...The Holocaust was a tragic event that struck the lives of many people personally. No one deserves being hated, even if you disagree with their beliefs, we are all still people. Hate is a very widespread and horrible thing. It was much more noticeable during the Holocaust and civil rights movement, but it can still happen now. We need to stand up and fight for what we believe in and help the ones being hurt. Kristallnacht was a horrible event that should have never occurred. Many Jewish people were affected by it. During this night, Nazis destroyed Jewish businesses, synagogues, and homes. Sick children were taken out of hospitals and dragged over broken glass. Everyone was devastated, many people were left in broken homes. ”Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator, above all, thou shalt not be a bystander” this was a quote by Yehuda Bauer. This means that you should stand up for what’s right and not just watch the bad things happen. If we just wait around and watch, history could repeat itself....
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...mostly frowned upon. Understanding is the first step to acceptance so it is my goal to help everyone understand. Body modifications are a big part in my life even if it doesn't seem like it. I stretch my ears and to me that is a big deal and it is something that I really enjoy. There are so many different reasons that people modify their body. Some people do it in order to fit in and others do it to be different. One big problem I have noticed about having body modifications is trying to get a job is a lot more difficult. This shouldn't be a problem though because we are all humans and no matter what any ones choice we should accept each other for what we do and who we are. The fact is that it shouldn't be more difficult to get a job when a person is modified compared to someone who isn't because body modifications don't change someones personality. In addition, everyone deserves a chance. Why would you not give someone a chance just because they look different? Furthermore, if someone is modified it is better to let them change to what they want their image to be so that they can feel comfortable in their own skin. First off, changing the way someones body looks in any way doesn't mean that it changes their character. They are still the same person with or without their modifications. There are a lot of judgemental people in our society today and basically everyone gets judged based on their looks. There is an old saying that "you shouldn't judge a book...
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...could turn their world upside down because they are so used to that routine and count on it. That also means that all their family members have to follow this routine, and it can be extremely stressful for everyone if something does not go as planned. When someone with autism has to enter the world on their own, whether it be school or work, it can be very hard for them because people can be cruel and judge them, but most of the time people can get past it and accept them for who they are. Someone with autism can live a normal life just like anyone else, but they need to try a little harder and having a routine in place can make things so much easier for them. Autism is a disability that can affect many aspects of a person’s life, including their home, school, work, and social lives, in many different ways. Having autism does not only affect the person who has it but it also affects their home life involving their parents, siblings, and other family members. Having to raise a child can become very stressful for a parent because they have to spend more time with their child then a parent with a child who does not have autism. Parents have to come up with a routine not only for their autistic child to follow but also for everyone else to follow to make sure things go the way they need to. Routine is what children or anyone with autism relies on so when that routine gets interrupted or ruined for any kind...
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...cannot succeed. Trusting someone is not as easy as it seems. Honesty, support, and being faithful to your partner are keys to a trust worthy relationship. Being honest and truthful to someone shows that you can be open and bring out your real personality. After all, a partner will respect honesty. Furthermore, always having someone there when you need them is essential because support is the foundation of a relationship. Last but not least, faith is being true to a person and having them be your one and only. Everyone has the ability to make their own choices, but being in a trustworthy relationship, your honest attributes will combine to make a successful partnership. Respect is something you need to give in order to receive. If you want someone to treat you a certain way, you have to treat him or her the same way. To make this happen you need to have manners. For example, letting other people go first, especially the elderly or the sick ones. Everyone wants to be treated equal without discrimination of race, color, gender, or religion. You need to have in mind that everyone deserves a chance to be treated like a human. I think everyone should be treated proper, unless they give you a reason no to. “ Treat others the way you want to be treated”. If you want people to respect you, you have to respect them. According to the UNICEF Human Rights Council, 55 percent of the global population is married to someone who they were arranged to be with. How...
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...maternity * Race * Religion and belief * Sex * Sexual orientation This means everyone is equal and should be treated equal regardless. It’s very important in health and social care because according to equal opportunities it states that everyone should have the same good service experience that they deserve and their characteristics should not affect how they are treated. Equality is important because it will create good relations with staff and service users. Diversity Diversity means understanding that everyone is different and unique it’s also about recognising people’s differences and respecting it. This can be anything like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, and religious beliefs. A person’s differences should not affect how they should be treated therefore Health carers need to understand different types of people so they do not discriminate covertly or overtly. Diversity is very important because we are now in a more diverse society in our lives and at work. Understanding people and diversity ensures that everyone is valued and treated fairly in a health care environment. Rights Everyone has basic rights that need to be respected and valued, in return you also have to respect other people’s rights. In Most Health and social care environment basic rights are embedded in the organisation policies so everyone is treated the same and given the same service. A person’s basic human rights are ...
