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Multitasking While Studying

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Did you just fail your test? Did you study? Well were you multitasking while studying? That reason you failed your test is because of multitasking. People are always multitasking and won’t stop. We all know this but, it’s ruining your knowledge and now it’s gotten so bad researchers are even watching students to see how bad multitasking has gotten. Multitasking has many negative results and it is just another way of being lazy. So why not try your best while only focusing on one subject.

How much do teens really multitask? Investigator Rosan says “ It really seems that teens could not go for fifteen minutes without engaging their devices ”, adding “ It was kind of scary, they are on their their devices more than 65% of the time when they are supposed to be studying.” Researchers say “ The real question is how do we get students to stop? We included policies that aim to prevent it and devote time and energy trying to implement them. ” Well this proves that instead of working on school work students are multitasking and no one can seem to make it stop. Yes, we know that you want to get a lot of things done but school work is more important. …show more content…
Evidence from psychology proves that by multitasking teens understand less and have more difficulty applying their knowledge to new contact. By multitasking you’re ruining your knowledge and education. Clifford Nass has summarized the multitasking condition and the results are the opposite of what they thought they would be. Clifford Nass says ” Thy look where they shouldn't and their memory is very sloppy. Plus to just top it off people who multitask have more social problems.” Is it me or is this proof that multitasking isn’t worth half of the trouble and problems that it

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