for sunglasses and expectations.
The research team expects there to be a relationship between the variables satisfaction and expectation, since people are more likely to be satisfied with the advice if it meets their expectations. The team would like to test if such a relationship is indeed present by comparing these two variables.

Research question four: To what extent does gender have an influence on the awareness of DressMeWell?
H0: Gender does not have an influence on the awareness of DressMeWell.
Ha: Gender does have an influence on the awareness of DressMeWell.
As mentioned before, in general, women are believed to be more fashion conscious then men. And because DressMeWell is a fashion-related service, the research team would like to ascertain if this higher level of fashion consciousness leads to a higher awareness of DMW.

Research question five: Would people be interested in additional face-match applications for DressMeWell (make-up, haircuts, glasses, colored lenses etc.)?
H0: People are not interested in additional face-match applications for DressMeWell (µ= 45
Q2. Wat is uw geslacht? _Vrouw _Man
Q3. Wat is uw nationaliteit? _Nederlands(e) _Belgisch(e) _Anders, namelijk_____
Q4. Wat is uw jaarlijks netto inkomen (in Euro’s)? _0-19,999 _20,000-39,999 _40,000-59,999 _>=60,000
Q5. Wat is het hoogste niveau van onderwijs dat U gevolgd heeft? _Middelbare school _MBO _HBO _Universiteit _Anders, namelijk ______
Q6. Was U op de hoogte van DressMeWell voor dit onderzoek? Zo ja, hoe? _Ja, via _______ _Nee
Q7. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “Ik zou een zonnebril via het internet kopen.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens

Q8. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “Ik heb hoge verwachtingen van de DressMeWell applicatie.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens

Opent U a.u.b. de website van DressMeWell ( en start de face-match applicatie door in het menu op ‘Mijn Advies’ te klikken. Volg a.u.b. alle stappen in de face-match procedure voordat U de volgende vragen beantwoord. Indien U niet de hele procedure afrond vragen wij U om toch de volgende vragen te beantwoorden, dit geeft ons meer inzicht in de bruikbaarheid van de applicatie.
Q9. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “Ik vind de face-match applicatie makkelijk om te gebruiken.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens
Q10. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “Ik ben tevreden met het advies dat DressMeWell mij geeft.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens
Q11. Op welk punt bent U gestopt met het gebruiken van de face-match applicatie? _Bij het uploaden van de profielfoto _Bij het invullen van de persoonlijke eigenschappen (zoals geslacht en huidskleur) _Bij het invullen van de persoonlijke informatie (zoals achternaam en emailadres) _Bij het advies voor een zonnebril _Bij of na het kopen van een zonnebril
Q12. Hoe geïnteresseerd bent U in soortgelijke face-match applicaties (voor producten zoals make-up, brillen, kapsels etc.)? _Heel geïnteresseerd _Geïnteresseerd _Neutraal _Niet geïnteresseerd _Helemaal niet geïnteresseerd

Q13. Hoe mode bewust bent U? Erg mode bewust o o o o o Totaal niet mode bewust
Q14. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “De face-match applicatie heft mij geholpen bij het vinden van de juiste zonnebril.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens
Q15. In hoeverre bent U het eens met de volgende stelling? “Ik zou een van de zonnebrillen die DressMeWell mij aanbiedt kopen.” Volledig mee oneens o o o o o Volledig mee eens
Q16. Koopt U in het algemeen producten online? Zo ja, hoe veel in de afgelopen zes maanden? _Ja, ____ _Nee

Dit is het einde van de enquête. Hartelijk dank voor uw tijd en medewerking.

Full variable name SPSS variable name Coding instructions
How old are you? Age =45 = 3
What is your gender? Gender Male = 1; Female = 2
What is your nationality? Nationality Dutch = 1; Belgian = 2; Other = 3
What is your annual after-tax income level in euros? Income 0-19,999=1 20,000-39,999=2 40,000-59,999=3 >=60,000=4
What is the highest level of education that you finished / are currently involved in? Education Secondary school=1 MBO=2 HBO=3 University=4 Other=5
Were you aware of DressMeWell before this research? If yes, how? Awareness Yes=1; No=2 AwarenessSource (If yes,) How = string (free text)
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I would buy sunglasses on the Internet” BuySunglassesOnline Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I have high expectations of the DMW application.” Expectation Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I find the face-match application easy to use.” EaseOfUse Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I liked the advice that DMW offered me.” Advice Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
At what point did you stop? Stop Uploading the right picture=1 Entering personal characteristics=2 Entering personal information=3 Advice of Sunglasses=4 Final Purchase=5
How interested would you be in additional face-match applications? InterestSimilarApps Highly Interested=1 Interested=2 Neutral=3 Not Interested=4 Not Interested At All=5
How fashion conscious are you? FashionConsious Very fashion conscious=1 Fashion conscious=2 Neutral=3 Not Fashion Conscious=4 Not Fashion Conscious At All=5
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “The face-match application helped me to find the right pair of sunglasses” AdviceHelpful Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? “I would buy one of the sunglasses offered to me by DMW” BuyDMWSunglasses Totally Disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neither Agree nor Disagree=3 Agree=4 Totally Agree=5
In general, do you incur in online purchases? If yes, how many in the last six months? OnlinePurchase Yes=1; No=2 OnlinePurchaseQuantity (If yes,) Quantity = string (free text) Illogical response = 99

Appendix C: SPSS Output

1. Research Question 1: One-way ANOVA Test
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I find the face-match application easy to use." N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
45 28 3,29 1,084 ,205
Total 113 3,12 1,087 ,102

To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I find the face-match application easy to use." 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound
45 2,87 3,71 1 5
Total 2,92 3,33 1 5

Test of Homogeneity of Variances
To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I find the face-match application easy to use."
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
,136 2 110 ,873

To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I find the face-match application easy to use." Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3,258 2 1,629 1,389 ,254
Within Groups 129,008 110 1,173
Total 132,265 112

Post Hoc Tests
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable:To what extent do you agree with the following statement? "I find the face-match application easy to use." (I) What is your Age (J) What is your Age Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.
Tukey HSD 45 -,053 ,263 ,978 30-34, 35-39 45 -,381 ,264 ,323 40-44, >45 45 45 45

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