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Research Unit 1 Contribute To Support Child And Young Person Development

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Unit 1 Contribute to support of child and young person Development
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Performance Criteria (PC)
1 Be able to contribute to assessments of the development needs of children and young people

1.2 Identify different observation methods and know why they are used


Physical development:

Playing on sit-and-ride toys, running, climbing, building bricks, doing simple jigsaw puzzles, pedalling a tricycle or pushing it along with feet, turning pages in books and pointing out objects, able to walk up stairs on alternate feet, able to use the toilet, small ball games, activities such as threading, pouring and using scissors.

Communication and intellectual development:

Points to pictures of familiar objects and name them, phrases such as “ daddygone” or “drinkno” where two words are used together, speech that adults unfamiliar with the child can understand, interested in mark-making, painting, and books, enjoyment of sand and water play, children asking questions and enjoying talking, speech and pretend play that models adult life, concentration when an activity has caught their interest and drawings that have meaning for the child and are recognisable.

Social, emotional and behaviour development:

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