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Submitted By Carmen94
Words 442
Pages 2
Genetta Bennett
Child Courts & Care
Professor Tribble
Spring 2014

1. What year and who began the modern welfare? A. In 1935 FDR began the modern welfare.

2. What does the term welfare mean? A. Welfare is the well-being and social support for citizens.

3. Child welfare has a duel role. What are they? A. The dual role is to provide direct services to children and influence public policy.

4. What is the ecologically oriented child welfare practice? A. The practice is to nurture and support biological families in invironment and protect kinship.

5. Family breakup is strongly related to which two cases? A. The two cases involved are unemployment and poverty.

6. What race of children is most likely to live with their grandparents? A. The African American race is most likely to live with their grandparents.

7. What does TANF mean and when did it began? A. TANF means temporary assistance to needy family. It began in 1997.

8. What are four main branches of family services and briefly explain? A. The four main branches of family services are protective service, supportive service, foster care and adoption.

9. What does the term wrap around services mean? A. The term means multiple services work together to promote reunification and prevent separation, combination of community services to families.

10. What does the term cultural competence mean as it relates to family service? A. The term means understanding other cultures.

11. When was the first juvenile court in the United States created and where? A. The first juvenile court was in Illinois in 1899.

12. What was the purpose? A. Its purpose was to address abuse, neglect and delinquency of children.

13. When and where was the first family court established? A. Family court

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