...'"EH[,,1il1?1"^ i ENTERI KEUANGAN W PERATURAN MENTERI KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA N O M O R 3 7/ P M K . 2| 2 A L 2 0 a TENTANG STANDAR BIAYA TAHUN ANGGARAN 2013 DENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA MENTERI KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA, Menimbang bahwa dalam rangka melaksanakan ketentuan Pasal 5 ayat (S) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 90 Tahun 2010 tentang Pen5rusunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Kementerian Negara/Lembaga, perlu menetapkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan tentang Standar Biaya Tahun Anggaran 2Ol3 1. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 9A Tahun 2O1O tentang Penlrusunan Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Kementerian Negara/Lembaga (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2O1O Nomor I52, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 57781; 2. Keputusan Presiden Nomor 56/P Tahun 2O1,O; MEMUTUSKAN: Mengingat Menetapkan : PERATURAN MENTERI KEUANGAN TENTANG STANDAR BIAYA TAHUN ANGGARAN 2013. BAB I KETENTUAN UMUM Pasal 1 Dalam Peraturan Menteri ini, yang dimaksud dengan: 1. Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Kementerian Negaraf Lerrrbaga yang selanjutnya disingkat RKA-K/L, adalah dokumen rencana keuangan tahunan Kementerian NegaralLembaga yang disusun menurut Bagian Anggaran Kementerian Negara/Lembaga 2. Standar Biaya adalah satuan biaya yang ditetapkan baik berupa Standar Biaya Masukan maupun Standar Biaya Keluaran sebagai acuan perhitungan kebutuhan anggaran dalam RKA-K/L. // MENTERI KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA -2- 3 . Standar Biaya Masukan adalah satuan biaya...
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...Chapter 1 The Financial Services Industry: Depository Institutions Overview • In this chapter, we explore two major depository institution (DI) groups: – Banks, and – Non-bank depository institutions. • We focus on the major characteristics of each group: – Size, structure and composition of industry group, – Balance sheets and recent trends, – Regulation. • In Australia, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) authorises financial institutions to carry out financial intermediation. Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Financial Institutions Management 2e, by Lange, Saunders, Anderson ,Thomson and Cornett Slides prepared by Maike Sundmacher 1-2 Products Sold by the Financial Services Industry • Comparing the products of DIs in 1950 and 2006: – Much greater distinction between types of DIs in terms of products in 1950 than in 2006. – Blurring of product lines and services over time. – Wider array of services offered by all DI types. – Refer to Tables 1.1A and 1.1B in the text. Copyright 2007 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd PPTs t/a Financial Institutions Management 2e, by Lange, Saunders, Anderson ,Thomson and Cornett Slides prepared by Maike Sundmacher 1-3 Banks • Banks are the largest depository institutions in terms of size. • Major difference between banks and credit unions/savings institutions: banks have more varied assets and liabilities. • Differences in operating characteristics and ...
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...Name ______________________________________________________ Period ________ Matter and Energy Study Notes Chapter 2 — Properties of Matter Explore the BIG Idea: Matter has properties that can be changed by physical and chemical processes. Chapter 2 Diagnostic Test — Multiple Choice, limited distractors 2.0 Explore — Float or Sink? Section 2.1 -- Matter has observable properties. By the end of Section 2.1 the student should… Describe physical and chemical properties. Give examples of physical changes. Explain that chemical changes form new substances. Observe signs of chemical change in an experiment. 2.1 Section Investigation — What are some signs of a chemical change? Internet Investigation — IPPEX: Volume and Density Chapter 2 Additional Investigation: Chapter 2 Math Support & Practice: Measuring Density Solving Proportions 2.1 Reading Study Guide A 2.1 Quiz — True/False Section 2.2 -- Changes of state are physical changes. By the end of Section 2.2 the student should… Describe how liquids can become solids, and solids can become liquids. Explain how liquids can become gases, and gases can become liquids. Determine how energy is related to changes of state. Chapter 2 Investigation — Freezing Point 2.2 Reading Study Guide A 2.2 Quiz — Completion Section 2.3 -- Properties are used to identify substances. By the end of Section 2.3 the student should… Describe how properties can help you identify substances. Explain how properties of substances can be used to...
