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Explain How To Support Speech Language And Communication

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Speech and language therapists guide and assist us plus give exercise in speech, language and also helps in communication problems with children and also people of all ages to support us in better communication. Speech and language help to communicate with others and to maintain a good relationship with friends and families. So we need to guide the children to use the language and speech in a proper and appropriate way to gain the most positive outcomes from other, Which in turns help the children and young people to gain the confidence and also can share what they wants plus can get information for their own development. This in turns also avoid being frustration between their best friends. The Senco in an external agents that provides additional support to children and young people with special education needs, and also deals with teacher ,parents and …show more content…
This means that this child will be below average and their progress can also be slow. Having the right abilities makes you fit in with others, not possessing ALL those qualities can lead to isolation in early stages-such as nursery and reception. This will definitely be discouraging as it will be noted down on a permanent record, like in school reports, and can slower the progress of a child’s education at any age.

Some children or young people may need some input from a various range of services, so in that case SENCO may well be the person who takes on the responsibility for gathering the right support, from different agencies, and securing their education lives. As a result of the Every Child Matters, there is a wider range of people working with pupils with SENCO than ever before! The ‘Team around the Child’ (TAC) may include any number of professionals from health, education, social environment-to help anyone in need of this

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