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Multitasking Is Bad

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Multitasking is it good or bad. What do you concern multitasking? “Multitasking changes the way people learn,” (Poldrack) Can this statement be really true? Every day I multitask. Rather it being “Media multitasking”—that is, the simultaneous use of several different media, such as television, the Internet, text messages, telephones, and e-mail. Nowadays we live in a wide variety of interruptions. While reading the article “The Myth of Multitasking” I am against Rosen opinion about multitasking. What is multitasking? How can multitasking help you throughout your day? And is multitasking a bad idea? I also understand why Rosen is against multitasking. One may think that forcing on one idea and paying attention is a great strategy. The reason …show more content…
Having two children, married, job and a household to run the idea of forcing on a single task is nearly impossible. The article is mainly forcing on the internet, television, cell phone and other devices ““Kids that are instant messaging while doing homework, playing games online and watching TV, I predict, aren’t going to do well in the long run.” “I think this generation of kids is guinea pigs.” (Jane Healy, Educational Psychologist) She is not doing a variety of non-electrics resource such as cooking dinner while packing a child lunch or brainstorming ideas for an essay while thinking collecting the next idea in your head. Nowadays the ability to multi task is on a job description employers needs someone that can multi task not doing one task at a time. Although, I am against Rosen article, I do see her point of view on multitasking and forcing on a single task. “Multitasking adversely affects how you learn. Even if you learn while multitasking, that learning is less flexible and more specialized, so you cannot retrieve the information as easily.” (Russell Poldrack, Psychology Professor) While learning a new lesson for my online class for Psychology, I tend to have the television on or my children distract me and I cannot force on the lesson or I cannot retrieve the information as

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