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...FINANZA AZIENDALE/CORPORATE FINANCE CLEF (8 cfu - I sem. - OB | SECS-P/09) Docente responsabile dell'insegnamento/Course Director: MAURIZIO DALLOCCHIO Obiettivi formativi del corso Il corso affronta ed approfondisce i temi fondamentali della finanza d'azienda: dall'analisi alla pianificazione finanziaria, dalla valutazione degli investimenti e dei finanziamenti alle scelte di struttura finanziaria e infine si pone cenno alle operazioni di finanza straordinaria. L'obiettivo del corso è di introdurre gli studenti nel mondo della finanza d'azienda, fornendo loro la comprensione sia dei principali modelli teorici che delle loro principali applicazioni nelle realtà aziendali. A tal fine, a lezioni in cui vengono esposti e commentati - con continui riferimenti alle notizie economicofinanziarie più recenti - i modelli della moderna teoria della finanza si alternano sessioni dedicate allo studio di casi e a testimonianze aziendali. Programma sintetico del corso Parte prima: Logiche e strumenti di analisi e pianificazione finanziaria Gli obiettivi della finanza d'azienda e i fondamenti di teoria del valore. L'analisi finanziaria come strumento di gestione manageriale e di comunicazione al mercato. La pianificazione finanziaria nel breve e nel lungo periodo: dal budget di cassa al piano finanziario. Parte seconda: Introduzione alla finanza operativa Il capitale circolante: dimensioni, rilevanza e modalità di gestione. La gestione del credito commerciale e delle relazioni...
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...I. Regression model and regression analyzing 1. Population regression function and Sample regression function Population regression function (PRF) show the relationship between dependent variable fare (average fare on one way) with other independtion variable year, dist, passen, bmktshr, y98 by this function: Fare = β0 + β1 * year + β2 * dist + β3 * passen + β4 * bmktshr + β5 * y98 + ui Sample regression function (SRF): Fare= β0 + β1 * year + β2 * dist + β3 * passen + β4 * bmktshr + β5 * y98 2. Correlational table and correlational relationship Use corr to show the correlational relationship of these variable, we have a correlational table corr fare year dist passen bmktshr y98 (obs=4596) | fare year dist passen bmktshr y98 -------------+------------------------------------------------------ fare | 1.0000 year | 0.0677 1.0000 dist | 0.6236 0.0000 1.0000 passen | -0.1363 0.0344 -0.0930 1.0000 bmktshr | -0.1907 -0.0282 -0.5283 -0.0894 1.0000 y98 | -0.0259 -0.2582 -0.0000 -0.0137 0.0334 1.0000 - Correlation coefficient between fare and year is 0.0067 - Correlation coefficient between fare and dist is 0.6236 - Correlation coefficient between fare and passen is -0.1363 - Correlation coefficient between fare and bmktshr is -0.1907 - Correlation coefficient between fare and y98 is -0.0259 We can...
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...PERTEMUAN 8 : PERBAIKAN MULTIKOLINEARITAS a. MetodeTransformasiVariabel ( First Difference) Padametodeinikitaakanmenurunkanpersamaanpertama Y = α0 + α1 X1 + α2X2 menjadi DY = α0 + α1 DX1 + α2DX2 Berikutadalah data minggulalu. Data inididetekimemilikimultikolinearitassehinggaperlu di perbaiki. Obs Y X1 X2 1 0.500000 2.000000 20.000000 2 0.650000 2.250000 25.000000 3 0.600000 2.600000 35.000000 4 0.900000 2.850000 42.000000 5 0.800000 3.100000 48.000000 6 1.000000 3.200000 50.000000 7 1.200000 3.700000 59.000000 8 1.300000 4.100000 65.000000 9 1.100000 4.200000 70.000000 10 1.600000 4.500000 76.000000 Berikutadalah data minggulalu. Data inididetekimemilikimultikolinearitassehinggaperlu di perbaiki. Perbaikilahhingga data initidakterdapatmultikolinearitasdanberilahanalisisterhadaphasilperbaikan! HASIL REGERESI AWAL Dependent Variable: Y Method: Least Squares Date: 11/04/15 Time: 10:18 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C -0.510609 0.586372 -0.870794 0.4127 X1 0.615492 0.553310 1.112381 0.3027 X2 -0.010709 0.025091 -0.426797 0.6823 R-squared 0.889524 Mean dependent var 0.965000 Adjusted R-squared 0.857960 S.D. dependent var 0.344843 S.E. of regression 0.129965 Akaike info criterion -0.999777 Sum squared resid 0.118236 Schwarz criterion -0.909001 Log likelihood 7.998883 Hannan-Quinn criter. -1.099357 F-statistic...
