...Literacy Narrative In: Other Topics Literacy Narrative I grew up in a very fortunate family; we never really had to worry about a low income, and we were able to buy extra stuff and go on other trips unlike other families. I never really understood how we were able to do this seeing as my parents did not go to college. They also rarely ever read; if they did it would be a magazine or an article online, and they never wrote. My parents would always push me to read more and always do well on my writing assignments and review them over and over again so they would be the best of my ability. Back then I never really understood why they would make me do all of this, but now that I am a bit older and understand how important these traits are, I understand why they did this. I’ll never forget my English teacher my junior year of high school, Mr. Stanizzi. He was the most inspirational teacher I have ever had in my life. He genuinely loved his job and made English class fun, and fascinating. By this time I thought for sure that no teacher was ever going to change my opinion on writing, but he proved me wrong. There was something he did while teaching and analyzing poems that really struck my interest. Every week we would have a period just focusing on either writing our own poems or analyzing them. There was one particular poem that I was extremely proud of and showed Stanizzi the poem. He was shocked that I wrote such a good poem. He liked my poem so...
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...Senior Writing Project-Reflective Essay As I look back at the writings I have created in these past few years, I realize that other than my junior year, I haven't written any narrative pieces, in any classes. The focus throughout my high school curriculum has been toward argumentative, analysis, and informative writings. Only in my junior year did I write my first creative writings in the form of a short story and a poem. The first creative writing I had to write a "Vomit" Draft. A vomit draft was the very first draft of a paper with little to no guidelines. "Bring two minutes to life" was the only instruction. We had to throw down 500 words without paying any real attention to punctuation or grammar. This kind of freedom associated with such creative writing was an alien concept to me. Getting used to writing without a structure that we had to follow, without a set of guidelines we had to abide by took a while. But, this kind of writing really helped me learn and improve, not just my writings, my organization and my time management skills as well. Knowing that I had to write such a demanding paper (it turned out to be fourteen pages longs), I had to improve my time management skills, which, up till junior year, hadn’t really been a challenge. Forcing myself then, to distribute time wisely has really helped me now, with the terrific pressures and burdens of college applications. This creative writing segment in my junior year helped my prepare, in a way, for these college...
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...chooses two different methods of writing styles. E.B. White utilizes a nostalgic reflective descriptive piece, whereas Brady uses a more sarcastic narrative. Arguably both writers do a great job in their story telling skills. Both stories are respected and pleasing, yet similar but different at the same time. The authors’ choice of writing style is what gives one story more of an advantage to the other. Though descriptive and narrative essay have identical intent – to tell the reader a story- narratives are more effective in capturing the audience because the uses of different voices, they bring ideas into perspective and they are relatable. There are special components that both style of writing possesses. Narrative writing usually does not stress adjectives to give the physical details of characters, setting or events in the story. Nothing like descriptive writing, narrative writings are written in the first person in order to convey the author's attitudes, beliefs and memories. Narratives are conventional, while descriptive writings content often emphases on a single event, object or place. Occasionally, writers utilize narrative writing style to tell about the past or the future in broad terms. A narrative often reflects personal experience, clarifying what happened during some sort of incident. Narrative essay topics include recounting an experience where the learned something significant, such as losing a tooth, first day of high school, or any type of life changing experience...
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...Analysis of Fredrick Douglass’s Narrative David W. Blight is a professor, who teaches as of November 2, 2015 American History at Yale University. Blight obtained his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1985 with a thesis titled “Keeping Faith in Jubilee : Fredrick Douglass and the Meaning of the Civil War.”Before Yale University, he taught at Amherst College for thirteen years. He has wrote many annotated editions on slavery and as of late, he is working on another biography of Fredrick Douglass.He has received a handful of awards, these include: Lincoln Prize,Bancroft Prize,Fredrick Douglass Prize, Merle Curti award and James A. Rawley prize. Anyhow The introduction by David Blight was very well constructed and It would’ve helped if...
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...n 1 Harper In the written narrative, it is evident Harper lacks proficiency in spelling, there are many words which appear to be ‘inventive spelling’ (Orton, 2000; Fellowes & Oakley, 2014). Harper is spelling words with incorrect letters and some words appears to be spelled phonetically based on a child of Harper’s age pronunciation of the spelled word. Harper undoubtedly is able to spell out the high frequency words, however, sight words and multi-syllabic words are misspelled. Cox (2013; as cited in Fellowes & Oakley, 2014) states that the ability to spell has a direct effect on the development of one’s reading skill. Harper displays writing skills of a child in the early phase three stage of writing skill (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014 p. 423). A child’s linguistic abilities is the reflective of the common reason why children like Harper has misspelled words in the narrative (Treiman, 1998). The fact that Harper...
