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Legislative Branch

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Branches of Government
The Founding Fathers envisioned that the Legislative Branch would be the most powerful branch when they drafted the Constitution because they wanted to prevent a country run by a dictator. They outlined the delegated powers in Article I for the Legislative Branch that includes: the authority to declare war, raise an army, levies taxes, provide for common defense, make new or change laws and so on. The Legislative Branch is empowered to create new laws “deemed necessary” as cited in the Necessary and Proper Clause sometimes referred to as the Elastic Clause. The Necessary and Proper Clause gives Congress the power "To make all Laws which shah be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution" Congress's other powers …show more content…
Interest groups while very dominant in affecting policy are very weak if they can be sold on the policy with benefits for them. Congress and the entire government play a very dangerous game of cat and mouse per se to push legislation or get support for. Interest groups use money and a large voice of the minority to push their agenda through Congress or to block legislation when it goes against whatever narrow focus single topic they support. Interest groups seem to be unstoppable, as history has shown when it comes to things like healthcare reform and education, however things change. Interest groups block legislation because they believe that the outcome will not benefit them or will impact them in a significant way. Not surprisingly, that many feel that government is pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for themselves. As with any interest group or political party they could all be better.
Interest groups give a way for voices to unite and other groups to come together to block or support legislation those individuals may not have been able to otherwise. A big push for interest groups would be a focus area of recruitment more often than not. The more members, the larger the capital and the more sway they will have with representatives pushing their agenda when it comes on the floor. Showing others how large your voice can be as part of the group would go a long with new recruits and drive membership. One must show how to correct the weakness of the interest

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