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Game Of Thrones Research Paper

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Forget everything you think you know about Jon Snow, Game of Thrones fans, because things just got complicated. As the blockbuster HBO series based on the equally popular A Song of Ice and Fire novels enters Season 6, it also enters new territory. Since its premier episode, Game of Thrones has deviated from the source material just enough to keep fans guessing, but still managed to hit all the major plot points, no matter how devastating.

Who can forget the shock of Ned Stark's abrupt execution on the steps of the Sept of Baelor? Who didn't watch in fascination and horror as Cersei Lannister unraveled during the Battle of Blackwater? Whose heart didn't break at Robb Stark's whispered "Mother" during the Red Wedding? Who didn't rejoice at King Joffrey Baratheon's poisoning at the Purple Wedding, and then weep when Oberyn Martel's gruesome death at the hands of the Mountain? Through even the most notoriously startling moment in Game of Thrones, fans who read the A Song of Ice and Fire novels had a leg up on fan who hadn't. That advantage disappeared at the end of Game of Thrones Season 5 when the television series, for all intents …show more content…
And eager fans have done their best to find as many spoilers as possible

One such spoiler is a scene which fans have dubbed the Battle of the Bastards. Reportedly, some fans witnessed a massive battle between the united armies of the North and the army of House Bolton. Predictably, the House Bolton forces were led by Ramsey Bolton. More surprising, is that the army of the North was apparently led by Kit Harington.

According to fan site Winter is Coming, revealed photographs that show Harington on set in what appears to be a leather armor costume. It's not clear from the photograph whether or not Harington is dressed as Jon Snow, and that distinction may be important for Game of Thrones

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