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Encephalitis Research Paper

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Encephalitis is a rare but potentially life-threatening inflammation of the brain that can occur in people of all ages. This disease as the name suggests is inflammation (swelling) or irritation of the brain. It is often mistaken for meningitis which is an acute or chronic inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. Many people aren’t knowledgeable about this disease or condition, as they should be as this condition is commonly caused by infection rather viral, bacterial, autoimmune, etc. Viral encephalitis may develop during or after infection with any of several viral illnesses including influenza, measles, mumps, herpes simplex, rabies, chickenpox, including West Nile virus. …show more content…
They can lie dormant for periods of time as short as months or as long as a lifetime. In most cases encephalitis from these viruses occur in people with impaired immune systems such as those with Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) (New York Times). Herpes simplex virus is the most common cause of encephalitis in developed countries. It’s responsible for 10-20% of all adult cases of viral encephalitis (New York Times). Herpes simplex encephalitis is the only effectively treatable form of encephalitis, but treatment must be given within the first few days of onset symptoms. If the encephalitis is left untreated, the mortality rate is at about 70% while if treated, the mortality rate decreases to 30%. There are very few people that have not been infected with at least one of the herpes viruses. Majority of these viruses are easily transmitted through body …show more content…
Focal neurologic deficits, CSF pleocytosis, and abnormalities on CT scanning may be absent initially. Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required to make the diagnosis, particularly in immunocompromised patients with febrile encephalopathy. Quick evaluation is indicated after the diagnosis of HSE is considered. HSE occurs as 2 distinct entities: In children older than 3 months and in adults, HSE is usually limited to the temporal and frontal lobes and is caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 1. In new born babies, however, brain involvement is generalized, and the usual cause is HSV-2, which is acquired at the time of delivery.
Brain imaging. Brain imaging is often the first test if symptoms and patient history suggest the probability of the patient contracting encephalitis. The images may reveal swelling of the brain or another condition that may be causing the symptoms, such as a tumor (Mayo Clinic). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may also be used which can produce detailed cross-sectional and 3-D images of the brain, or computerized tomography (CT), which produces cross-sectional images (Mayo

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