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Museum Of Broken Relationships: Museum Analysis

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Museums are like people: containing several different types of establishments, containing various themes within each, and containing layers or new things to learn. The purpose of visiting a gallery includes desires of entertainment, to gain knowledge about the subject, or to satisfy one’s curiosity. Common themes of museums include history and diversity, whether it tells the discoveries of Isaac Newton from London or the creativity of Frida Kahlo from Mexico. However, if an individual walks into an exhibition without an open mind, the possibility of gorgeous, thought provoking displays turning into a pile of confusing images or word surfaces. In order to understand the essential message within art, one needs to connect their surroundings with the theme. While in Los Angeles, California a museum presented its unique, comforting, personal, and intimate relic. The Museum of Broken Relationships’ appearance alone surprises yet mesmerizes. Many times in order to portray …show more content…
Within each brief reading, one learns of the different habits others contain and the different ways people meet. After each display, someone obtains knowledge of the way people connect or the things people do for each other. Also, one understands the sacrifices made within a family or a relationship that was more than platonic. What makes this museum immensely different from the rest mainly derives from the fact that an individual learns the history of love from around the world but, the history they are learning is the history of normal people. The beauty in the institution lies in the rules. Anyone is allowed to submit their story; people visit the museum with the drive and curiosity to learn of other people surviving life's curve balls. Every miniscule detail allows one to indulge themselves in the romanticized misfortunes of others, making the location something to

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