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Obsidian Research Paper

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Obsidian is a naturally occurring dark, volcanic glass with a smooth glossy appearance. It is formed when felsic lava, which is extruded from a volcano cools rapidly, with minimal crystal growth. Obsidian has a high silica content and a low water content (typically lower than 1%), as by the time the magma reaches the surface, the majority of the water contained within it has evaporated as steam. When exposed to groundwater, obsidian becomes increasingly hydrated, finally forming perlite. Obsidian is hard and brittle and fractures with very sharp edges. Obsidian consists predominantly (usually 70%+), of silicon dioxide, and around 20-30% Magnesium and Iron Oxide. Its hardness is between 5-5.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
Obsidian is found in areas of …show more content…
Obsidian is still used in surgical scalpels today. Obsidian is also the stone which served as the pupils of the eyes of the statues of Easter Island; this stone gave the statues authority and a spiritual essence.

Obsidian has a smooth glassy appearance. It is usually dark due to impurities within the stone: dark green obsidian results from the presence of Iron and magnesium, whilst the red/brown of some obsidian results from the presence of hematite or limonite within the crystal. Obsidian is most frequently a jet black colour, which is a result of a multitude of microscopic rock and mineral particles. Obsidian is also found with a variety of patterns:
When Obsidian cools, small bubbles of air can become aligned along layer which are created as the molten rock was flowing before being cooled. These bubbles produce a variety of effects:
Gold sheen obsidian is a black to brown stone. It has air bubbles between its layers, which produce a gold sheen on the surface on the crystal, when light reflects through its

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