...Abstract Motivation has long been one of management’s most difficult and important duties. Success in this subject is becoming more challenging in organizational trends because business environment changes quickly and becomes more competitive. Researches on employee motivation especially highlight two types of factors: intrinsic and extrinsic. The purpose of this study it is to find out the effectiveness of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on employee motivation, which one is more effective and compare them according to demographic characteristics of employees. Using descriptive survey design, the sample of the study was 41 employees of an electricity delivery company located in the province of Ağrı, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. As a result of the study it is found out that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect employees while they achieve their tasks. Another result is that intrinsic factors are more motivating than extrinsic factors. Introduction In order to be successful or even more successful, today’s both private and public work organizations need to maximize the use of their employees’ skills. Human resource is the most critical resource for any organization in today’s highly competitive business environment. The primary task of any manager is to have an organization that functions effectively. To do so, subordinates must work efficiently and produce results that are beneficial to the organization. It is obvious that motivation is one of the main factors that...
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...GS204 Human Behaviour in Business Organization Midterm Examination 1. The basic approaches in the study of organizational behaviour and its limitations. Organizational behaviour study has developed over the years to address the growing, complex needs of the diverse workforce in a globalized economy nowadays. Its goals are to make Managers more effective in describing, predicting and controlling human behaviour. It has become a useful tool to analyze and investigate the impact that people, structures, technology and external environment have on individual behaviour within an organization. It has likewise become an interdisciplinary field which integrates behavioural science with other social sciences specifically to enhance the working relationships between people and organizations. As managers to become more effective, a careful and extensive study of these useful ideas and conceptual models is imperative. Hence, effective management can be best attained through understanding and use of the HUMAN RESOURCES, CONTINGENCY, RESULTS-ORIENTED and SYSTEMS approaches. One of these approaches is the human resource approach otherwise known as supportive approach. Traditionally, Managers perceive their workers as pessimistic and negative beings. Under this assumption, Management is directive and controlling. The modern view of today’s employee at work in relation to organization has evolved to a developmental approach. This is the positive way of perceiving that employees are responsible...
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...Motivation is a very important and extremely complex part in the hospitality and tourism industry as much as in any business in the world. Motivation can and does affect how much effort people put in their work and how much they can learn, upgrade their skills and contribute more to the company, through it. (Mullins 2007). Bloisi (2003) defines motivation as ‘’a conscious decision - to perform one or more activities with greater effort than other competing activities’’ (W. Bloisi, 2003 Management and Organisational Behaviour, p.172). Which said in plain English will mean that when a manager gives an incentive to his employees to perform a certain activity that will boost up the productivity of the employee and that confirms the theory that people are rational individual who respond to incentives. On the other hand, when the employee doesn’t have any stimulation to perform an activity the overall product of his work won’t be that good and that makes those employees a burden for the industry that they are working in - they no more contribute for the development of the company (Decenzo & Robbins 2005). Often one of the good examples of motivation is the money factor, followed by enjoying the industry and the good social environment. Most of our motives are conclusive of our behaviour. If managers understand the motivations of their employees they can understand in that way their behaviours (Huczynski & Buchanan 2007). Every manager has to know how to motivate and...
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...WISCONSIN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE MBA PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR VENUE: POSTGRADUATE ROOM 3 DAY: SATURDAYS TIME: 11.30 AM - 2.30 PM LECTURER: DR ABDULAI KUYINI MOHAMMED Course description Effective management of human resources within organizations requires an understanding of various behavior and processes. Managers need to know why people behave as they do in relation to their jobs, their work groups and their organizations. This knowledge of individuals’ perceptions, motivational attitudes and behavior will enable managers to not only understand themselves better, but also to adopt appropriate managerial policies and leadership styles to increase their effectiveness. The focus of instruction in this course will move progressively through the individual, group and organizational levels of behavior and will examine the interrelationships of behavioral phenomena among these levels. In addition, concepts such as motivation, leadership and communication and their relevance to organizational behavior will be examined Objectives At the end of this course you should be able to: * develop your skills in analyzing organizational issues and developing appropriate recommendations to enhance organizational performance; * enhance your understanding of human behavior at the individual, interpersonal and organizational levels; * acquire knowledge about concepts and frameworks that can be used to build your management effectiveness; *...