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...Personality & Values Organizational Behavior By: Rajitha Fernando Personality • The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others • Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits, such as shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal and timid. (Personality traits) 2 Jungian Personality Theory • Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung • Jung proposed four main functions of consciousness: 1. Two perceiving functions: Sensation and Intuition 2. Two judging functions: Thinking and Feeling 2 • Each of the functions are expressed primarily in either an introverted or extraverted form • From Jung's original concepts, Briggs and Myers developed their own theory of psychological type, described below, on which the MBTI is based. 3 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. Dichotomies Extraversion (E) – (I) Introversion Sensing (S) – (N) Intuition Thinking (T) – (F) Feeling Judging (J) – (P) Perception 4 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Extroversion versus introversion • Extroverted individuals are outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Introverts are quiet and shy Sensing versus intuition • Sensing types are practical and prefer routine and order. They focus on details. Intuitives rely on unconscious processes and...
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...WHISTLEBLOWING Whistle blowing adalah tindakan seorang pekerja yang memutuskan untuk melapor kepada media, kekuasaan internal atau eksternal tentang hal-hal ilegal dan tidak etis yang terjadi di lingkungan kerja. Hal ini merupakan isu yang penting dan dapat berdampak buruk, baik kepada individu tersebut maupun organisasi yang dilaporkan (Vinten, 1994). Menurut Vardi dan Wiener (1996), tindakan ini termasuk tindakan menyimpang karena menyalahi aturan inti pekerjaan dalam perusahaan yang harus dipatuhi oleh semua pekerja. Sedangkan menurut Moberg (1997) tindakan ini dikategorikan sebagai pengkhianatan terhadap perusahaan. Whistle Blowing dalam perusahaan (misalnya atasan) dapat disebut sebagai perilaku menyimpang tipe O jika termotivasi oleh identifikasi perasaan yang kuat terhadap nilai dan misi yang dimiliki perusahaan, dengan kepedulian terhadap kesuksesan perusahaan itu sendiri. Sedangkan tindakan whistle blowing yang bersifat ”pembalasan dendam” dikategorikan sebagai perilaku menyimpang tipe D karena ada usaha untuk menyebabkan suatu bahaya. Sementara itu, beberapa peneliti menganggap whistle blowing sebagai suatu bentuk tindakan kewarganegaraan yang baik (Dworkin & Nera, 1997), harus didorong dan bahkan dianugerahi penghargaan. Namun, whistle blowing biasanya dipandang sebagai perilaku menyimpang. Para atasan menganggapnya sebagai tindakan yang merusak yang kadang berupa langkah pembalasan dendam yang nyata (Near & Miceli, 1986). Para atasan berpendapat bahwa pada...
