...Z prezentaciju Uvod Cilj rada je prikazati trend centralne distribucije koju je implementiralo poduzeće Lidl d.o.o. k.d. kao i navesti prednosti i nedostatke. Prilikom izrade pristupnog rada prvenstveno je korištena dostupna stručna literatura iz područja logistike, članci i podaci prikupljeni na Internet stranicama – metoda kompilacije. Također veliki dio rada je izrađen na temelju osobnog iskustva autora rada. Pristupni rad sastoji se od sedam poglavlja o kojima ćemo nešto kasnije, naravno, govoriti Osnovni pojmovi Logistika je sustav toka robe, materijala i energije, informacija i ljudi koji povezuje nabavna tržišta s proizvodnim i potrošačkim mjestima. Osnovne strukture logističkih sustava: - jednostupnjevane logističke sustave - višestupnjevane logističke sustave - kombinirane logističke sustave U jednostupnjevanom sustavu roba ide odmah od točke isporuke, gdje se roba priprema, do točke prijema, gdje se roba upotrebljava. U višestupnjevanom sustavu roba ne ide direktno od točke isporuke do točke prijema nego se bar u jednoj točki roba pregrupira u manje ili veće jedinice količine za isporuku, što zavisi o potrebama primatelja u točki prijema kombinirane logističke sustave u kojima se pojavljuju istodobno elementi jednostupnjevanog i višestupnjevanog sustava Osnovna funkcija logističkih sustava je prostorno – vremenska transformacija dobara. S njenim ispunjenjem vezane su funkcije promjene količina i vrsta dobara te funkcije olakšavanja transformacije...
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...Transit Business Association of Latvia Address: Turgeņeva Street 14 - 548, Riga, Latvia, LV - 1050 Register ID number: 1501433889-85 Latvijas Tranzīta biznesa asociācijas viedoklis par gaidāmo Eiropas Komisijas stratēģiju Baltijas jūras reģionam 1. Baltijas jūras reģiona sadarbības vispārējie ietvari Baltijas jūras reģiona stratēģijai jābalstās uz reģiona attīstībai svarīgiem sadarbības mērķiem, ko nevar atrisināt ES vispārējo politiku ietvaros. Stratēģijā jāietver gan pasākumi, kas jāīsteno Eiropas Savienībai un tās dalībvalstīm pašām, gan pasākumi, kas tām jāīsteno sadarbībā ar Krieviju. LTBA atbalsta šādus 2006. gada 16. novembra Eiropas Parlamenta rezolūcijas ierosinājumus: - izveidot Baltijas jūras stratēģijai savu budžeta pozīciju ES budžetā; - izveidot jaunu programmu ar nosaukumu „Baltijas jūra bez robežām”, kas paredzēta raitas robežu šķērsošanas veicināšanai reģionā; - atbalstīt tādu svarīgu infrastruktūras projektu izveidošanu kā Baltijas jūras autoceļš, Baltijas dzelzceļš un Via Baltica maģistrāle; - īstenot preču, pakalpojumu, personu un kapitāla brīvu kustību starp reģiona valstīm. 2. Eiropas Komisijas Baltijas jūras reģiona stratēģijas ierosinātie mērķi: 2.1. Veicināt reģiona ekoloģisko ilgtspēju; LTBA par galveno reģiona ilgtspējas principu uzskata vides aizsardzības un ekonomiskās attīstības līdzsvaru reģiona labklājībai – izskatot, pieņemot un ieviešot vides tiesību aktus jāņem vērā arī to ietekme uz ekonomiskām aktivitātēm, tai skaitā pārvadājumiem, tranzītu...
