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Lawn Disease Research Paper

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Lawn disease can be a real pain in the neck. They can do serious damage to your lawn in a very short time. The main culprit for lawn disease is fungus. You can recognize fungus from the emergence of spots, circles, patches or the presence of different colors like brown or yellow or red in your lawn. It is essential that you take care of lawn diseases without any delay. Here are some common disease that you know about and how you can eliminate them or at least put them under control.

The first lawn disease we would be looking at is the Dollar Spot. It is commonly found in Kentucky Bluegrass, Bent Grass and Bermuda. It thrives in humid climates. As the name implied, it looks like a small dollar sign and is usually brown or straw colored. Dollar …show more content…
You should also remove excess thatch and fertilize your lawn based on a regular schedule. That would increase the nitrogen level of your lawn. If you wish to use fungicide, you can consider benomyl, anilazine, and thiophanate.

Rust is another common lawn disease. If you find your leaf blades turning orange or rusty, it is likely that Rust has appeared in your lawn. Rust is often found in Ryegrasses and Kentucky Bluegrass. Morning dew, shade, high soil compaction, and low fertility are factors that contribute to its growth. To determine if your lawn is infected with Rust, you can take a white tissue or paper towel and rub a few grass blades with it. If the orange or rusty color remains, it is most probably Rust.

The best way of getting rid of rust is by aerating your lawn. You should water your lawn well in the morning hours and reduce shade to the grasses. You should also mow your lawn more frequently with bagging of the grasses. In addition, you can increase the nitrogen level of the soil by following a regular fertilization schedule. If you intend to use fungicides, you can try Triadimefon and

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