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Submitted By enwadike
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Emeka Nwadike
Case Analysis 5
Marc Kasky a native of San Francisco loved caring about other in the community; he pictured the world as one community. He got his first lesson in business ethics from his father who repaired cars. He graduated from Yale in 1969 and decided to work in poor Cleveland neighborhoods but later moved back to San Francisco where he headed a nonprofit center for foundations that funded schools. He was a marathon runner and wore lots of Nike shoes but later stopped buying them after reading stories of unfair working conditions in Nike overseas factories. Marc Kasky already sued several companies for false claim and advertising of their products and then asked for help from an old friend Alan Caplan to help sue Nike. They went ahead and sued Nike in April 1998 for false advertising and unfair treatment on workers. This case went on for a few years and had so many negative effects on Nike. Nike was accused of paying their workers under minimum wage and harassing their workers. After several years’ law suits Nike came to agreement in return of kasky dropping the case. They decided to give $1.5 million to an industry friendly factory group and published a corporate responsibility report stating it would create an industry wide systemic change, it would promote sustainability by eliminating toxic chemicals in shoe making and improve society by promoting the idea of sport with its benefit of healthy exercise and keeping young people out of trouble.
I like this case and what Marc Kasky did in it. He always cared about the community and wanted everybody to be treated fairly. I really did not know why Nike was exploiting the workers if they had all that money. The Media also helped Kasky in this case, they helped with information and were able to make the case trending so that people would know what Nike was doing. I liked the fact that

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