...mainstream economics, without wanting to discard both paradigms in favor of some other basic methodology and paradigm. The term comes from "meso-" (which means "middle") and "economics", and is constructed in analogy with micro and macro economics. The problem • How to analyse economic coordination and change in a way that is useful for the study of growth and development, technological and institutional change, market and price dynamics • The problem is that micro-macro is no good. Why? Because it cannot analyse the process of change as it actually happens, through changing connections and changing populations. • Micro sums to macro is static and without structure (also without knowledge as interactions and populations). It does not deal with populations, networks, structures or processes. • For analysis of economies as evolving complex adaptive systems, we need to start with what exists and what changes Economic systems are made of rules: Rules are the elements of meso. A meso is a rule and its population of actualizations. The complexity of an economic system resides in the variety of the actualizations (meso population), the micro systems (of actualizations) and the macro systems (of meso). Meso is a generic rule and its trajectory: A meso unit is a generic ‘rule’ and its population of actualizations. A meso...
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...The purpose of this experiment was for the student to be able to perform the dehydrobromination of meso-stilbene dibromide in order to produce an alkyne, diphenylacetalyene. The dehydrobromination of meso-stilbene dibromide requires removal of two hydrogen bromides—in other words, a double elimination. In order for the elimination of the halogen to happen, the hydrogen being attacked and the leaving group need to be on the same plane. More specifically, the molecule has to be in an anti-periplanar orientation in order to have the elimination reaction happen more efficiently. Even though a molecule in a syn-periplanar orientation also has the hydrogen and leaving group in the same plane, the fact that both groups are on the same side makes the molecule sterically hindered. The staggered conformation of the meso-stilbene dibromide is orbitally more favorable than the eclipsed conformation making the anti-periplanar orientation the more favorable orientation for an elimination reaction. Fortunately, the fact that meso-stilbene dibromide had a single bond allowed for this molecule to develop the anti-periplanar orientation by having rotated the bond until the hydrogen and the leaving group were on opposite sides of the molecule. When producing alkynes, there are two steps involved in the reaction: the formation of an intermediate alkene with a vinyl halide followed by the elimination of the halide to result in an alkyne. For the creation of the intermediate vicinal bromide in this...
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...die een merk kan bieden toe op het merk dat je gekozen hebt voor het vak marketing. d/ Het kan zijn dat jouw merk op het eerste zicht geen waarde biedt op sommige vlakken/ of op een bepaald vlak. Bedenk in dat geval zelf een relevante toegevoegde waarde voor jouw specifiek merk. 2/ a/ Waarom maakt een marketeer een DESTEP analyse? b/ Maak een DESTEP analyse voor uw merk en bespreek elk onderdeel grondig. c/ Haal uit de DESTEP analyse van jouw merk de belangrijkste opportuniteiten en bedreigingen en argumenteer waarom deze zo belangrijk zijn voor jouw specifiek merk. 3/ a/ Wat zijn de verschillende partijen uit de meso-omgeving? b/ Leg elke partij uit de meso-omgeving grondig uit. c/ Bespreek 3 partijen uit de meso-omgeving- die volgens jou- cruciaal zijn voor het succes van jouw merk. Leg uit waarom je denkt dat deze partijen in de meso-omgeving van jouw merk zo belangrijk zijn. 4/ a/ Wat is de micro-omgeving van een onderneming/ organisatie? b/ Waarom wordt de micro-omgeving vandaag de dag steeds belangrijker voor de overlevingskansen van een merk? c/ Wat is een brand purpose? d/ Leg het verschil uit tussen een brand purpose en een visie van een merk. 5/ Meer en meer merken formuleren een brand purpose voor hun merk. Een brand purpose vertrekt vanuit de vraag: “waarom is ons merk hier in de maatschappij?” Leg uit aan de hand van de theorie van de Golden Circle van Sinek waarom deze ‘why’ zo belangrijk is. 6/ Het vak marketing is de laatste...
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...Our Social World: Condensed, Fourth Edition. © 2015 SAGE Publications The Development of Sociology August Comte & the science of society • Coined the term “sociology” in 1838 • Thought society’s problems could not be understood by philosophical or religious speculation; scientific knowledge was needed • Two main concerns – What holds society together? (social statics or structure) – Why is there change in society? (social dynamics or process) Ballantine, Roberts, and Korgen. Our Social World: Condensed, Fourth Edition. © 2015 SAGE Publications The Development of Sociology Early sociology after Comte • Focus on massive social and economic change brought by Industrial Revolution • Focus on relationship between micro-, meso-, and macro-level processes • Early sociological theorists: Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Harriet Martineau, Max Weber, W.E.B. DuBois • Use of scientific method to test ideas Ballantine, Roberts, and Korgen. Our Social World: Condensed, Fourth Edition. © 2015 SAGE Publications Three Sociological Traditions • Scientific sociology focuses on pure, objective analysis, modeled on natural science • Humanistic sociology focuses on the human capacity to create meaning, which can’t be...
