...moet worden genomen bij de productontwikkeling of –lancering? Voer hiertoe een microanalyse uit (opdracht M1). Opdracht M1: micro-analyse * Algemeen: GEBRUIK HET ANTWOORDFORMAT VOOR DE OPDRACHT (Sharepoint). * Bij de opdrachtomschrijving worden begrippen en modellen gevraagd, die je helpen bij het uitvoeren van de microanalyse. LET OP: deze begrippen en modellen komen voor in de boeken ‘Het Marketingplan’ van M. Burk Wood en/of ‘Principes van Marketing’ van P. Kotler. * Alle termen die rood cursief zijn gedrukt moet je voor de opdracht opzoeken in bovengenoemde boeken en van uitleg voorzien. * Vermeld steeds de bron bij je gegevens, volgens de APA methode (voetnoot/verwijzing in tekst, volledige bronvermelding in literatuurlijst). Product, branding en marketing 1. Verdiep je in het huidige assortiment van Mona GA NAAR SUPERMARKTEN!: * Maak het gehele assortiment overzichtelijk, bv visueel. Hoeveel producten voert Mona? * Wat is de breedte van het assortiment (productgroepen), de lengte en de diepte van het assortiment? * Is er enige vorm van consistentie in het assortiment? Zo ja, welke? * Wat zijn nieuwe(re) producten? 2. Verdiep je in de branding en marketing van Mona * Wat is de (gewenste) merkpositionering van Mona? * Wat zijn Mona’s USP’s? 3. Richt je voor het vervolg van je onderzoek op 1 of 2 van de productgroepen van Mona. Kies de...
Words: 2918 - Pages: 12
...Paper 1 Cisco Systems Inleiding Cisco Systems heeft al jarenlang ervaring op het gebied van informatie uitwisselen tussen netwerken. De oprichters van dit bedrijf zijn Leonard Bosack en Sandy Lerner. Het hoofddoel van de onderneming was om oplossingen te vinden om netwerken op te zetten en te verbeteren. Het bedienen van de klant staat erg centraal binnen Cisco Systems, dit kwam sterk terug in het schrijven van het allereerste businessplan voor Cisco Systems. Tegenwoordig speelt de klanttevredenheid een grote rol binnen Cisco Systems en daarnaast is het belangrijk dat er sprake is van voortdurende ontwikkeling. De innovatie speelt een belangrijke rol om zo lange tijd mee te blijven doen in de markt en te veranderen. Stelling De stelling, die wij in deze paper willen bespreken, luidt als volgt: “Cisco Systems moet een research and training team oprichten om de marktpositie te behouden.” Organisatiebeschrijving Een organisatie is een doelrealiserend samenwerkingsverband, waarin belanghebbende partijen in een coalitie samenwerken om een gemeenschappelijk doel te bereiken, maar om een eigen doelstelling te realiseren. Hierbij staat John Chambers momenteel aan het hoofd van de organisatie binnen Cisco Systems. Onder andere dhr. Chambers en de andere bestuurshoofden bepalen momenteel welke strategie gevoerd wordt op het hoogste niveau. Management Control (Anthony / Govindarjan) Volgens Anthony en Govindarjan onderscheidt drie planning- en controlprocessen binnen een onderneming...
Words: 2247 - Pages: 9
...Gummesson 2007 * Service dominant logic anser att service(som kärnbegrepp) ersätter både produkter och tjänster. * Enligt statistik består ekonomier av tjänstesektorn, tillverkningsindustrin och jordbruk. * Oklarheter med detta: * Ett företag med 51% intäkter från tillverkning, räknas till tillverkningsindustrin, men om 51% av intäkterna istället kommer ifrån reparationer och underhåll av produkter räknas det som ett tjänsteföretag * Om ett industriföretag gör om sin reparation och underhållsavdelning till ett dotterbolag växer tjänstesektorn medans tillverkningsindustrin minskar, åtminstone hur det ser ut. * Bara bokföringsmässigt det ändras, endast i verkligheten ytterst lite. * Det enda som räknas är pengabytet, man tillgodo räknar inte utbyten mellan produkter-tjänster/tjänster-produkter, familje- eller vänjobb eller svarta marknaden. Inte heller voluntära sektorn eller icke-statliga organisationer som greenpeace osv räknas. * Vi har lämnat jordbruks åldern bakom oss, nästan obefintlig, för att genomgått industri åldern och hamnat i ett ”efterindustriåldern” ålder- Informationsåldern – Vetenskapsbaserade samhället – eller tjänste ekonomin. * Statistiken baseras på kostnader, pris och sysselsättning men inte konsumtionen som värde för konsumenter. Sektorn är helt produktinriktad och konsumenten nästintill obefintlig. * Tjänster/produkter – dess skillnader – verklighet och myt * Väldans massa tjänster räknas...
