...Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila Pastor Richard G. Doromal: A True Disciple of Christ Submitted by: Obispo, Chinnie Joy Ymasa, Lady Lee I. BSBA-HRDM I-1 SY 2012-2013 Submitted to: Prof. Fe Lina M. Salting ENGL 1023 W/S N401 Acknowledgement We want to express our gratitude most especially to our Creator, God our Father who gave us the strength, anointing and wisdom while doing this research. To our respective families, Obispo and Ymasa family especially to Ms. Maria Vilma Obispo for providing the camera we used in interviewing. Thank you for showing us the support and love. Also, thank you to our class, BSBA-HRDM-I-1D, who becomes the spouse of our strength too. We also acknowledge the people behind the success of this research paper, Pastor Richard Doromal, who undoubtedly and wholeheartedly share his life-changing experience and his commitment in the Lord, together with his ever-loving family who are very open in sharing to us a part of their lives. Thank you too, to Pastor Rich’s G12 leaders, Mr. Ronald Camacho, Mr. Darwin Vicente and Ms. Nellie Joy De Guzman who provided us their experiences as a disciple to Pastor Rich. We appreciate their efforts in answering our questions that made them think for a moment. Thanks for giving us those ones! We enjoyed those moment. To GCGK, this allowed us to conduct the interview inside the church. Lastly, thanks to ourselves who exerted so much effort to finish this. Thank you. Glory to God! ...
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...The Roles of Pastors and Ministers in the Church In a church ministry we must all be balanced. Remember that we are partners’ not just members in the church body as a whole. Also remembering that no matter what our religion of choice is that pastors and ministers both have valuable roles in the church. Pastors and ministers are partners in the purpose and calling of the church. They must both be on the same page as far as the vision, mission and well being of the church as a whole. Even though the Vision of the church comes from the pastor it is the duty of the minister and the members to carry out this vision and the mission. The pastor is the God appointed leader of the church and the minister is appointed by the pastor but both must hold a high regard to biblical basis for the ministry. They have been called and appointed as overseers of the church. There is a necessity for both of them. They are to serve and to implement order to the church body. They are both held to the same accountability. They are both servants of God and they serve the congregation. The difference between the two is that the ministers are to keep down mumbling amongst saints in other words, keep down confusion. Look after the widows of the church and be able to relieve the pastor of his duties if necessary. The pastor is a God appointed leader and the minister is a God appointed servant. Both of their primary function is to understand the purpose of Jesus and how to lead the people. The...
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...County. ARTICLE 2 – HISTORY The history of Hocutt Baptist Church began on January 13, 1957, when the church was officially organized. Early efforts date back to November 26, 1956. The 63 charter members met in homes for prayer and discussion concerning the organization of the church. The first services were held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pulley. After this, permission was given for use of the Clayton Woman’s Club as a temporary place of worship, and the group worshipped there until the completion of the first unit of the building. Many people made sacrificial efforts in the organization of the church. Committees were formed, and much work was accomplished. Rev. J.L. Atkins, first pastor of the church, conferred with the pastor of the First Baptist Church, and other leaders in the Association. The organization meeting was set for January 13, 1957, at 3:00 PM at the Clayton’s Woman’s Club. A free will offering was taken during the organizational meeting and sent to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, marking the beginning of the outreach program at Hocutt Baptist Church. The new church was...
Words: 7774 - Pages: 32
...Willian H Willimon is a Methodist Pastor and an excellent writer. He has a good ability to portray his message on paper through his thoughts and beliefs. He is one of the few writers that display to the reader, both sides of a discussion. Pastor is a book that enforces the magnitude and the importance of the Ordained Ministry. Willimon combined his book, with the importance of the biblical and historical role about the Ordained Ministry. His main goal is to provide us a better knowledge and understanding about ministry and how it is an action from God, and it is also an action from the Church. Following Willimon thoughts, he is trying to make us to understand, how important the role of a pastor is in a church. Becoming a Pastor, is not...