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...Cloud Computing Introduction Information technology has been infiltrated into our daily life due to the advent of technology. In business setting, the usage of information technology is omnipresent and information system is widely used among entities. For information system, cloud computing is one of the popular applications for businesses because it can reduce IT cost at the same time facilitating a company in various perspectives. In this essay, a fast-growing company called Airbnb, adopting concept of collaborative consumption, will be analyzed to demonstrate the use of cloud computing. Background Airbnb is an American company founded in 2008, an online platform for people to rent out, list, discover, and book lodging, including private rooms, entire apartments, castles, boats, private islands and other properties around the world. Through online or mobile phone, a transaction can be done conveniently (Airbnb, Inc., 2014). Airbnb has expanded to host more than 500,000 listings across 192 countries since launched in 2008 (King, 2013) and has now served 9 million guests in the fifth year (Lawler, 2013). However, one year after launched, It experienced service administration challenges because of its original cloud computing provider, therefore, Airbnb decided to migrate nearly all of its cloud computing functions to Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Amazon, 2014). Benefits for adopting cloud computing Definition Cloud computing is a type of computing...
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...Theorizing inter-organizational inequality – Conceptual suggestions to overcome a blind spot Organizations form and are embedded in differently structured institutional fields (DiMaggio/Powell 1991, Scott 2008) which embody certain structures of relational positions (Powell et al 2005), i.e. structures of inequality sui generis. Organizational hierarchies, positions in organizational networks, or organizational status do have an impact on, say, the capacities of organizations to engage in institutional work successfully, their internal promotion system, or more generally their ability to affect their own chances as well as chances in the lives of individuals for good or worse. If it is true that individual outcomes depend on organizational structures and those structures are strongly influenced by the social context they are embedded in, that implies not only to treat certain individual outcomes as dependent on organizational factors but ultimately as a function of the relational and relative position organizations find themselves in. Social inequality must therefore be understood and analytically fashioned as a multilevel-phenomenon. Despite that, inter-organizational inequality has been neglected in the study of social inequality and stratification. Studies that reproduce this blind spot firstly may overlook to mechanisms and their underlying institutions that may seriously interfere with the predominant models of ascriptive, variable-centered analysis, secondly they lose...
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...different areas and cultures of the world, but are nevertheless present in all societies. These 5 institutions are said to occur at three main levels: micro, meso, and macro. The micro level is the smallest level. This level focuses on individual interactions within society. Meso is more of a midrange level in which you are examining society through bigger groups of people, specifically in the workplace, and lastly the macro level. The macro level is viewing society through a large lens, like government organizations (Braine). Throughout all of these institutions social norms are present. Social Norms relate back to Mead’s view of self. The me part of self is the basic rules of society or social norms. Sociologists define social norms as “values, beliefs, and ways of behaving that govern life and interaction across a wide range of social contexts…” (Braine, pg. 91). A great example that was used in the text was cigarettes, which hit on all three levels of social institutions. The author illustrates that in the 1980’s it was considered a social norm to smoke in your office, school, restaurants, etc. However, today smoking is prohibited in almost all public indoor areas due to the potential risk of second-hand smoke to all non-smokers. This example shows how one social norm can be showcased at the micro level with behavior, the meso level with smoking rules in the workplace, and the largest level, macro, with governments regulating smoking policies (Braine). Before reading this, most...
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...Roles of the Ancient Women Ancient Middle Eastern civilizations laid the ground work for the progression of Western culture. The religions and laws created by the leaders of these civilizations directed the day to day lives of their people. We see evidence of this through the archeological and anthropological studies that have been conducted throughout the Middle Eastern regions over the past few decades. As most of these civilizations were built upon a patriarchal culture, the majority of what has been unearth points toward the day to day lives of the men of those civilizations. What evidence is there for the role of women in these ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Minoan cultures? The written historical record, excavated artifacts and art provides a rich tapestry of evidence of the lives of the Ancient Mesopotamians and with it a small glimpse into the lives of Mesopotamian women. Many resources point to the woman’s role being firmly that of a “daughter of her father or the wife of her husband.” (The Oriantial Institute, Chicago University) Texts such as The Code of Hammurabi spell out what few rights a Mesopotamian woman had. These rights were mainly associated to the privileges of the dowry bestowed up on her husband by her father or in his death her eldest male relative. (Hooker, Washington State University, 1999) A dowry typically consisted of money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband in marriage. The rights to this dowry were mainly held by the father...