Words: 2525 - Pages: 11
...Samenvatting International Marketing: college(s)2011/2012 Tilburg University | Marketing Management | International Marketing Verspreiden niet toegestaan | Gedownload door: Jolien De Klerk | E-mail: joliendeklerk@hotmail.com SAMENVATTING INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 2011/2012 Week 1: Introduction to global marketing Marketing = an organization function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Global marketing = focus with recourses and competencies on global market opportunities and threats. The difference is de scope of activities. A global company conducts important activities outside the home-country market. Deze globalisatie activiteiten kunnen met alle groeistrategieën plaatsvinden: Companies that understand and engage in global marketing can offer more overall value to consumers than companies that do not have that understanding. The discipline of marketing is universal. It is natural however that marketing practices will vary per country, for the simple reason that the countries and peoples of the world are different (preferences, competitors, channels and communication media). The differences mean that a marketing approach that has proven successful in 1 country doesn’t mean that this will work in another country. An important thing is to recognize the extent to which it is possible to extend marketing plans and programs worldwide...
Words: 18459 - Pages: 74
...Summary Solar is a company founded in Denmark. Solars business areas are within the electrical, pluming and ventilation systems. They are based in Kolding. From here the Executive Board establish the overall strategies and objectives. Furthermore, there are 7 subsidiaries spread across multiple countries. The countries are: Germany, Faroe Islands, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Finland and Sweden. The company works from an idea that the company wants to be market leaders in their current core markets while they also in the future want to become market leaders in new markets. Solar's current situation is analyzed and evaluated including the advantages of a market development for the Baltics. In addition, we asked a series of share issues, which simultaneously has been considered. This has been done through the relevant theory and analysis. The first issue is, how is Solar's internal situation, according to an expansion to the Baltics? Our analysis explains that Solar has the capital to make acquisitions in emerging markets without losing degrees of freedom. In addition, it can be seen from the SWOT analysis the company has many strengths which also can be taken advantage of in a possible expansion. These strengths are the outbound logistics, service and their vast experience with expansion into new markets. Furthermore, the company is working hard to create and maintain their unique product and differentiate themselves from competitors through their excellent service. Therefore...
Words: 7880 - Pages: 32
...Zusammenfassung Digitale Medien I. Herausforderungen und Grundlagen des Managements von digitalen Medien 1. Audiovisuelle Medien und Digitalisierung a. Medien b. Medienwandel c. Digitale Medien 2. Mediendienste und digitaler Content d. Content und Assets e. Mediale Angebote und Zielgruppen 3. Akteure des TIME-Sektors und Vernetzung f. Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit 4. Übungsaufgaben II. Redaktions- und Contentmanagement 1. Grundlagen des Redaktions- und Contentmanagements a. Definitionen b. Ziele c. Strategisches und operatives Contentmanagement 2. Aufgaben des Content managements d. Content-Syndication e. Entstehung von Content f. Aufbereitung von Content g. Distribution von Content h. Verwertung von Content 3. Aufgaben des Redaktionsmanagements i. Qualitätsmanagement j. Redaktionsmarketing und Personalmanagement k. Kostenmanagement und Technikmanagement l. Entwicklungen im Redaktionsmanagement 4. Grenzen des Redaktions- und Contentmanagements 5. Integriertes Contentmanagement 6. Übungsaufgaben III. Mediale Wertschöpfung im digitalen Zeitalter 1. Wertschöpfungskonzepte a. Wertschöpfung b. Wertschöpfungskonfigurationen i. Wertkette ii. Wertshop iii. Wertnetzwerk c. Value-in-Context 2. Wertschöpfung von digitalen Medien ...
Words: 4940 - Pages: 20
...BUSINESS EN ETHIEK Hoofdstuk 1: bedrijfsethiek in het spanningsveld tussen persoonlijke en institutionele verantwoordelijkheid.............................. 4 Inleiding: algemene beschouwingen over bedrijfsethiek..................................................... 4 1. 1 Bedrijfsethiek vanuit het standpunt van de ethische ondernemer.............................. 4 1.1.1 Bedrijfsethiek als ‘science des moeurs’: wetenschappelijke studie van het feitelijk moreel gedrag ................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 Bedrijfsethiek als normatieve ethiek ............................................................... 5 1.2 De ethische onderneming ....................................................................................... 9 1.2.1 Het statuut van de onderneming.................................................................... 10 Een sociologische kijk: van organisatie naar instituut................................ 10 De dierbare organisatie......................................................................................... 10 Institutionalisering als routine............................................................................... 10 Internationalisering als interne waardecreatie ....................................................... 11 Een economische kijk op de onderneming................................................. 11 Het ondernemingsbegrip verruimd......