Words: 1100 - Pages: 5
...experienced the late 1990s. The senior pastor Richard Cunningham and his son, who later became the senior pastor, Philip Cunningham, were charged with theft, fraud and forgery when they took over 3.1 million dollars from the church's, and the church's private school's, bank accounts for their own personal expenses including luxury homes and cars. The church secretary Mandy DiAddezio testified that, "Philip Cunningham at times paid his personal credit card using school funds, booking them as travel expenses, and would book payments for his dry-cleaning bill as janitorial expenses. But he also put his own money into the school account when it was low, she said". Philip also paid his children's college tuition with the funds from the church's school's bank account while saying that the church board had approved it. The problem with this is that, according to a former board member at the church, the board only met 2-3 times a year and they were never given proper financial statements or documents to look over. It was always hand-written on a piece of paper just minutes before the meeting. It seems that there steps taken to use the church and school funds for personal gain and then steps were also taken to make sure that there was no oversight or accountability of the church or school funds. In regards to ministry, my experience with accountability has always been kind of a prickly subject. I say prickly because I come from small...
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...leadership of Pastor Jeffrey Allen Hatcher. Many of us joined immediately as a result of a church split. Our pastor, who had been previously called to pastor the Christland Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit, MI, was suddenly under attack from the disgruntle membership about his stewardship over the churches’ finances. The officers and members of that church called a meeting and voted him out as their pastor. As a result of this action, pastor Hatcher reorganized and established his own church called Bible Believing Baptist Church. More than eighty-five people followed him. We believe that he was a man of God with certain issues and challenges with money. We believed also that he was anointed; he had a love for God’s people and deserved a second chance. After ninety days, our church had blossomed to over four hundred in membership. One day while praising God in our Sunday morning service, three United States Marshalls along with the local police stepped in our church to arrest our pastor on site. Yes, right in the middle of morning service! This was quite disruptive to say the least. As the officers did not know our pastor when they saw him, in the heat of the confusion, the deacons attempted to speak with them. During that brief moment, our pastor fled the church through his office. I can only presume he did that out of embarrassment, because he later turned himself in to the local authorities. It appears that the state was arresting a lot of pastors that year...
Words: 2021 - Pages: 9
...Pastors are a gift to the church. Now, at the risk of making what reads like an arrogant assertion, we must consider what the Bible tells us, for we know from scripture that after His ascension, Jesus gave gifts to the church, and one of those gifts was pastor, “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11). This passage proceeds to shed some light on the purpose of these gifts, “For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the status which belongs to the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-13). This singular purpose, of equipping and building, produces an equally singular result – maturity in the life of the believer. There certainly are a number of other tasks and functions for the pastor to fulfill, but as I read these verses in Ephesians, the purpose of the pastor seems clear. Over my fifteen-plus years of fulltime, vocational ministry, I have seen some disturbing trends. I believe that ministry, pastoral ministry specifically, is a powerful and significant call, but I have seen many pastors fall into the trap of operating in an office outside of that which they have been called to. Sometimes this is based in a desire for notoriety, other times a desire for more money, or perhaps even because their intentions were good...
Words: 4747 - Pages: 19
...for Your Pastor Brothers, pray for us. (1 Thess 5:25 ESV) “Let the thought sink deep into the heart of every church, that their minister will be such a minister as their prayers make him. … How perilous is the condition of that minister ... whose heart is not encouraged, whose hands are not strengthened, and who is not upheld by the prayers of his people! … “It is at a fearful expense that ministers are ever allowed to enter the pulpit without being preceded, accompanied, and followed by the earnest prayers of the churches. It is no marvel that the pulpit is so powerless, and ministers so often disheartened when there are so few to hold up their hands. … When the churches cease to pray for ministers, ministers will no longer be a blessing to the churches.” Gardiner Spring (1785-1873) There is no greater gift you can give your pastor and the spiritual leaders of your church than to pray for them. Pastors cannot win the battle alone; they need committed intercessors to lift them up in fervent, specific prayer. Imagine how the power of God might be released in our churches if we were to pray faithfully for our pastors. Pastors are human—they face the same challenges that their people do, with some additional ones! They grow tired in ministry, are tempted to sin, and may find it difficult to balance their many roles and responsibilities. They need the encouragement and support of those they lead. Prayer for your pastor is crucial to the spiritual health of your pastor, his family...
