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Evaluate The Impact Of Discovery On Student Learning

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The aim of this assignment is to evaluate the impact of discovery learning upon student learning through a combination of research and first-hand evidence collected within a Year 10 Mathematics class. The school within which evidence has been collected is a results driven secondary school, where the focus is generally on achieving the best possible GCSE grades through instrumental learning rather than fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This is an attitude shared by teachers, pupils and parents alike. However, the school is now making changes to improve visible learning, based upon the ideas of John Hattie (2008). It has also been the case nationally, but there is now an increasing focus on alternative teaching …show more content…
The class is set five of six and therefore contains a range of mixed ability pupils, as a lower level class with some underachieving pupils. It provided a great opportunity to gather evidence from a wide range of abilities and in an environment where traditional learning has previously struggled to impact upon student learning.
The activity chosen allowed for just a few simple instructions and gave the pupils an opportunity to ascertain relationships between angles for themselves and hopefully reinforce these relationships in their own memories by giving them experiences to which they can relate their learning. It allows for pupils to incorporate previous knowledge and skill, but also provides the opportunity for those with less prior knowledge to participate and form their own understanding. It gives the opportunity for the teacher to circulate around the classroom and interact with individuals and groups. The teacher can tailor their questions to the respective understanding and progress made my pupils, allowing for greater differentiation. The simplicity of the task also means that a lack of experience with discovery learning did not hinder the pupils experience during the lesson. It can also reinforce previous instrumental understanding of the subject

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