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Hg Wells Research Paper

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Out of all of the postmodern novels ever written, H.G. Wells has always blown away the competition. Of Wells works, the most famous postmodern novels during his career have been War of the Worlds and The Time Machine, and all for a very good reason: they’re relatable. Believe it or not, many of Wells works use reading techniques and themes to form a personal connection with his readers. Of these two novels, The Time Machine and War of the Worlds, three themes stand out most prominently: fear, science and technology, and sacrifice for the good of the whole. A brief summary of the novels is as follows:
Throughout the first opening pages of The Time Machine, we learn about a group of men who gather every Thursday in the presence of a man we only know by the name of the “Time Traveler.” The unnamed group of men discuss a wide array of topics and issues of the 19th century. As we read deeper into the contents of the book, we learn about the Time Traveler's interest in the subject of time …show more content…
Wells novel, War of the Worlds were not so fearful of their new neighbors. Thanks to the “immediate pressure of necessity” (Wells, 32), the invaders grew in power and advanced farther in technology than anyone in the 19th century could ever begin to believe. The narrator lists several examples of this, but the most prevalent is the narrator's description of the Martian’s ships, quote, “… it was no mere insensate machine driving on its way. Machine it was, with a ringing metallic pace, and long, flexible, glittering tentacles (one of which gripped a young pine tree) swinging and rattling about its strange body.” (“War of the Worlds”). Here the reader can visualize the types of structure and knowledge needed, and Wells pays a lot of attention to detail in order to connect his reader to the mystery behind the Martians. Even the people of the 19th century have vast technology at their

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