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...Panašumai ir skirtumai tarp prekių ir paslaugų. Prekė – gamybinės veiklos arba gamtoje aptinkamas objektas, kuris gali tenkinti pirkėjų norus ir poreikius. Tai fizinis produktas kuri galima matyti, paliesti ir vartoti(trumpalaikes, ilgalaikes.) Paslauga – bet kuri veikla ar nauda, kurią galima pasiūlyti vartotojui ir kuri yra nemateriali bei negali tapti nuosavybe. Paslaugos teikimas gali būti susijęs arba nesusijęs su materialiu produktu.(nemateriali, trumpalaikiskumas, nuosavybes nebuvimas) PAnasumai : abi sukuria verte bei sukuria pasitenkinima vartotojui. Abi gali buti skirtos masinei rinkai ir individualiems vartotoju poreikiams. Gali buti sukurtos ir tiekiamos keliomis procesu rusimis, kuriose dalyvauja zmones ir technologijos. 1. Gamybines pasirties prekiu klasifikavimas Žaliavos( gamtos ištekliai, ukio gaminiai) Medžiagos(gamyboje jau apdorota medžiaga) Komponentai(komplektavimo detales, komponentines medžiagos) Aptarnavimo medžiagos(tepalai, klijai, valymo priemones, remonto irankiai) 2. SVV imoniu rusys. Savarankiskos, susijusios, partnerines imones • Savarankiška įmonė – įmonė, kuri nėra priskiriama partnerinei arba susijusiai įmonei. Susijusios įmonės – įmonės, kurias sieja kuris nors iš šių ryšių: 1) viena įmonė turi daugumą dalyvių balsų kitoje įmonėje; 2) viena įmonė turi teisę skirti ir atšaukti daugumą kitos įmonės valdymo ar priežiūros organo narių ar administracijos pareigūnų; ...
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...5 tema. Strateginiai pasirinkimai. Strategijų rūšys. Hierarchija. Klasifikacija. Keliami uždaviniai: - išsiaiškinti galimus korporatyvinio (bendrojo) lygio strategijų ir tarptautinių strategijų pasirinkimus; - išsiaiškinti galimus verslo lygio strategijų (arba konkurencinių strategijų) pasirinkimus; - išsiaiškinti galimus funkcinio lygio strategijų pasirinkimus. Visa apimantis strateginio valdymo modelis External Audit 2 Strategy Analysis & Choice 5 Vision & Mission Statements Strategies In Action 4 Implement Strategies: Mgmt Issues 1 6 Implement Strategies: Marketing, Fin/Acct, R&D, CIS Measure & Evaluate Performance 7 8 Internal Audit 3 2 Strateginė analizė ir pasirinkimai Ar patyriai nesėkmę ar lydėjo sėkmė, bet kuriuo atveju įvertink (fiksuok) ir daryk tai geriau. Ne tik produktus, bet, jei tai būtina, visą kompaniją. “Whether it’s broke or not, fix it — make it better. Not just products, but the whole company if necessary.” —Bill Saporito— 3 Strateginė analizė ir pasirinkimai Daryk įsivaizduojamus sprendimus, remdamasis objektyvia (realia) informacija. 4 Bendroji ir verslo vieneto strategijos Bendra pridėtinė vertė Organizacinė erdvė Bendrasis (korporatyvinis) valdymas Bendroji strategija Verslo strategija Produktai Rinkos Konkurencinis pranašumas Korporacinei (bendrajai) įmonės strategijai keliami šie reikalavimai n n n n n n Nustatyti bendrą visos organizacijos veiklos strateginę kryptį...
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...pakovati, praviti paket , dok prema istim izvorima riječ ambalaža označava - prema Klaiću: (franc. emballage) omot; sve ono (papir, drvo, juta, slama, špaga itd.) u što se roba pakuje; prid. ambalažni; a prema Aniću: zaštitni omot u koji se oprema roba radi prijenosa ili prijevoza. Dakle pakiranje je proces, a ambalaža je element procesa pakiranja. Obzirom na to da je tema ovog rada proces pakiranja i čimbenici koji su važni za taj proces ovaj rad sadrži sve važne elemente procesa pakiranja kao i logistički aspekt procesa načina pakiranja u tvrtci Kandit d.o.o. iz Osijeka. Važnost pakiranja je velika upravo zbog zaštite proizvoda i sigurnog transporta do konačnog mjesta prodaje ili korištenja. Ova tema obrađuje se u okviru predmeta poslovna logistika pa je vrlo važno definirati i što je predmet istraživanja logistike pa se stoga navodi da je logistički sustav skup elemenata tehničke, tehnološke, organizacijske, ekonomske i pravne naravi s ciljem optimizacije tokova materijala, roba, informacija, energije i ljudi na određenom zemljopisnom području radi ostvarenja najvećih ekonomskih efekata. Logistiku možemo promatrati s mikro i makro aspekta pa tako kažemo da mikrologistika kao područje svog djelovanja promatra, proučava ili obuhvaća proizvodnju, nabavu, prodaju i...