Words: 12394 - Pages: 50
...http://eduweb.hhs.nl/~10044957/verslagen/Strategie%20Rapport%20Compleet.pdf Strategie 2.2 Douwe Egberts Ramon Vermaak Koen van Haasteren Martijn van Beek SBRM 2G&H Januari 2012 Mevrouw E.C.M. WillemsVoorwoord Na negen weken hard werken aan het vak strategie, leveren wij hierbij ons bijbehorende rapport op. Nadat we op stoom zijn gekomen, verliep het project soepel en hebben we naar onze mening een zeer goed resultaat op weten te leveren. Mevrouw Willems heeft een grote bijdrage aan dit project kunnen leveren door in zes weken alle ins en outs op het gebied van strategie aan ons te hebben geleerd. Ook Douwe Egberts zelf heeft sterke invloed gehad op dit project, doordat hun website zeer overzichtelijk en up to date is, waardoor we heel veel informatie tot onze beschikking hadden. Wij gaan ervan uit dat Douwe Egberts een dermate professionele organisatie is, dat ze grotendeels de informatie uit dit rapport al tot hun beschikking hebben. Mocht het rapport toch een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan dit bedrijf, zouden wij dat als groep natuurlijk een zeer mooi resultaat vinden. Wij hopen dat dit rapport door iedereen met plezier gelezen zal worden en het voor deze en genen nog eens van pas kan komen. Tot slot wensen wij eenieder succes bij het kiezen/verbeteren van de strategie en hopen wij dat dit rapport u daarbij op weg mag helpen. Ramon Vermaak Koen van Haasteren Martijn van Beek Januari 2012Samenvatting Opdracht: De opdracht voor het vak strategie...
Words: 20617 - Pages: 83
...www.ccsenet.org/ijms International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 3, No. 2; May 2011 The Influence of Brand Loyalty on Cosmetics Buying Behavior of UAE Female Consumers Dr. Hamza Salim Khraim Marketing Department, Faculty of Business Middle East University, Amman, Jordan E-mail: hkhraim@meu.edu.jo Received: January 24, 2011 Abstract The worldwide annual expenditures for cosmetics is estimated at U.S. $18 billion, and many players in the field are competing aggressively to capture more and more markets. The purpose of this article is to investigate the influence of brand loyalty on cosmetics buying behavior of female consumers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE. The seven factors of brand loyalty are brand name, product quality, price, design, promotion, service quality and store environment. Questionnaires were distributed and self-administered to 382 respondents. Descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation were used in this study. The findings of this study indicated that brand name has shown strong correlation with brand loyalty. The research results showed that there is positive and significant relationship between factors of brand loyalty (brand name, product quality, price, design, promotion, service quality and store environment) with cosmetics brand loyalty. Keywords: Female buying behavior, Brand loyalty, Cosmetics, UAE 1. Introduction The history of cosmetics spans at least 6,000 years of human history, and almost every society on earth...
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...Ta’Kita Boykin REI Marketing Environment Worksheet List the current characteristics of each environmental factor as they relate to REI. U.S. Economy How does the current U.S. economy affect REI retail operations? 1. If the economy was in a depression, people would begin saving money and limiting their spending habits, which in turns results in a decrease in online/in-store purchases for REI because the value of their goods/products would have to increase. There will less buying for some goods and supplies which decrease the company’s sales and revenue. 2. Employees within the companies would lose jobs (turnovers) or employees making less money. Global Economy How does the current global economy affect REI retail operations? 1. If some products or goods were bought or traded from another country and the currency values were increase, REI would have to purchase these items at a higher price also and the scope of REI’s prices would decrease because customers would realize that the prices for what they want are too expensive and not want to buy them. 2. Fair Labor. REI has joined with other associations such as Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and Fair Factories Clearinghouse (FFC) to crack down and ban fair labor violations. Legal and Regulatory Environment What types of legal and regulatory forces affect REI in the U.S.? 1. Consumer privacy. By REI customer’s using their social security numbers, credit cards, checks, and debit cards to make purchases...
Words: 475 - Pages: 2
...KUTCHEN March 24, 2013 MARKETING ANALYSIS REPORT BY: BRIDGETT BLUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lortex Lutchen is the first company in the United States to ever create a comfortable toilet seat with state-of-the-art features, called Flush Max 1250. This product was created for consumers seeking a piece of mind in their private time. “Our mission is to provide the best in customized toilets, while integrating the latest in technology, to deliver quality and satisfaction to all our consumers. We are committed to the performance and consumer experience of Flush Max 1240 MARKETING MIX Setting a team of members to do a specific job as follows: • One would be responsible for external and internal environments. She/or he would keep up with the new technologies that comes out and keep track of the competition. • One would be responsible for marketing objectives and target marketing. He/ or she would focuses on what needs to be done for future purposes. • One would be responsible for product and pricing strategy. He/ or she would be in charge of setting prices and budgeting for the product. One would be responsible for marketing communication strategy. He/ or she would be in charge of the advertising, ads, sales, and promotion planning of the product. One would be responsible for distribution strategy and implementation and control. She/ or he is in charge of the action plan for marketing objectives. Being a brand new...