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...recruiting has formed. According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. In other words, it is also a process of attracting and searching capable and quality applicants for employment. Recruitment is a continuous process, after received resumes from applicants, company need to do another process to filter out the applicants and group them, interviews or questionnaire will be needed for this process. According to Babbie and Mouton (2001) and Van der Waldt (2013:12), there are three level of models in recruitment such as the macro-model , meso-model, and micro-model. The macro-model reflects the strategic elements that illustrates the selection process and procedures of recruitment process to achieve its goals. The meso-model describe the intermediary steps of selection and recruitment. The micro-model consists of operational steps such as procedure guidelines and checklist. Three of them were being created to help in the ease of recruitment process. The levels show us the depth of penetration in the steps and phases. Skanska also provide internship to colleges in different country that achieve the requirements. An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training...
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...affect the economy and industries as a whole, while micro focuses on factors within an industry, such as competition. Several tools are used to make sense of a company's business environment, such as PESTEL, SWOT, Market Life Cycle and Porters 5 forces. Market environment The market environment is a marketing term and refers to factors and forces that affect a firm’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with customers.Three levels of the environmment are: Micro (internal) environment - small forces within the company that affect its ability to serve its customers. Meso environment – the industry in which a company operates and the industry’s market(s). Macro (national) environment - larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment.[1] Contents [hide] * 1 Micro-Environment (internal environment) * 2 Macro-Environment (external environment) * 3 Meso-Environment * 4 References * 5 External Resource Micro-Environment (internal environment) The micro environment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect its ability to serve its customers. It includes the company itself, its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets and publics. A firm's microenvironment includes all of the following EXCEPT: Competitors * The company...
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...Introduction Mogul skiing is a fairly new sport that emerged as part of freestyle skiing back in the 1960’s and 70’s (Appelbe, 2010). Moguls are the bumps that are formed when skiers push down the snow as they ski downhill. The formation of moguls happens naturally with time on a frequently used slope. This unstable terrain was challenging to many and soon became a course to run on the slopes. In 1966, the first freestyle event took place in Attitash, New Hampshire but was not yet recognized as a sport. Later, however, the Canadian Freestyles Skiers Association was formed and mogul skiing was recognized by The International Ski Federation. Freestyle skiing was originally broken up into three distinct disciplines which were aerials, ski cross, and moguls. Moguls and aerials became Olympic sports in the early 1990’s, and ski cross became an Olympic sport for the first time at the 2010 Games (Appelbe, 2010). The mogul skiing event is a downhill event where the goal of the skier is to finish the run as fast as possible while maintaining control through a very unstable terrain filled with moguls and they also need to execute tricks and turns to impress the judges. The moguls measure approximately four feet tall and are approximately 3.5 meters apart, the slope also has two small jumps known as “kickers” due to the steep take off. Each mogul slope whether natural or man-made is different so the terrain is never exactly the same. There are several competition events for mogul...
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...Kompanija „Sto posto" iz Velike Plane Najve i proizvo a sto ne hrane u Srbiji Proizvodni asortiman kompanije „Sto posto" ini oko 140 razli itih proizvoda za ishranu doma ih životinja. Kompanija je nedavno sklopila ugovor sa tri francuske firme I-Tek", „Tuffigo" i „Nucleus" u vrednosti od tri miliona evra za nabavku opreme i genetike kako bi izgradila više od stotinu minifarmi u Srbiji Kompanija „Sto posto" iz Velike Plane trenutno je najve i proizvo a sto ne hrane u Srbiji i uskoro e imati najmodernije farme sa najboljom opremom i genetikom visokog kvaliteta. Firma „Sto posto" svoje poslovanje po ela je u aprilu 1996. godine uvozom i distribucijom sirove kafe. Od 2000. godine preduze e se bavilo uvozom sojine sa me iz Brazila i Argentine i nakon toga Zoran Vukadinovi , koji je osnovao kompaniju „Sto posto", razvija delatnost i na proizvodnju sto ne hrane, tako što je 2004. godine privatizovao fabriku sto ne hrane u Velikoj Plani. Od trenutka privatizacije do danas u fabriku je uloženo 5,5 miliona evra. U momentu privatizacije fabrika sto ne hrane u Velikoj Plani nije radila i od 1996. godine radnici nisu dobijali plate. Bila je potpuno zapuštena i u jednom potpuno nefunkcionalnom stanju. Prve godine kada je krenula sa radom, proizvodnja je iznosila 14 hiljada tona, naredne godine 28 hiljada tona dok je slede e godine bila 63 hiljade tona i ja o ekujem da e ove godine proizvodnja biti 100 hiljada tona. Posle renoviranja fabrike i nakon tog razvoja, došli smo u poziciju da smo...