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...Logistics is one of the main functions within a company and the main targets are performance related and cost related. Logistics is the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet the requirements of customers or corporations. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging. “The birth of Logistics can be traced back to ancient war times of Greek and Roman empires when military officers titled as 'Logistikas' were assigned the duties of providing services related to supply and distribution of resources.” (…..) This system could have very well begun what we call logistics management in today’s modern time. Logistics has rapidly evolved over the past years. A person can’t talk about logistics without understanding the management structure of logistics which is the push and pull system because companies struggle trying to figure out which strategy to use. Push planning is generally supply driven and is a successful approach when a company owns market share and controls demand for its products. A push strategy combines the resources of retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers to create consumer demand for a product or product line. With this push strategy each phase of the supply chain pushes the merchandise forward to the next step in the supply chain. The manufacturer pushes the merchandise to wholesalers, the wholesalers then pushes the merchandise...
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...1. ZNAČILNOSTI PODJETJA Z razvito blagovno proizvodnjo se je pojavilo podjetje kot tipična osnovna celica gospodarstva. Vsako podjetje je enota, ki je samostojna v pravnem, ekonomskem, operativnem, eksternem in internem pogledu, glede razvoja, odločanja o delu in organiziranju, razdeljevanju dobička, v pogledu ciljev in zagotavljanja svojega obstoja. Podjetje ima mnogo ciljev, izstopa pa tisti, ki je opredeljen kot maksimiziranje razmerja med vrednostjo rezultata in vrednostjo vlaganj v poslovanje. Uravnava ga koncept racionalnosti, da se z določenimi vlaganji doseže kar največji rezultat. Zaradi relativno velike samostojnosti nosi podjetje sam riziko za uspešnost svojega poslovanja, za katero ima stalni in glede na druge družbene institucije relativno najbolj objektivni test na trgu. Podjetje mora torej imeti neko minimalno ekonomsko moč, ki mu omogoča samostojni obstoj in razvoj. Prav zato, ker lahko podjetje posluje z dobičkom, mora samo prevzemati tudi tveganje izgube. Zato mora biti samostojno z vidika upravljanja in poslovodenja. Nosi tveganje, torej gre lahko v stečaj in izgine. Da se to ne zgodi, se je prisiljeno stalno prilagajati spremembam v okolju. Lahko rečemo, da je podjetje institucija, ki mora vedno znova dokazovati svojo pravico do obstoja, kar jo nujno dela najbolj fleksibilno med vsemi institucijami v družbi. Z njo je prilagojen proces prilagajanja spreminjajočim se potrebam na trgu. Značilnosti podjetja po Gutenbergu: ➢ enotnost v pravnem...
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...Sadržaj: Uvod i opšte informacije o predlagaču projekta..................................................................3 Vizija, misija i ciljevi...........................................................................................................4 Marketing plan ( Kupci, Konkurencija )..............................................................................5 Marketing plan ( Analiza tržišta ).......................................................................................6 Marketing plan ( Analiza tržišta )........................................................................................7 Marketing plan ( Strategija prodaje )...................................................................................8 Marketing plan ( Strategija prodaje )...................................................................................9 Marketing plan ( Strategija prodaje ).................................................................................10 Analiza situacije.................................................................................................................11 Analiza stejkholdera...........................................................................................................12 Drvo problema...................................................................................................................13 Drvo ciljeva................................................................................................
