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Immigration Lawyer Research Paper

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Immigration Lawyer
Immigration lawyers assist those who want to move countries legally for better lives by getting a bachelors to help people become citizens and get paid to do it for fourty thousand to one hundred and fourty three thousand, six hundred twenty. “No one leave home unless home is the mouth of a shark.” Warsan Shire. People move for reasons and most for better chances. How many wan better but can’t reach it? Immigration lawyers give those people hope for chance and change.

Immigration lawyers help people start new lives. All lawyers act as advocates and advisers (Henderson). Advocates because they support their clients and advisers because they provide legal actions as well. They advocate and advise for the best interest of the client and it benefits the chances of becoming a legal citizen. the y communicate with their clients, colleagues, judges, and others involved in the case (McDonald). They talk to who they have to and gather as much information so the legal process is faster and smoother. Talking to others could help determine whether the person deserves to have a work visa, green card, etc. All in all their job is to represent their clients and provide them with legal advice so they can become citizens. …show more content…
They must also typically pass a states written bar examination (McDonald). The state wants to be sure the people they have out their representing them have the capability to do the job right. Lawyers should like to work with people and be able to get the respect and confidence of others (Henderson). If they are rude and can’t communicate with others who would want or trust them? They need to be able to talk to the client and interview anyone near them for information needed. Therefore to be the best you have to go through college and the exam but you also have to have good people

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