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Martha Stout's When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, It Was Friday

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Some consider a healthy mental sanity key to balance in self yet the most intelligent human minds of history were labeled insane. With the infinite number of circumstances and knowledge, the brain, as the operating system, defines individuals through their memories and awareness. Without either, one’s reality may be significantly impacted emotionally, psychologically, and physically. Clinical psychologist Martha Stout, author of “When I Woke Up Tuesday Morning, It Was Friday”, discusses a widely common “issue” that affects the psychological and sometimes even physical aspects of the mind. Dissociation is the disconnection of the mind and sometimes body that often results from trauma. It creates an atmosphere of uncontrollable unawareness that …show more content…
Science has proven that unconscious mind remains active and the being reflects on self such as dreams and dissociation for example. In most cases these reflections reveal the actuality of what the person is or desires to be. Living in the moment influences self to continue to be instead of disrupting the reality of life’s limits. No amount of psychological, physical, or emotional separation should distort the course that one sets for himself/herself. Even through the worsts of experiences and negativity there is still connections to the balance of goodness. Stout exemplifies this through the relationship of mortality and immortality saying, “It helps to have an awfully good reason to try, such as a suffocating depression or some other demonic psychological torment. Perhaps this is a part of the reason why philosophers and theologians through the centuries have observed such a strong connection between unbearable earthly sorrow and spiritual enlightenment,” (423). This personifies the concept of the struggle of everyday living with the reward of eternal happiness. This can explain why some individuals whether mentally stable or not, attempt suicide. They believe that ending life is the effortless route to reaching the truth of self. Even those such as monks search for the understanding of self and enlightenment simply by …show more content…
The worst of these symbolic connections are the ones that reveal the true cognition of self. Such impacting memories are often traumatic and unforgettable but many fortunate memories also create connections to the amygdala. Along with the brain, the heart also relates sensations and emotions that also translate to symbolic connections. The heart signals emotion or feeling through actions such as the speed of pounding, the warming of the heart, etc. Though not a common place to process the cognition of self, the heart like the brain gives the body life and shares equal significance when discussing symbolic connections. Stout relates her patient's “heart” pains

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