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...P2. In the Army communication is vital because, they need to be able to instruct others on what to do; they need to be able to talk to each other throughout the job, the Army communicate through various ways such as hand signals, radio etc... If the Army did not communicate within the job they would not perform the job well; no one would know exactly what they were doing therefore the job would more than likely become very confusing. For example, if there was a conflict that begun and not one of the work colleagues communicated no one would know what job/position they are meant to be taking, therefore the job would become a shamble and would not be completed correctly, this is why communication is very important in the Army. In the Police communication is also vital as they need to know what is expected from them, if Police did not communicate then crimes that were committed would not be solved, therefore it would make the Police force looked very unsuccessful. For example, if Police received a phone call from a distressed person because their house had been burgled and police officers did not radio through, then the crime would not be solved, this is why communication is very important in the Police force. Communication has good and bad points, some good points are: Being able to communicate over a large distance, this is vital in the Army and Police as both forces work in a very large distance of one another. Body language, if there was an argument taking place and...
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...Team Cohesion in the Public Services. Question 1: Meredith Belbin came up with 9 Team Roles. Implementer: This means that this character is well organised. This is a good thing because it means that they are able to keep track of what’s been done, what needs doing etc. They take very basic ideas, and they convert them into tasks. This is good because if there wasn’t someone like this, then the team would not have a high productivity because they wouldn’t know how to change ideas into actions. Sometimes they can be slower than others, this would be a problem in a fast paced activity. Shaper: This means that they have a lot of energy when doing a task. This is a good thing because it makes other people in the team want to move forward and to do well. This means that the task will be done quicker as more people will be getting involved with the task. They can sometimes be insensitive. This means that they show or feel no concern for other people’s feelings. This is a bad thing because people in the team could get offended by a comment and it could cause friction in the group. Completer/Finisher: This means that they always see things through to the end of the task. They make sure that everything is working well and making sure that everything’s right. This is a good thing because it means that if anything is going wrong, then they can identify it and make it right. A bad thing about this role, is that they can worry too much about the task and they may not trust other people...
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...Battling Discrimination at Work Discrimination at work is unfair. The reason why is because everybody is a human being and everyone should be treated equal. Companies don’t always get the best workers because they tend to pick what they think will work, when in reality if they took the time to study them they would realize how the person works and or who they really are. First of all everyone should be treated equal because everyone is the same, some people might be short, others tall, some skinny and some fat but that doesn’t matter because deep inside we are all the same. Also people should be treated equally so that everyone has the chance to do something in life. Some employers hire individuals based on their ability to get a job done. Some employers hire people based on their qualifications and their experiences concerning a particular job. However, there are employers out there that hire someone based purely on how the person looks. Whether it be based on their skin color, age, gender, or sexual orientation. Discrimination is everywhere no matter where we look, but it should stop because it is just not fair, everyone should be treated equal. Companies do not always get the best workers, they tend to go for the people who are good looking and people they think will bring more business and costumers. For example a lot of Mexican people come to this country to become successful and do something about their lives, but the system of the united states decides to block them...
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...characteristics that the equality act protects, these are age, disability, gender, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation. Everyone will fit into these categories meaning that everyone is protected by the Equality Act. This act prevents discrimination as it gives everyone equal rights without any favouritism or making it unfair by giving people more rights than others. It is also a legal framework so if people were to go against this act they would be breaking the law; it also gives any that has been discriminated against a leg to stand on as they know that they don’t have to put up with that kind of behaviour and that what the other individual is doing is against the law. Legislations, such as The Mental Capacity Act, are a group of laws that are put together by the government. If the legislation is not being followed in any way, it is classed as breaking the law. As legislations are an extremely big set of rules that must be followed, each setting must make them real to them, and specific to their service. These are called Policies and must be followed by the staff of the service otherwise; they will again be breaking the law. Each setting must also make the legislation specific to their service user’s needs, the size of the environment they are working within and what type of building...