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...OB in Action Case Study Irdeto Holdings BV Changes Its Organizational Structure 1. Which of the seven organizational designs is Irdeto using? Explain your rationale. Irdeto menggunakan divisional structure dengan indikasi sebagai berikut: a. Pertimbangan perusahaan untuk mendirikan kantor pusat baru di China adalah sebagai respon akan meningkatnya penjualan Irdeto di pasar Asia. dimana 39 % dari total pendapatan tahunan Irdeto di peroleh dari pasar Asia. Langkah Irdeto ini juga mengindikasikan keinginan perusahaan untuk lebih dekat kepada konsumen. Hal ini didukung oleh pernyataan Chief Executive perusahaan Mr. Graham Kill “ Jika ingin sukses di Asia, maka perusahaan harus di kelola dari sana”. b. Dari segi sistem perusahaan, setiap wilayah geografis baik yang di China maupun yang di Belanda tetap melaporkan kegiatan operasionalnya kepada CEO melalui tulisan (email) dan konferensi dua minggu sekali. Perusahaan yang berada di China maupun Belanda memiliki kontrol penuh dalam batas-batas penuh geografis, dimana mereka diberikan hak untuk membuat suatu keputusan. Tetapi CEO tetap bertanggung jawab untuk perencanaan strategis. 2. Is Irdeto moving to a more mechanistic or organic structure? How can you tell? Irdeto lebih mengarah kepada organic structure, indikasinya adalah: a. konsep tim atau kelompok karyawan yang lintas hirarki dan lintas fungsional, dengan tingkat formalisasi yang rendah (tidak terlalu formal), yang memiliki jaringan informasi yang komprehensif...
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...Lomba Karya Tulis Mahasiswa Menuju Nilai Tukar Rupiah yang Lebih Stabil dengan Sistem Nilai Tukar Syariah: Suatu Pembuktian Empiris Metode Ordinary Least Square[1] Oleh: Rika Kumala Dewi Viany Indah Anggryeny Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Depok 2006 BAB I PENDAHULUAN Di era yang semakin terbuka seperti sekarang ini, perdagangan internasional merupakan bagian yang tak terelakkan, bahkan bisa dibilang suatu necessary condition menuju era perdagangan bebas. Hal ini berarti, stabilitas perekonomian suatu negara juga dipengaruhi oleh negara lain. Dalam hubungan antar negara ini, banyak pihak menaruh perhatian khusus terhadap nilai tukar, suatu variabel yang disebut-sebut sebagai variabel yang bisa “menghancurkan” ketenangan ekonomi suatu negara. Bukti nyata telah terjadi pada tahun 1997! Anjloknya nilai tukar negara-negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, telah membuat perekonomian lesu, bahkan pembangunan menunjukkan angka negatif, dan hutang luar negeri Indonesia pun membengkak 6-7 kali lipat[2]. Kalutnya perekonomian dunia tahun 1997 ini telah membuat berbagai pihak menaruh perhatian terhadap apa yang dinamakan nilai tukar. Berbagai formulasi dirumuskan dalam rangka mencari bentuk yang paling tepat untuk menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar. Tak ketinggalan juga pemerintah, dalam hal ini Bank Indonesia, melakukan perubahan kebijakan nilai tukarnya dari sistem nilai tukar mengambang fleksibel (september 1986-Agustus 1997) menjadi sistem...
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...Magsanay Bumasa (Basahin ng paulit-ulit) _________________________ jgeca A. ma ma mu mu mi mi mo mo me me ba ba bu bu bi bi bo bo be be sa sa su su si si so so se se tat a tut u ti ti to to te te la la lu lu li li lo lo le le na na nu nu ni ni no no ne ne B. ba sa sub o tab a ta sa mu ta ba so se bo ta bo ti sa ta mo bi sa ba ta tu bo tu so tu ma bi so bo te tu ba ta si te ma sa ba bo ta ti ba tu si Ti mo si ba bu to ta bi ma ta ta ma te la la ta bu la ba ba sa ta lo lu to ba la ma ba ba ti la li to bu to sa sa ma tu lo ...