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...------------------------------------------------- Course Code & Title BUS209 Organizational Behaviour ------------------------------------------------- Course Instructor: Homayara L. Ahmed ------------------------------------------------- Batch: BBA 22 ------------------------------------------------- Contact Details: Room 311; Email: homayara@iba-du.edu; ------------------------------------------------- Office hours: Weekdays 10 am to 1 pm (and on appointment) ------------------------------------------------- Class timing : Sun & Wed 8.30 am to 11.15 am Course Objective Organizational Behaviour is the study of human behaviour in organizational settings, their interaction with the organization, and the organization itself. Since an organization is defined as a group of people working together to achieve a common goal, for future managers, who will be working in various organizations – of one form or another, this course will provide great insight as to the complexities involved in the human behaviour in work environment – their perception and roles, team orientation, organizational politics and conflict, motivation, acceptance of change etc, and how the organization reacts to all these. Course Contents / Lecture Topics Topic 1: The Field of Organizational Behaviour * Quest for People-centred Organization & Ethical Conduct * Managing Diversity Topic 2: Organizational Culture * Dynamics of Organizational Culture * Process of Cultural Change ...
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...between women and men in leadership behaviour 428 Jon Aarum Andersen Received May 2010 Revised October 2010 Accepted November 2010 Faculty of Social Sciences, Lillehammer University College, Lillehammer, Norway, and Per H. Hansson Department of Education, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Abstract Purpose – This study aims to explore behavioural differences between women and men in managerial positions and suggest explanations for differences and similarities. Design/methodology/approach – In order to eliminate any effects of organizational differences on leadership behaviour, this study had public managers responding to questionnaires that measured their leadership style, decision-making style, and motivation profile. Findings – Statistical analyses of data from three groups of Swedish public managers (n ¼ 385) revealed virtually no significant differences in behaviour between female and male managers. Regardless of whether there is a female or male majority of employees or a female or male majority of managers, no effect on leadership behaviour occurs. Originality/value – A number of studies indicate that managers’ behaviour is different in different types of organizations. This study suggests, therefore, that, independent of gender, organizational and demographic characteristics modify leadership behaviours, thus explaining similarities in leadership behaviour. Keywords Women, Men, Gender, Leadership behaviour, Public sector organizations, Sweden ...
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... | | Contents Executive Summary 3 1- Introduction 4 1.1 Background to the report 4 1.2 Scope 4 1.3 Aims 5 2- Discussion 6 2.1 Organizational Justice 6 2.2 Perception errors 7 2.3 Stress 7 2.4 Exit-Voice- loyalty-Neglect model 8 2.5 Team work 8 2.6 Motivation 9 3- Literature review 9 3.1 Organizational Justice 9 3.2 Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory 12 3.3 Expectancy theory 14 4- Solutions and suggestions 18 4.1 Organisational Justice 18 4.2 Stress 19 4.3 Improving feedback process 20 5- Conclusion 21 References 23 Executive Summary There are three purposes for this report. It attempts to indentify the problems in the case study Not as Easy as 1, 2, 3. Accordingly, it discusses about six main problems in ABC consulting firm that have negative impact on the organization effectiveness and the productivity of the objectives. These problems are; ABC consulting organization failed in implemented the organizational justice. Next one is the perception errors of Janet, the client manager and human resource director. The third problem is George was forced in the stress situation and George’s dissatisfaction about job and work...