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...CH. 6: STRATEGY KEY STRATEGY ELEMENTS 1) Time (deadlines) 80/20 rule (Pareto’s law) often applies in negotiations. 80% of the deal getting done in the last 20% of the time spent in bargaining. If you have a firm deadline, use one of 3 strategies… 1) Without revealing your deadline, work to reach a settlement well in advance 2) Declare an earlier “deadline” before your real deadline 3) Question negotiators on the other side about their deadline – and if you find out their deadline is before yours, agree to it and work to meet it. If it’s a deadline for both sides, then neither has an advantage BOX 6.1: Use Time to Your Advantage (p. 142) 2) Info Called the “The Heart of Negotiations” because it shapes our appraisal of reality, our negotiation strategy, our BATNA, our expectations of what can be achieved and the outcome of a negotiation. Often, more info discovered both before and during a negotiation process makes you a better negotiator. The party that has more and better info is more likely to negotiate a better outcome. So, why do people fail to get info? Several reasons… 1) People regard a negotiation encounter as a limited or one-time event and simply fail to anticipate that they will need info until they are heavily involved in negotiations. 2) Novice negotiators believe the process doesn’t start until they the other party face-to-face and don’t prepare...
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...amb fases estables de remissió total o parcial. Són freqüents els símptomes residuals entre els episodis. Aquesta malaltia, que sovint és de tipus crònic, pot caracteritzar-se mitjançant 3 fases que es fusionen unes amb les altres sense que hi hagi uns límits clars i absoluts entre elles. • Fase aguda (o crisi). Durant aquesta fase, els pacients presenten símptomes psicòtics greus, com deliris i/o al•lucinacions, i un pensament greument desorganitzat; i, generalment, no són capaços de cuidar de si mateixos de forma apropiada. Sovint, els símptomes negatius passen a ser també més intensos. • Fase d’estabilització (o postcrisi). Durant aquesta fase, es redueix la intensitat dels símptomes psicòtics aguts. La duració de la fase pot ser de 6 mesos o més després de l’inici d’un episodi agut (o crisi). • Fase estable (o de manteniment). Els símptomes són relativament estables i, en el cas que n’hi hagi, quasi sempre són menys greus que a la fase aguda. Els pacients poden estar asimptomàtics; altres poden presentar símptomes no psicòtics, com tensió, ansietat, depressió o insomni. Quan persisteixen els símptomes negatius (dèficit) i/o positius, com deliris, al•lucinacions o trastorns del pensament, sovint estan presents en formes atenuades no psicòtiques (per exemple, circumstancialitat en lloc de relaxació, il•lusions en lloc d’al•lucinacions, idees sobrevalorades en lloc de deliris). Abans que...
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...Analyzing Civilizations/Cultures Pre-Columbian America The Pre-Columbian era entails all period subdivisions in the American history, which starts from the time when there was original settlement of the Americas to when Americas got colonized by the Europeans. This is the period of time when during the indigenous cultures of America until they got conquered by the Europeans. Civilizations during Pre-Columbian era established features such as permanent settlements, cities and towns, agriculture, architecture and societal hierarchies. The lithic stage is known to be the earliest era of occupation by humans in America, which occurred during the late Pleistocene period to earlier than 8,000 B.C. This period refers to the cultures of the post glacial collectors and hunters in South America. The period was called Lithic because of the Lithic flaked stone tools that first appeared. The period embraced two types of stone technology that included unformulated and unspecialized flake and core industries, and industries that exhibited a blade technique that was more advanced and improved of the stone working. There are stone tool traditions in South America of the lithic stage that show localized adaptations to the continent’s diverse habitats. People lived in small mobile groups that depended on hunting, plant gathering and fishing. Due to the extreme and continued use of wild animals and plants, it resulted into changes in genetics to some of the species and ere eventually...
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