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...Holly Green 19 June 2015 Belief Paper Teaching writing at the middle school level requires a specific focus on fundamentals and the product. Students are required to perform well on state level writing tests and master the basic functions required to produce persuasive, expository, and argumentative writings. Adhering to certain “tensions” throughout the development helps successfully achieve this goal for teachers and students. While more attention should be given to creativity and the students’ freedom in constructing a piece of writing, the demand for success from local, state, and federal administration directs the core of writing. I believe focusing on specific practices at this level of education will benefit the students’ success on demanding assessments. Clearly stated, “Quality writing is the victim of time and influence from external testing regimes.” (Ryan, 80). Controlling the assignment and focus on instruction is vital for a teacher. Middle school students need specific direction and continual guidance in order to produce a successful piece of writing. By giving the class a detailed expectation of each part of an essay, the students know what is needed to produce that. Defining length requirements, organization of thoughts, and conventions help students learn the specifics needed to write successfully. Student receptivity takes precedence over student activity. In accordance with controlling the assignment, production of an essay can be mastered...
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...2014 A literacy narrative by Russell Baker “On Becoming a Writer. In this narrative the author explains how he always wanted to be a writer from an early age. During earlier school years he did not enjoy English classes and thought they were boring. Because he was not interested in the classes he always waited until the last minute to complete his assignments. In his third year English class he had a teacher that all the students knew for being a boring teacher he was an older gentleman that didn’t relate with the kids and make the class interesting for the students. In the beginning of the year Mr. Baker felt all the stories he had heard about the teacher were true the class was very boring. Late in the year the students were given an assignment to write an essay and as usual he waited until the last minute to start writing his essay. When he picked his topic to write about and started writing he got very interested and wanted to start writing more for himself. Due to the requirements of the assignment Mr. Baker did not feel his paper would get a good grade because of all the added writing so he figured he would write another essay for the class. It took him so long to finish writing the original essay he didn’t have time to write another paper for the class so he turned in his original essay. A few days later after the teacher handed out the graded papers he started to read Mr. Baker’s paper aloud in the class. This made him feel so good about the writing he had done because...
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...Second Semester Final Exam: Portfolio A: Narrative/Descriptive Writing Parasailing (Vignette) Narrative and descriptive writing is the writing style I enjoy the most. The vignette I wrote about is a story that happened to me when I was younger and this kind of writing allows me to relive this memory on paper. I find this kind of writing easier to write and easy to relate to because it’s all about me. It is harder for me to write and relate to a book that we read in class since it isn’t about my personal life. This kind of writing style helps me reflect on the something I learned because I have seen how much I have grown this school year based off of what I wrote about and my writing style. This kind of writing style allows me to describe...
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...STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK Mike Hayler University of Brighton, UK Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education examines the professional life and work of teacher educators. In adopting an autoethnographic and life-history approach, Mike Hayler develops a theoretically informed discussion of how the professional identity of teacher educators is both formed and represented by narratives of experience. The book draws upon analytic autoethnography and life-history methods to explore the ways in which teacher educators construct and develop their conceptions and practice by engaging with memory through narrative, in order to negotiate some of the ambivalences and uncertainties of their work. The author’s own story of learning, embedded within the text, was shared with other teacher-educators, who following interviews wrote self-narratives around themes which emerged from discussion. The focus for analysis develops from how professional identity and pedagogy are influenced by changing perceptions and self-narratives of life and work experiences, and how this may influence professional culture, content and practice in this area. Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education Autoethnography, Self-Narrative and Teacher Education STUDIES IN PROFESSIONAL LIFE AND WORK The book includes an evaluation of how using this approach has allowed the author to investigate both the subject and method of the research with implications for ...
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...Frederick Douglass wrote several autobiographies during his lifetime, none continues to have the lasting literary impact of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. From its publication in 1845 to its present status in the American literary canon, the Narrative has become one of the most highly acclaimed American autobiographies ever written. Published seven years after Douglass' escape from his life as a slave in Maryland, the Narrative put into print circulation a critique of slavery that Douglass had been lecturing on around the country for many years. Yet while the Narrative describes in vivid detail his experiences of being a slave, it also reveals his psychological insights into the slave/master relationship. What Douglass realizes that day is that literacy is equated with not only individual consciousness but also freedom. From that day, Douglass makes it his goal to learn as much as he can, eventually learning how to write, a skill that would provide him with his passport to freedom. What gives the book its complexity is Douglass' ability to incorporate a number of sophisticated literary devices...