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...Programme: PGDM Area: Course Name: Course code: Course Instructor: Objectives: Batch – 2012-14 Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour Individual and Group Behaviour in Orgnisations PGDC 102 Prof. B K Mohanty, Asst. Prof. Amaresh C Nayak This course is designed to help the students to understand why employees behave the way they do and also there by predict how they are going to behave in the future. It is the study of how people think, feel and act in the organisational setting. Prediction and understanding of the behavior of employees as an Individual and in Groups. K. Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour Stephen P. Robbins, Organizational Behavior. Trimester Credits : 1st :3 Learning Outcome: Text Book: Text Books are only indicative and not subjective and also not a limiting exercise. Being the Post Graduate Students you are required to refer to the online and offline journals. Besides you should also refer to other publications (Journals and Magazines) and books on the subject. Evaluation: Case Studies Current Issues Quiz / Surprise Test Mid Term Class Attendance End Term : : : : : : 15 Points 10 Points 10 Points 10 Points. 05 Points. 50 Points. Case Studies: This would involve the Groups of students taking up a case assigned to them for analysis and Presentation in the class. Besides, students need to produce the Individual analysis in writing of two cases for their evaluation as instructed by the course instructor. Current Issues: This...
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...Diploma in Business Completion date 10.10.2013 Assessor name U KAUNG MYAT HTUT Submitted on 10.10.2013 Unit number and title Unit 2- Organisations and Behaviour H/601/0551 Assignment Report on Organizations and their Behaviour title In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. Criteria referenc e 1.1 To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: Compare and contrast different organisational structures and culture Explain how the relationship between an organisation`s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work Explain how organisational theory underpins the practice of management Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations Compare the effectiveness of leadership styles Discuss the impact that leadership styles may have on motivation in organisations in periods of change Compare different motivational theories Task no. 1 Evidence 3-4 1.2 1 4-5 1.3 2 5 2.2 2 6 2.3 3 6 2.1 4 7-8 3.1 4 8-10 3.2 8-10 3.3 Evaluate the usefulness of motivation theory for managers Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisation Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of the effective teamwork Evaluate the impact of technology on team...
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...look at in the analysis of employee behaviour is motivation. Motivation is a key element in organizational behavior because employee needs to be motivated in order to exhibit an attitude or behavior that will help achieve the goals and objectives of the organization and thereby improve performance over time. This paper will attempt to examine motivation, its definition, theories and how it improves employee performance as a determinant for achieving organizational performance. MOTIVATION DEFINED Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal-directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation is the purpose or psychological cause of an action (Schater 2011 as cited in Wikipedia). This is the process by which a person wants and chooses to act in a particular way (Maund, 2001:440) as cited in (Opu, 2008 pp. 32). According to (Slocum and Hellriegel 2007), motivation represents the forces acting on or within a person that cause the person to behave in a specific, goal-directed manner. From the above definition, we could infer that because motives of employees affect their productivity, one of management’s jobs is to channel employee motivation effectively toward achieving organizational...
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...MASTER OF BUSINESS AND ADMINISTRATION 2015 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Student’s Name : Amira Nadia Raup Lecturer’s Name : Assoc. Prof Dr Fatima M Lawal Student’s Name : Amira Nadia Raup Lecturer’s Name : Assoc. Prof Dr Fatima M Lawal 1. Describe how the field of organizational behaviour today is being shaped by the global economic, increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the workforce, and advances in technology Due to economic globalization, many organizations are now operating around the world. It adds a new dimension to multinational operations because it involves the distinction environments, social, political and economic. Therefore, communication and control becomes more difficult. The global economic, increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the workplace, and advances in technology are major driving forces creating and shaping changes on organisational behaviour field today. These factors were equally important and can affect the performance and the company's workforce. Changes in an organization will involve "3P" test performance, productivity and profitability of the organization. Generally people are difficult to accept any changes and more reactive and not responsive. Callan(1992) says that during the time of great change in strategy and organization structure, employees can experience high levels of stress affecting their work and the...