Words: 2010 - Pages: 9
...Through Pastor Manders Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen is a very culturally centered play that takes place during the 1880’s in Norway when Lutheranism was the dominant religion. The culture and religion is evident in many aspects of Ghosts, but is shown mostly through Pastor Manders who helps guides the Alving family through their troubling times. Ibsen was able to easily relate the culture, morals and situations in his play to the culture he lived in because it was during his life (March 20, 1828 to May 23, 1906) - he published Ghosts in December, 1881. Although Ghosts was not the most adored or coveted play to see, it was probably the most infamous among all of Norway; and so Ibsen accomplished what he set out to do when he originally started writing Ghosts. He saw the evil and corruption of society in Norway and spoke out against it through his writing. Ghosts was criticized for being “a loathsome sore unbandaged; a dirty act done in public” by the Daily Telegraph (and many others) and Ibsen’s criticisms weren‘t much better, such as when the king of Sweden and Norway said that his play was not a good play. He exposed social problems that had been considered a sin to talk about. This created problems since theatre at this time was centered around promoting strict morals of family life and propriety, which was a requirement in European theatre. Ibsen’s characters ignored theatrical requirements of Europe in the 1800’s. The main characters in the play are Pastor Manders...
Words: 1186 - Pages: 5
...financially. The policy that currently exists is one that allows us to accept donations of clothes and food for the needy. These policies also include the giving of financial support to extreme cases on a case by case situation. The donations are usually given out by the secretary or available staff member during normal church hours. This has been the procedure for at least the three and a half years that I have been with the church. When it comes to financial support the church has been generous and has tried to help as many as it could. The decision to help those in need would vary depending on the severity of the situation. Often times the members of the community would come in off of the street without notice and seek assistance from our church. Depending on their need at the time our church would offer as much assistance to them as was needed. This typically has not been an issue until the last year or so as I will explain this. Over the past year or so, our secretary who has been with the church now for nearly 8 years has greeted and personally cared for those members of our community who have...
Words: 3124 - Pages: 13
...far outnumbers those seeking help for depression, family tensions, alcohol or drug abuse, anxiety, spiritual concerns, past traumas, or crises. When people seek counseling from their pastor, most frequently it is concerning marital problems. The number of people seeking help for troubled marriages far outnumbers those seeking help for depression, family tensions, alcohol or drug abuse, anxiety, spiritual concerns, past traumas, or crises. Most Christians value marriage. God approves of the permanence of marriage (Malachi 2:14), and Jesus and Paul advocate marriage (Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:2–12; Luke 16:18; 1 Corinthians 7:10,11). God hates the pain and brokenness that oozes from divorce. Popular culture saturates our minds with the idea that obliterating the bonds of marriage can relieve the pain of marital conflict. In contrast, pastors advocate the virtues of marriage from the pulpit. The Christian who lives with daily marital conflict, hurt, and anger is pinched in a vice. Seeking help from the pastor, troubled spouses are sometimes disappointed when this counseling doesn’t work. Too often, Christians—who are separated, divorced, or living a life of conflict and anguish—twist free by leaving the church. This is not a satisfying solution to marriage partners or to pastors. Six Bridge Planks to Reconciliation Between Troubled Marriage Partners Plank 1. Decide whether to reconcile. While we are admonished in Scripture to reconcile and live at...
Words: 2842 - Pages: 12
...Conveyed Through Pastor Manders Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen is a very culturally centered play that takes place during the 1880’s in Norway when Lutheranism was the dominant religion. The culture and religion is evident in many aspects of Ghosts, but is shown mostly through Pastor Manders who helps guide the Aving family through their troubling times. Ibsen was able to easily relate the culture, morals and situations in his play to the culture he lived in because it was during his life (March 20, 1828 to May 23, 1906) - he published Ghosts in December, 1881. Although Ghosts was not the most adored or coveted play to see, it was probably the most infamous among all of Norway; and so Ibsen accomplished what he set out to do when he originally started writing Ghosts. He saw the evil and corruption of society in Norway and spoke out against it through his writing. His play was criticized for being “a loathsome sore unbandaged; a dirty act done in public,” by the Daily Telegraph (and many others) and Ibsen’s criticisms weren’t much better, such as when the king of Sweden and Norway said that his play was not a good play. He exposed social problems that had been considered a sin to talk about. This created problems since theatre at this time was centered on promoting strict morals of family life and propriety, which was a requirement in European theatre. Ibsen’s characters ignored theatrical requirements of Europe in the 1800’s. The main characters in the play are Pastor Manders,...
