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Hambath Genocide

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Sambath’s investigation in the Enemies of the People revealed the Khmer Rouge regime in 1975 to 1979. It took a long time to convince the second commander Noun Chea, also known as “big brother #2”. In addition, Sambath’s quest manages to find low ranked Khmer Rouge cadets. The search for answers on Cambodia’s bloodiest genocide has led Sambath to lie about his past, in order to gain the trust of former Khmer Rouge members. In my opinion, Sambath’s method to expose the truth of the genocide was unethical. However, the timing of many formerly ranked Khmer Rouge members being arrested, may have forced the interviewees to come clean. In the documentary, Sambath stated he did not want revenge but to understand the truth of the genocide. Although, …show more content…
Noun Chea stated that Cambodia suffered from prostitution (informal economy) and there was corruption (market-led economies). It is highly possible the corruption is the neoliberal ideas and market-led economies; as such, he wanted the Khmer Rouge to empower the citizens, allowing them to control the economy. Before the Khmer Rouge took power, Cambodia was suffering from the war and requested aid from the western countries. Subsequently, the country’s survival and economy relied on foreign aid; therefore, it is safe to assume the country could be suffering from ‘poverty’. Considering Noun Chea’s statement and the current Cambodia economy, I assume that it was and currently a widespread issue. Noun Chea tried to overturn the market-led economies and neoliberal ideas, in favor of state-led economies. In the documentary, his ideas were to fairly redistribute wealth (equal amount of clothing and food), reject western market views and reject individual profit making. To accomplish this, he may have thought that killing all pro-western idealists in Cambodia. This could have been a link to the genocide that happened during the Khmer Rouge

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