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...Organizational Behaviour Book Notes Chapter 1 Learning Objectives: 1. Define organizations and describe their basic characteristics. Organization – social inventions for accomplishing common goals through group effort. * Social inventions – coordinated presence of people or a group of people * Goal accomplishment * Group effort – organizations depend on interaction and coordination among people to accomplish their goals. * Organizations are social inventions for accomplishing common goals through group efforts. 2. Explain the concept of organizational behaviour and describe the goals of the field. Organizational Behaviour – the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups in organizations. * The field of organizational behaviour is about understanding people and managing them to work effectively. * The field of organizational behaviour is concerned with how organizations can survive and adapt to change. i. Certain behaviours are necessary for survival and adaptation: 1. they have to be motivated to join and remain in the organization; 2. carry out their basic work reliably, in terms of productivity, quality, and service; 3. be flexible to continuously learn and upgrade their knowledge and skills; and 4. be flexible and innovative. * The field of organizational behaviour is concerned with how to get people to practice...
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...How they affect the groups within AWF 5 Future Motivational Strategies 6 Conclusion 7 Bibliography/esources 8 Appendices 2. Introduction: What Is Motivation? Motivation comes in many different forms and can affect people very differently. I found this to be the clearest definition of motivation: “Motivation is a psychological process and it can be explained as the willingness of individuals to do something for satisfying a need.” (Robbins and Coulter, 2002) * This is simply saying that someone who is motivated works better than one without motivation. * It is also commonly known that people are ready to work harder if they see their work rewarded. * These gains are not always financial and sometimes social needs and wants are more important. Huczynski, A.A. and Buchanan, D.A. (2007) Organisational Behaviour “Huczynski and Buchanan bring their well-known and successful brand of critical thinking, social science underpinning, and visual appraisal to bear in this comprehensive introduction to organizational behaviour. A wide range of features enable the reader to understand the dynamics of human behaviour at work, and encourage regular reflection on the theory and context of contemporary organizational life.” The Current Problems Facing ‘Amazing World of Fun’ Employee & Job Conflict * Within Amazing World of Fun it is clear to see an element of job conflict. This is most...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Is a multidisciplinary field of stduy that investigate show indidividuals behave within formal organizations. OB AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELD (Campo) * Psychology: individuals, motivation, personality, attitudes, learning, goals, expectation, perceptions, cognition. * Sociology: groups, status, hierarchy, influence, trust, reciprocity, social identity, social networks. * Economics: perfromance, efficency, effectiveness, incentives, monitoring, coordination. * Political science: power, governance, negotation, politics. INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR Managers achieve results by working with and through others. The abilitiy to undestand, predicit and control individual behaviour in the absence of direct monitoring is one of the most important- but also difficult managerial skill to master. FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS A formal organization is a social system with specific goals and usually consisting of several interrelated groups of subunits. Formal organizations are governed by clearly stated and enforced norms that typically survive the churning (mescolare) of organizational members. PURPOSE OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR The purpose of organizational behaviour is to inform the optimal design(progettare) of the organizational strcture and processes to promote improvement in the satisfaction and productivity of oganizational members while increasing the efficency and effectiveness of the organization as a whole ( nel suo complesso). SATISFACTION...
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...ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR MBA 1.2 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR SYLLABUS UNIT 1 Introduction to Organisational Behaviour, Meaning; Elements; Need; Approaches; Models; Global scenario. UNIT 2 Individual Behaviour; Personality; Learning; Attitudes; Perception; Motivation; Ability; Their relevant organizational behaviour. UNIT 3 Group dynamics; Group norms; Group cohesiveness; Group Behance to organizational behaviour. UNIT 4 Leadership Styles; Qualities; Organisational communication; Meaning importance, process, barriers; Methods to reduce barriers; Principle of effective communication. UNIT 5 Stress; Meaning; Types; Sources; Consequences; Management of stress. Power and Politics; Definition; Types of Powers; Sources; Characteristics; Effective use of Power. UNIT 6 Organisational Dynamics; Organisational design; Organisational effectiveness; Meaning, approaches; Organisational culture; Meaning, significance; Organisational Climate; Implications on organizational behaviour. Organisational Change; Meaning; Nature; Causes of change; Resistance of change; Management of change; Organisational development; Meaning; OD Interventions. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1995. 2. Stephen P. Bobbins, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, 1997. 3. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour at Wor/c,.-M.cGraw Hill Book Co., 1991. 4. Gregory Moorehead and R.S. Griffin, Organisational...
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