Words: 1183 - Pages: 5
...INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Angela Y. Harlee COMS 101 02/23/2015 Organization: Topical Pattern Audience analysis: My audience consists of various age groups as well as ethnicity. The people are of all walks of life including male and female Pastors, Reverends, and Elders. Their education level varies from Doctorate Degrees to High School Diploma/GED, and some that never completed school. Some of my audience is employed while others are not employed. Some have criminal backgrounds and others do not. Topic: The career/job field that I have chosen to define/describe is Pastoring. Pastoring presents many wonderful opportunities for advancing what God values by promoting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all people. Values (The Kingdom), you are presenting man as God sees him. He focuses on the holistic being because God desires for us to be whole (III John 1:2). Transforming us back to our original state how He made us before Adam sinned and that's the purpose of the preacher (to help bring about transformation through in the power of the Holy Spirit). He or she is to point people back to God and to help people pursue having a relationship with God. Rhetorical Purpose: To inform people/my audience how Pastoring and ministering to people can be rewarding and fulfilling. To also inform people how you can apply the Word of God to every situation and have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Redemptive Purpose: To inform...
Words: 3117 - Pages: 13
...MacArthur Reading Report Introduction Pastor John MacArthur and the Masters Seminary Faculty provide a unique manual for the aspiring pastor or church leader in "Pastoral Ministry: How to Shepherd Biblically". The major theme of the writings focuses on the character and development of pastors in accordance with New Testament scripture including: Acts 6, 1 Timothy 2-4, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5. The authors demonstrate through biblical reference and personal experiences the model and character of one prepared for pastoral ministry. The aim of the text is to validate the biblical authority of the ministry, to educate in the biblical qualifications of pastoral ministry, and to outline priorities for the pastoral ministry. Summary John MacArthur and his panel at the Master’s Seminary Faculty separate the twenty chapters presented in the book into four major categories that are designed to provide the reader with a dynamic portrayal of what it takes to be an effective biblical pastor. The four categories transition the reader from the biblical perspective of pastoral ministry to the practical. They include: biblical perspectives of pastoral ministry, the preparatory perspectives of pastoral candidates, personal perspectives of the life of a pastor, and pastoral perspectives for shepherding the people of God. Through the text, we recognize several prominent and consistent themes including: accountability to scripture, the character of a pastor, and leadership. One theme that remains...
Words: 1415 - Pages: 6
...The purpose of this paper is to explain how the chaplain/pastor leads in worship using the world of technology and how evangelical chaplains can provide worship in the military or corporate setting. Bryant and Brunson quotes George Barna in his book “Boiling Point” that, “10 to 20 percent of the population will rely on the Internet for their spiritual input by the year 2010 and if a church doesn't have a presence on the Web, then that church does not exist for most people.” It doesn’t matter if your church is a small or mega church, traditional, hybrid, or attractional church, there is a tremendous benefit in using technology to remain connected to people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Brunson and Bryant points out that using “emails as a quick effective way to respond to questions and issues or to announce important events within the church, and many pastors are using “blogs” as a sounding board to clarify their thoughts and the direction of their churches or simply to share insights into current events.” Additionally, some pastors and churches utilize graphics via data projection systems, and online streaming as a means of leading worship not only to the local congregation but to others viewing the worship service from around the world. For example, my pastor is extremely focused on the utilization of technology in how worship is lead. One of the tools we use is “Live Stream.” We broadcast our Sunday services, Wednesday night services as well as most of our special...
Words: 1212 - Pages: 5