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...consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations). Logistics involve the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and packaging. Logistics is a channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility. Origins and definition The term "logistics" originates from the ancient Greek " " ("logos"—"ratio, λόγος word, calculation, reason, speech, oration"). Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title ‘Logistikas’ who were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters. The Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as: “The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities.”Another dictionary definition is: "The time related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering which creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems".... Military logistics In military logistics, logistics officers manage how and when to move resources to the places they are needed. In military science, maintaining one's supply lines while disrupting those of the enemy is a crucial—some would say the most crucial—element of military strategy...
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...the complexity of production logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation software, but is constantly changing. This can involve anything from consumer goods such as food, to IT materials, to aerospace and defense equipment Origins and definition The term logistics comes from the Greek logos meaning "speech, reason, ratio, rationality, language, phrase", and more specifically from the Greek word logistiki meaning accounting and financial organization Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, military officers with the title Logistikas were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters. The Oxford English Dictionary defines logistics as "the branch of military science relating to procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities." However, the New Oxford American Dictionary defines logistics as "the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies" and the Oxford Dictionary online defines it as, "the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation:" [1] Another dictionary definition is "the time-related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering that creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems". When talking in terms...
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...UNIVERZITET SINERGIJA - BIJELJINA POSLOVNI FAKULTET DIPLOMSKI RAD TEMA: Istraživanje tržišta u marketinški orjentisanom preduzeću Kandidat Mentor Student: Profesor: Bijeljina, 2010. UNIVERZITET SINERGIJA – BIJELJINA POSLOVNI FAKULTET DIPLOMSKI RAD br. ______ Naziv rada: ISTRAŽIVANJE TRŽIŠTA U MARKETINŠKI ORJENTISANOM PREDUZEĆU Kandidat: student Bojan Krivaćević br. Indeksa PF-65/07 Teze: 1. Uvod 2. Predmet i cilj istraživanja 3. Uloga i značaj istraživanja tržišta u preduzeću 4. Osnovni elementi istraživanja tržišta a. Tržišne karakteristike proizvoda b. Kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza tržišta 5. Metode istraživanja tržišta 6. Segmentacija tržišta 7. Izbor marketing strategije 8. Primjer iz prakse: Istraživanje tržišta gaziranih sokova c. Pozicioniranje brenda na tržištu d. Inovacije i marketing e. Istraživanje tržišta - rezultati istraživanja 9. Zaključak 10. Literatura Datum uručivanja: ______________ Dekan: Mentor Profesor Profesor Dr Slobodan Barać Dr Milenko Stanić ________________ ______________ SAŽETAK Poznavanje tržišta neophodan je preduslov u izradi kvalitetnog marketinškog plana. Kvalitet poslovnih odluka koje se donose, podjednako zavisi od kvaliteta informacija kojima se raspolaže. Istraživanje tržišta pruža potporu pri donošenju marketinških odluka. Prema jednostavnoj definiciji...
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...A REVIEW ON LOGISITCS SECTOR AND EXPEDITORS INC. A REVIEW ON LOGISTICS INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION: LOGISTICS: The detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies and also the organization of moving, housing, and supplying troops and equipment. The term "logistics" originates from the ancient Greek "λόγος" ("logos"—"ratio, word, calculation, reason, speech, oration"). Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, there were military officers with the title ‘Logistikas’ who were responsible for financial management and distribution of supplies. The Oxford English dictionary defines logistics as: “The branch of military science having to do with procuring, maintaining and transporting material, personnel and facilities.”The American Council of Logistics Management defines logistics as “the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and effective flow, and storage of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.” SIGNIFICANCE OF LOGISTICS: Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective, forward and backward (reverse)...
