Premium Essay

Myers Briggs Type


Submitted By helloyves
Words 567
Pages 3
The purpose of this paper is the understanding of the own Myers-Briggs Personality Type. The paper stimulates you to think about the key traits of your type and in this way you learn more about yourself. Furthermore you have the chance to make a plan about character traits you might want to change.

At first I completed the Myers-Briggs Personality Type. The result was that I am an extraverted, sensing, feeling and perceiving person. Next I researched my type and its key traits. At least I answered the given questions

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator shows that I am a very outgoing person. One of my passions is travelling because I can meet new people and make a lot of new experiences. I have a wide circle of friends and feel comfortable in groups. The Sensing side of me shows that experience speaks to me louder than words. I am a very practical person. That means I have to do something on my own to understand what I’m learning. In addition I am a friendly and compassionate person. I always try to help people and establish harmony. Injustice is something I always try to avoid. The most decisions in life I make with my heart and not with my head. That means I often don’t do what seems right but what feels right.
The biggest success for my team might by my feeling side. I am a very good listener and try to maintain harmony in the group. If necessary I mediate between people and resolve the conflicts. On the other side I am an extrovert person. That means that I address problems if necessary. In this way there is the opportunity to sit together and solve the problems. Furthermore my sensing side contributes to the teamwork because I focus my attention on the details and try to improve the team project.
My feeling side could also be a hindrance to my team’s success because I am

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