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Employee Satisfaction


Submitted By bbillen
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Employee Satisfaction
In this study I will investigate how a comprehensive perks and benefits package effects employee satisfaction and loyalty to a company. I think employees with a comprehensive benefits and perks package will be more satisfied with their job and loyal to a company than those who are not offered a benefits package. This study will not address salary as a determining factor for employee satisfaction.
Comprehensive perks and benefits package is all benefits a company offers to its employees. These benefits include: Paid Annual Leave | Medical & Dental Coverage | High Deductible Health Plan | Vision Insurance | Life Insurance | Short- & Long-Term Disability | Service Awards | Supplemental Retirement | Credit Union Membership | REACH Associate Assistance | Kids' Station On-Site Child Care | Flexible Spending Accounts | In-Service Education | Tuition Reimbursement | Wellness Program | Medical Library |
Work life balance
Sabbaticals and other unusual perks

Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. In this study loyalty is defined as the retention rate of employees.
In this study I am assuming that benefits and perks are important factor in determining employee satisfaction.
This study is important because most of a person’s adult life is spent working. If employers can provide employees with satisfying jobs they will have more productive employees. The company will save money by retaining loyal employees which will cut the cost of training new ones. Keeping employees satisfied will provide a more pleasant work environment and cut back on unnecessary stress.

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