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...rketing Marketing 1. prednáška – Teoretické základy marketingu. Marketing a spoločnosť - marketing vznikol v USA (prevažovala ponuka nad dopytom) - u nás sa začal využívať v roku 1990 - aplikovaný vedný odbor, patrí do oblasti vied o riadení - široký rozsah činností, ktoré sú zamerané na vytváranie výmen Výmena – forma ľudskej činnosti pomocou ktorej možno požadovaný produkt získať za protihodnotu (je základom marketingu) - aby sa výmena mohla uskutočniť, treba splniť: 1. výmeny sa musia zúčastniť najmenej 2 partneri (každý musí ponúkať určitú hodnotu) 2. každý z týchto partnerov musí prejaviť ochotu, že sa chce výmeny zúčastniť a pritom každý musí byť natoľko slobodný, aby mohol ponuku partnera prijať alebo odmietnuť 3. partneri musia byť schopní vzájomnej komunikácie a musia byť natoľko čestní, aby zmluvné podmienky dodržali 4. aby sa mohlo vymieňať, treba mať predstavivosť, schopnosť porozumieť druhej strane a treba akceptovať podmienky 5. partneri musia dospieť k dohode, ktorá má podobu peňažných jednotiek, aby sa uľahčili transakcie (kúpa a predaj) - tovarovo-peňažná výmena znamená vymieňanie materiálu alebo tovaru za peniaze - výmena vytvára hodnoty podobným spôsobom ako výroba a to preto lebo rozširuje možnosti spotreby Podnik ...
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...VERSLO STRATEGIJA: atvejo analizė Vi l n i aus u n ive rs ite t as Marija Kučinskienė, Laura Žiogelytė, Gražina Jatuliavičienė VERSLO STRATEGIJA: atvejo analizė Mokomoji k nyg a Vilniaus universiteto leidykla Vi l n ius , 2 0 1 2 UDK Turinys Apsvarstė ir rekomendavo išleisti Vilniaus universiteto Ekonomikos fakulteto Verslo katedra (2011 m. protokolas Nr. 5) Įvadas 1. 2. 5 11 Verslo strategija: teorinis požiūris Praktinių situacijų vertinimas: atvejo analizė 61 Recenzavo: doc. dr. Aida Mačerinskienė lekt. dr. Asta Fominienė 1 atvejis. AB „Snaigė“ – lietuviškų šaldytuvų ateitis 2 atvejis. Humana People to People – padėti žmogui, kuriam reikia pagalbos 3 atvejis. Socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ sėkmės priežastys 87 4 atvejis. UAB „Čili Holdings“ veikla ir plėtros galimybės 96 61 79 5 atvejis. Pokyčiai pasaulio mobiliųjų technologijų lyderės NOKIA veikloje 104 6 atvejis. Starbucks – kavos išsinešti meistras 7 atvejis. „Apple“ – išskirtinė kompanija informacinių technologijų rinkoje 9 atvejis. eBay internetinio verslo sėkmė 170 116 131 148 8 atvejis. Pokyčiai pasaulinėje automobilių pramonėje 10 atvejis. Kompanijos „Nike“ plėtrai sporto prekių rinkoje finišo linijos nėra 181 11 atvejis. Mažmeninė prekyba: „Tesco“ užkariauja pasaulį? 195 ISBN 978-609-459-052-8 © Marija Kučinskienė. 2012 © Laura Žiogelytė, 2012 © Gražina Jatuliavičienė, 2012 12 atvejis. Sėkminga „Google“ veikla – kas slepiasi už šimto nulių? 210 4 5 ...
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...INDIAN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY 2009 PROJECT REPORT ON INDIAN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY FOR PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT SUBMITTED TO: Ms. Gunjeet Kaur Lect. of SVSM SUBMITTED BY: Rajnish Kumar Roll No. SVPG/07/05 PGDM – 6th Trimester SWAMI VIVEKANAND SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Ramnagar (near Banur), Patiala 1 | Page SVSM RAJNISH THAKUR (PGDM) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & MARKETING INDIAN LOGISTICS INDUSTRY 2009 Punjab LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT - INTRODUCTION Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective, forward and backward (reverse) flow and storage of goods, services and information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers' requirements rather to the customers’ delight. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician. Logistics, as a business concept, evolved only in the 1950s. This was mainly due to the increasing complexity of supplying one's business with materials, and shipping out products in an increasingly globalized supply chain, calling for experts in the field who are called Supply Chain Logisticians. This can be defined as having the right item in the right quantity at the right time at the right place for the right price and to the right target customers (consumer); and it is the science of process having its presence in all sectors of the industry. The goal of logistics work is to manage...
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