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Jackson Pollock Research Paper

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Jackson Pollock: Autumn Rhythm The artist I have chosen to research is Jackson Pollock. Pollock was one of the most influential artists of the 20th Century. He created artwork during some of the hardest times in the country, the Great Depression and World War II. In this paper I will be talking about the life of Jackson Pollock and focusing on his piece of artwork called Autumn Rhythm (Number 30). Jackson Pollock was born January 28, 1912 in Cody, Wyoming. He was the youngest of 5 brothers and his oldest brother had a major art influence on him. His family moved around a couple times before ending up in California where Pollock was enrolled at Manual Arts High School in Los Angeles. During his time there, he was expelled two times before he ended up dropping out. Around age 18, he moved to New York to live with his oldest brother. While he was there he started to …show more content…
He wasn’t always successful in selling them and he may have gotten depressed and started drinking again after a bad showing of his paintings, but he always found a way to get back into painting. He would change his style and switch things up to see what was going to be successful for him. Experimenting with your artwork whenever you aren’t successful can be a good or bad thing and I think that Pollock experienced each one of these throughout his life. Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) to me is a very different painting. I found myself drawn to it simply because there is no focal point and you can observe the entire painting without focusing on one specific thing. His drip method is very interesting to me and I love how complex the colors and splatters get. It doesn’t look like he randomly through paint onto a canvas, I can tell that he very carefully swirled and dripped the paint to create this picture. Jackson Pollock transformed the art world and became one of the best abstract expressionist of the 20th

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