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Middle School Years Research Paper

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Middle school is a necessary time in every student’s life because even though it can be filled with tough decisions, these formative years also help to build character. I believe that it is important to stick out your middle school years because you become an independent individual, a student truly learns the difference between right and wrong, and your experiences lead you in your life direction.
During middle school the ongoing saying was, “I am telling you/giving you this and it is your responsibility to turn it in. Not your parents, yours.” This was constantly drilled into my head during these years, and I believe it helped me become ready to tackle my future head on. Middle school made me aware that I had to stick up for myself in difficult situations. My parents couldn’t always be there to bail me out or help me talk to a teacher. These responsibilities now fell on me and I believe that I grew up stronger because of it. I think it is important for every child to go through this pre-independent stage. This prepares them for being an adult where there isn’t always someone to assist you when you need it. Middle school forces you to grow up a bit, but it is for your own benefit. …show more content…
Middle school was the first place where I witnessed after school detentions. Even though I never received a detention I watched people who did. I knew deep down that I never wanted to stay after school against my will so I was always on my best behavior during every class. The new punishment system caused me to learn what exactly respect to myself and others looks like. I knew it was important to always turn in assignments and do my best so that I could avoid punishment. I think middle school formed me into the strong student that I am today and the strong educator that I will

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