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...Executive Summary Introduction Blu-Ray Computer Design will provide computer and technical consulting to local small businesses as well as home PC users. In doing so the company will focus on marketing, responsiveness, quality, and creating and retaining customer relations. The Company Blu-Ray will initially be a sole proprietorship with minimum outside financing. Blu-Ray will be a home office start-up, utilizing one studio room in the owner's home and serving customers in the local Clearwater, Florida area. Blu-Ray Computer Design will be initially owned by Nigel Murrien. Depending on growth, the company will possibly add additional employees and expand operations. The Market Market research indicates an available market niche able to be occupied by additional businesses of this nature. The very nature of the computing industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related issues. Home PC users will provide the majority of our business revenue. These jobs will typically consist of minor upgrades services and advising. Business Week expects the computing industry to grow at a rate of 12% and the processor speeds to continue to expand for years to come, providing a rich resource for sales. Blue-Ray Computer Design has decided to focus mainly on the home PC market for many reasons. These home customers typically request jobs that are easier, faster, and less...
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...Marketing Mix “The four P approach has led to a manipulative attitude to people” (Gummesson, 2002:285). “What marketing deserves is new approaches, new paradigms, which are more market oriented” (Gronroos, 2002:140). “We propose that the mix has now reached its vanishing point, and we argue that marketing requires a new paradigm” (O’Malley & Patterson, 2002:50). What is common among the above three quotations is the fact that they are all against the Marketing mix. They also share the common belief that it’s time for a radical change, one where the 4Ps are rejected for a new paradigm. But the importance of the 4Ps is being undermined. Despite its limitations, they still form the base which is being used by modern organizations. This paper attempts to show the importance of the marketing mix for modern marketers and that it cannot be relegated from modern marketing strategy. The paper is divided into six parts. Beginning with the introduction it then moves on to the development of the marketing mix theory. The third part contains the literature review of the mix. The fourth asserts that marketing mix in conjunction with RM and CRM can result in a successful marketing strategy and the fifth uses Lexus as an example to prove this assertion. It ends with the conclusion. What Is Marketing Mix? The Oxford Dictionary of Business and Management’s definition of the Marketing Mix is of “the factors controlled by a company that can influence consumers’ buying of its products” (Anon...
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...1) Research SAP – discuss in YOUR words: what is SAP, what are some of its functionality, do research to determine its strengths and weaknesses. This should be 2 paragraphs – at least 20 sentences! In June 1972 5 IBM programmers created a company called Systems Analysis and Program Development after having worked on a program called SAPE for IBM. The programmers were originally pulled off the SAPE project but wanted to continue their work. Selling stock from their time at IBM the original founders of SAP were able to continue work on the SAPE program and eventually create many solutions for business. SAP is now one of the world’s largest software development companies focusing in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. SAP has locations in over 130 countries and is the world’s leading ERP developer. SAP focuses on 6 primary industries: discrete, process, consumer, service, financial, and public services. SAP also offers integrated solutions for large enterprise companies as well as small and medium size businesses. Currently the SAP ERP Business Suite offers 5 ERP solutions for businesses intended to cover the scope of all solutions a business may need to be successful. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) – this software allows companies to make orders from suppliers handling things such as inventory, scheduling, and cost analysis. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) – This software allows manufacturers to maintain accurate product information that enables...
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...Project Report Launching the BMW Z3 Roadster Introduction BMW Z3 is the 1st BMW car which is being manufactured in North America, a market which has contributed only 16% to BMW s revenues. At the same time, the American customer has found itself very difficult to relate itself to a foreign brand. Here lies the challenge for BMW and the marketing efforts behind the Z3 campaign are aimed at changing this perception of the American customer and ingrain BMS s brand image in the hearts of Americans. Phase1 which was not a run of the mill marketing campaign created a huge buzz and was deemed a huge success. The campaign revolved around the placement of the BMW Z3 in the James Bond Movie, GOLDENEYE as Bonds new car. Several other non-traditional elements such as being part of the Neiman Marcus Christmas Catalog, product appearance on the Jay Leno show, and launch at Central Park ensured an out-of-the-box prelaunch. The challenge now is to leverage the buzz and design Phase II marketing strategies which will convert the interest generated into revenues for BMW. Strategic Significance of the Launch The launch is especially significant for BMW because the success of the entire U.S. operations of BMW crucially hinged on it. Moreover, BMW hopes to position the BMW brand firmly in American culture and settle into the hearts and minds of the American public through the launch. It was also meant to promote the vehicle as a cultural icon in America. Further, the launch demonstrates that...
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