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High School Career Analysis

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Throughout my high school career, I had the opportunity to be involved in various leadership activities. The first leadership role I took on during my career was Scout Assistant for my church’s local scout group the Duluth Pioneer. While being an assistant, I help organize many activities such as canning and our annual Christmas banquet. I also lead out in various activities such as canning and organizing agendas for camp outs. Along with assisting my church’s scout group, I also helped my church’s youth group. I along with some other colleges helped organized our church’s youth program to what it used to be. This required me leading both a small group and also become one of the leaders for our Youth program. The final leadership activity I participated during my high school career was being a camp aide at George Pierce Park. Although I went through numerous leadership training seminars, nothing truly …show more content…
The most important skill I learned is how to improve my critical thinking skills. While leading out with these various activities, I learned that quick and intuitive thinking is a valuable skill to attain. For example, will watching over the children at summer camp, a dilemma occurred. While on the playground, multiple campers wanted to go on the swings but there were only two swings. Although this sounds simple, seven angry campers pouting in the mid July-summer heat is not my ideal summer afternoon. With critical thinking, we were able to solve this problem all while making everyone happy, well for the most part. Another skill that I was able to learn through involvement was how to be discerning. In the process of recreating our church’s youth group, many people came forward with ideas but not with an involvement attitude. I was able to use this skill of discerning to decide which ideas were useful and constructive with our intentions and which ones were

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