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...you let us choose what we wanted to talk about. I felt like my writing has got so much better since the beginning of this semester. I hope you enjoy what I think about language and how it has impacted me as a person. Thank you for being an awesome teacher! I will defiantly miss having your class. Thank you for helping grow as a writer and being able to express myself through writing. From the time I took my first steps into a college class, up until now writing this paper and studying for finals…I have used language every day. One question or thought that has been coming to mind all semester is, how we use language to shape our thoughts or how we use language to shape the way we think of other? What I mean by this is when we first see someone, we have already judged them and put them into a category automatically before actually getting to know them. On my first day I met this guy whose name is Derek. My first thought of him was this guy has got to be in a band (the rock band, not a school band). The reason my mind jumped at this conclusion is...
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...high-quality care service, however people may be treat differently due to different cultural needs and preferences. For instance, a male care worker may not be allowed to work with a female Muslim due to her preferences and religion; however the Muslim woman will still receive the same amount of care. Equity – Equity is the definition for being fair, having justice and being impartial. It means that everyone is permitted to equal access to any service which they may require and should still get the same amount of high-quality care regardless of where they live of how they live their lives. For example, in a hospital the patients shouldn’t be treated exactly the same, however you should still be fair and offer them opportunities and choices. For instance if there was a young girl in one bed and an old man in another bed, the young girl will be treated differently than the old man due to their needs and preferences, however they will both still be treated fairly just not the same and will still receive the same amount of care. Diversity – Diversity is used to describe the differences that every individual has. It means recognizing that every individual is unique and despite this, everyone should be treated with respect and should be accepted. This links to any care setting because we live in a multi cultural society and there will be many different races, religions and beliefs, and despite this, everyone...
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...spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot. Never, ever insist yourself to someone who continuously overlooks your worth. And remember, it’s not the people that stand by your side when you’re at your best, but the ones who stand beside you when you’re at your worst that are your true friends. pongboy #2. Stop running from your problems. – Face them head on. No, it won’t be easy. There is no person in the world capable of flawlessly handling every punch thrown at them. We aren’t supposed to be able to instantly solve problems. That’s not how we’re made. In fact, we’re made to get upset, sad, hurt, stumble and fall. Because that’s the whole purpose of living – to face problems, learn, adapt, and solve them over the course of time. This is what ultimately molds us into the person we become. #3. Stop lying to yourself. – You can lie to anyone else in the world, but you can’t lie to yourself. Our lives improve only when we take chances, and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves. aberrantbeauty.tumblr.com #4. Stop putting your own needs on the back burner. – The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. Yes, help others; but help yourself too. If there was ever a moment...
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...a kid to most people, he is constantly told to grow up. From being kicked out of Pency to sleeping from hotel to hotel he discovers himself continuously having the feeling of being lonely. Furthermore, Caulfield holds all of his feelings in to where he needs to talk to someone about it. Holden is going through the stage every teenager goes through. When Holden says, “I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden I almost wished I was dead.”.This reminded me to today's society because there are many teenagers that just need someone to talk to or even just express how they feel or are to someone who will hear them out and not judge them or...
Words: 615 - Pages: 3
...We as American's need a new leader who is going to be there for everyone and not just a certain group or race. Today our country is so bad most can't tell who our enemies are and who is friendly to us. Our country is like a war zone we are always fighting and putting the blame on one another. There is too many killing throughout the days, months, and years. We all need to come together and be one that's why I should be president and the only president because I can make a difference and bring everyone happiness and peace. According to Howard Zinn, "On May 1st, 1898, Admiral George Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet in Mania Harbor" (pg. 57). I too would destroy something that could or would cause harm to my people. I want to make sure that...
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...“Self-Reliance” Imagine someone in this world today who doesn’t have self-reliance. Self-reliance is very important to a man or woman’s confidence. The difference between being self-reliant and not self-reliant can also be the difference between someone who makes a difference in this world versus someone who is a bystander. Even a person who doesn’t make a huge difference in this world can live a less stressful life by being self-reliant. The opposite of this is someone who conforms to everyone else’s behaviors and doesn’t have a strong opinion or impact of this or her own. In order to live a successful life one needs to be self-reliant. Along with these self-reliance a person will also live with inner peace and happiness, trusting his or her self.of self-reliance. Emerson makes some very good points about non-conformity and the negatives that can come with it. In Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” essay, he believes that self-reliance is the unbreakable trust in one’s own intuitions. He states this when he says, “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,—that is genius” (3). He believes that if a person believes that his or her belief is true for everyone, then that person is self-reliant, and in his eyes, that makes this person a genius. Emerson also believes that it can be hard to be self-reliant because of today’s world and the harsh society that it harbors. An example of this is when he says, “For non-conformity...
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