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...perusahaan penyewaan video terbesar dengan lebih dari 7.000 toko di seluruh dunia. Beberapa tahun terakhir ini bukanlah tahun terbaik bagi perusahaan Blockbuster, karena pada 9 tahun terakhir ini perusahaan Blockbuster mengalami kerugiandan kehilangan banyak pelanggan untuk netflix. Sehingga Blockbuster mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan menghentikan seluruh operasinya di Portugal, menutup dalam proses 17 outlet dan meninggalkan lebih dari 100 pekerja menganggur. Perwakilan Blockbuster di Portugal menyalahkan pembajakan internet dan kurangnya respon pemerintah sebagai faktor kunci untuk kebangkrutan perusahaan di negara tersebut. Oleh karena itu mereka membuat suatu perubahan yang paling penting yaitu memperkerjakan CEO baru (James W. Keyes), Dia adalah mantan CEO dari toko 7-Eleven. Seluruh usaha reting DVD telah berubah, dan Blocbuster membuat perubahan untuk tetap kompetitif. Apa yang Keyes lakukan di 7-eleven adalah bergantung pada angka. Ia menerapkan pendekatan,dengan cara kuantitatif data, di mana data kuantitatif yang dikumpulkan oleh setiap toko. Contohnya, toko dalam satu lingkungan membawa lebih banyak migth corona (Pelanggan/ Keuntungan) dibandingkan jika berbeda lingkungannya. Keyes memperhitungkan berbagai faktor, menghitung, misalnya, donat yang akan dijual pada cuaca panas dan dingin. Sekarang, Keyes melakukan hal yang sama untuk Blockbuster. Antara lain, ia berharap untuk menyesuaikan judul, di setiap toko yang didasarkan pada pola sewa. Dia mengatakan .” “Saya...
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...Annals of Financial Economics The Causal Relationship Between Bank Capital and Profitability David E. Hutchison and Raymond A. K. Cox 1 Westwood Development Group and University of Ontario Institute of Technology Abstract: The relationship between capital structure and return on equity is examined. It is shown that for banks in the U.S., for the relatively less regulated 1983 to 1989 period as well as the more highly regulated 1996 to 2002 period, there is a positive relationship between financial leverage and the return on equity. The analysis is extended to determine the relationship between return on assets and equity capital. The evidence supports the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between equity capital and return on assets. Relevance to Practice: Previous empirical evidence for U.S. banks had indicated a perverse negative relationship between financial leverage and the return on equity for the 1983 to 1989 period. The cause of such an association was attributed to a reputation effect for large banks who adopted an aggressive capital structure. These contrary findings coupled with regulations on improving equity capital adequacy from the Basel II accord supported the efforts to promote a reduced capital structure risk posture by banks. However, these opposite results conflicted with traditional thought from the DuPont analysis wherein, when operating profitability is positive, increased financial leverage augments the return on equity. Thus,...
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...MUS 101: IN-1 8 July 2013 Concert Review Form/Paper “First Time for Everything” Sunday, July 07, at seven thirty, I attended my first ever Orchestra in my thirty eight years alive on this planet. The Gateway Festival Orchestra of St. Louis “50 Years and Counting” at Brookings Quadrangle or known to students as "The Quad," located on Washington University Campus. The Quad has a grass recreation area surrounded by academic buildings and was very comfortable setting for the upcoming events I will soon explain in this review. The audience was near my age with a couple groups of the younger fresh out of high school generation. For the most part everyone in attendance was casual dress attire. Throughout the performance everyone remained very quiet. The performers looked very professional and elegant but in my opinion were a tad too sophisticated my taste. The Gateway Festival Orchestra of St. Louis was established in 1964 by William Schatzkamer. With support from the two locals of the American Federation of Musicians, the Gateway Festival Orchestra was created to provide free summer concerts performed by an orchestra of 50 professional musicians playing great music from the symphonic repertoire. Each of the summer concerts includes a major symphonic work and two or three smaller works. The informal atmosphere and free admission encourages family attendance. The concert celebrated 50 years of music with a selection of pieces performed over the years, including a new...
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... different condi&ons than did many of their European counterparts • Also had a very different experience living in America • Ques&on: What did African Americans do to make sense of their situa&on, to survive it, to resist their oppression, and to forge a new culture through music? Spirituals • “Spiritual: Religious music of African Americans during slavery” (Burnim 2006: 51). – What are called folk spirituals developed first (this is to dis&nguish from what are called arranged spirituals or concert spirituals) • “Folk spiritual: The earliest form of indigenous a cappella religious music created by African Americans during slavery” (Burnim 2006: 52). – Late 18th century crea&on (ibid) – Created by and for black people – Prominent from late 18th century through Civil War era (U.S. Civil War, 1861-‐1865) Ring Shout • “A form of folk spiritual which incorporates...
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