Premium Essay

Driving While Driving

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Pages 3
Topic: Should cell phones be illegal while driving?

In today’s current environment there are a host of dangers confronting drivers on the road. As highways and secondary roads become more congested and distractions within ones vehicle grow, the United States has seen an increase in avoidable accidents, included distracted driving. Vehicular accidents happen for a variety of reasons, which can be broken up between avoidable and unavoidable. Among the avoidable accidents, distracted driving due to use of a cellular device been taken as a distinct item of interest by both local and state law enforcement agencies, specifically how to reduce this type of avoidable accident.
Drive down any major highway and you will likely see a billboard warning motorists of the dangers of cell phone use while driving. These billboards often comprise of slogans such as “stop the texts, stop the wrecks”. While this may cause a motorist to put their phone down for a few minutes, does it provide a strong enough message to passing motorists of the risk that they are taking using their phone while driving, both to themselves and to other drivers? Law enforcement agencies may argue that it does not. There are a number of states that have implemented laws that prohibit motorists from using …show more content…
This group has the highest insurance premiums among drivers who haven’t been involved in an accident or a moving violation. With distracted driving, specifically texting and driving causing accidents across all age groups, it is especially important that measures be put in place to safeguard the already at risk population of new drivers. Both insurance companies and parents alike would likely argue that keeping these young drivers from getting in accidents is crucial, and in order to do that, drivers across all demographics need to spend more time focusing on the road and less time looking at the mobile

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