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...Roen−Glau−Maid: The McGraw−Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life, 2/e II. Using What You’ve Learned to Share Information The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life, Second Edition 4. Writing to Share Experience © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2011 13 Reading, Inquiry, and Research ■ PART 2 | Using What You Have Learned to Share Information 57 TANYA BARRIENTOS Se Habla Español MEMOIR he man on the other end of the phone line is 1 Tanya Maria telling me the classes I’ve called about are firstBarrientos has rate: native speakers in charge, no more than six stuwritten for the dents per group. Philadelphia “Conbersaychunal,” he says, allowing the fat vow- 2 Inquirer for more than els of his accented English to collide with the sawedtwenty years. off consonants. I tell him that will be fi ne, that I’m familiar with 3 Barrientos was born in Guatethe conversational setup, and yes, I’ve studied a bit mala and raised of Spanish in the past. He asks for my name and I in El Paso, Texas. Her first novel, Frontera Street, was supply it, rolling the double r in Barrientos like a pro. published in 2002, and her second, That’s when I hear the silent snag, the momentary Family Resemblance, was pubhesitation I’ve come to expect at this part of the exlished in 2003. Her column “Unchange. Should I go into it again? Should I explain, conventional Wisdom” runs every the way I have to half a dozen others, that I am Guaweek in the Inquirer...
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...the class as so for a while. It wasn’t until after my first essay that I realized how I could improve my writing in preparation for college now instead of later. I didn’t realize that I tend to write in a passive tense every other sentence until now. I also, often, used, too many comma splices, which butchered the flow of my writing. I sometimes missed the MLA format details which lowered my scores early on. After I submitted the last essay, I was glad that I didn’t sign up for English IV. I enjoyed some papers...
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...Narrative Writing Part One: Narrative Components In at least 1-2 complete sentences and in your own words, define and describe each narrative component. You will find these terms listed and explained on pages 46-59 of the textbook. Thesis: The subject for a composition or essay. This is the first thing you always read in an essay or composition; it gives you the information for the whole essay. Narration: Narration is the action or process of narrating a story. The narrator is usually a personal character or a random character the narrator came up with. Dialogue: The dialogue is a conversation between two or more people in the book, or movie. Allusions: Expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly. Allusion is also a figure of speech. Writer’s voice: Individual writing style of an author. The voice can be thought of in terms of the uniqueness of a vocal voice machine. Figurative language: A figure of speech in which things that are different are compared by the use of the words like or as. Metaphor: Figure of speech that identifies one thing as being the same as some unrelated other thing as being the same as some unrelated other thing. The most prominent examples of a metaphor in English lit are “All the worlds a stage” monologue from “As you like it.” Simile: Figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing it another thing of a different kind. Understatement: The presentation of something as being smaller, worse or...
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...assignment, I'm considering writing about my experience in the theatre, especially in regards to performing in my first opera. I want to tell the story of the narrative in the form of an internal monologue, taking place before I step on the stage. So, in a sense, I want to tell the story from the first person present point of view, about a past event. I would like the narrative to begin standing on a stage. I am franticly worried about stepping on stage; this is my first role in an opera ever, and I have to enter and immediately begin singing. To prepare myself, I wildly chant my lines under my breath, speaking over five words a second, running through my entire scene ten times before coming onstage. While this is going on, I am watching my love interest, one of the primary characters of the narrative, finish her scene, but I am completely tunneled into my mental rehearsals. At last, after fiddling with my hidden prop, I step on stage and the lights hit me. In a sort of disassociated state, I approach, curtsy, and sing. The primary focus of this story will be demonstrating a time where I used all of my musical literacy. This story also has an interesting angle because it focuses on a part of entertainment that the average person never sees, and it is an...
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...WR 115 Assignment Essay One—Literacy Narrative 600-1000 Words Basic Prompt As you begin this essay writing process, reflect on your experiences and attitudes about reading and writing. Regardless of our backgrounds, our ideas of literacy often become deeply engrained as good or bad without much thought about to how these views have come to be. As a result, many of us have definitions of literacy–of reading and writing–that could benefit from a thoughtful and honest close self-examination. Choose a Topic: Please draw from the following as you develop your essay focus: • Narrate an early memory about writing or reading that you recall vividly. Then explain why this event is significant to you now. • Describe someone who taught you to read or write and explain this person’s significance in your life. • Identify a book or other text and explain its significance for you in your reading and writing. • Narrate an experience with a writing or reading task that you found (or still find) difficult or challenging. • Describe a memento and explain how it represents an important moment in your reading/writing development. Then Create a Narrative: Use sound writing and story-telling skills to organize and articulate your story. Make sure to stay focused on your one, main idea. Key Elements • Create a well told story. Bring your narrative to life by using concrete and vivid details. • Develop your main idea. (make sure you only have one main idea) • Develop the significance or affect of your...
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