...will also discuss the forces that are involved in formulation of the problem. Lastly, the writer will describe the organizational and environmental obstacles in a way that considers various key stakeholders that will be impacted by decisions. Kava is in need of a greater presence. Alex made it known that, “Our company is considering establishing a greater presence here in Kava,” Alex started. “That greater presence could take various forms, based on what’s good for our company and what’s good for the people of Kava.” (Phoenix, 2011) It was noticed that after landing on Kava the place that was imagined a paradise was now realized as a mess. Kava Island facts states that the people consist of a fifty percentage of people of under the age of 15 years old with a mixture of different ethic back grounds and languages. The economy consists of coffee, sugar, cocoa, petroleum, spices, natural gas, along with so many more. With the buildup of the economy, the island has become a disaster area, with that being said tidal waves and or tsunami, typhoons and or hurricanes has hit the island. Tornadoes, floods, fires, and volcanic eruptions have occurred. Earthquakes, HIV/AIDS, petroleum spill, and high risk of avian flu have broken out and destroyed not only land but many people. The organization’s job is to create a greater presence on Kava starting with an organizational process, human...
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...Procter & Gamble Co., also known as P&G, is an American multinational consumer goods multinational company headquartered in downtown Cincinnati , Ohio, United States, founded by William Procter and James Gamble, both from the United Kingdom, establishing Year 1837 Products Its products include pet foods, cleaning agents, and personal care products. Prior to the sale of Pringles to the Kellogg Company, its product line included foods and beverages. Global Operations: Our unique organizational structure offers the global scale benefits of an international company and the local focus to be relevant for consumers in more than 180 countries where our brands are sold. Our global operations keep us in touch with our local communities. And our strong governance practices ensure that we conduct our operations with consistently high standards and integrity. Manufacturing operations are based in the following regions: * United States * Canada * Philippines * Mexico * Latin America Research and development Centers: | * Europe * China (31 wholly owned factories) and other parts of Asia * Africa * Australia | In Western Europe we employ around 3000 people with multicultural and scientific backgrounds in 8 Innovation Centers located in Germany, the UK, Belgium and Italy. R&D Asia (China-Beijing and Singapore). * Ariel laundry detergent * Bounty paper towels, sold in the United States and Canada (sold as "Plenty" in the United Kingdom) ...
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...A Summer Project Report ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS MASALA IN VARACHHA AREA IN SURAT AT “DHANHAR EXIM PVT.LTD.” Submitted to R.B.Institute of Management Studies IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARD FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Gujarat Technological University UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Faculty Guide Prof. Pratima Shukla Company Guide Mr. Hitesh Vankawala Submitted by Rahul Paghdal Enrollment No.: 117460592036 Mehul Valangar Enrollment No.:117460592024 [Batch: 2011-13] MBA SEMESTER II R.B.Institute of Management Studies MBA PROGRAMME Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad 1 STUDENTS‟ DECLARATION We are (Rahul Paghdal & Mehul Valengar), hereby declare that the report for Summer Project entitled “CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS MASALA IN ARACHHA AREA IN SURAT” is a result of our own work and our indebtedness to other work publications, references, if any, have been duly acknowledged. Place: (Signature) Date: Rahul Paghdal Mehul Valengar 2 INSTITUTE‟S CERTIFICATE Certified that this Summer Project Report Titled “CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS MASALA IN VARACHHA AREA IN SURAT” is the bonafide work of Mr. Rahul Paghdal (Enrollment No.117460592036) and Mr. Mehul Valengar (Enrollment No117460592024), who carried out the research under my supervision. I also certify further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation...
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...STARBUCKS A Fortune 500 Company Business Management Issues BUS-285 Prepared by: Student Name For Mr. Jessie Bellflowers Instructor A research paper presented to Fayetteville Technical Community college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Business Management Issues Capstone Course. Fayetteville Technical Community College July 20, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 I. Executive Summary 3 II. Company Overview 4 III. Strategic Analysis 8 IV. Strategic Effectiveness Analysis 11 V. Conclusion 14 VI. References 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Starbucks has been one of most popular coffeehouses in the world. They started their business as just a coffee-bean retailer. This didn’t last long. Howard Schultz...
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...* ‹ › Pran RFL group Market analysis Document Transcript * 1. American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) Summer Semester, 2012 Principle of Marketing Section: A A Group Report On “Marketing Mix (4 P’s) Analysis and Competitors Evaluation: Pran RFL Group” Submitted to Mr. Stanley S. Rodrick Lecturer, Faculty of Business Administration Department of Marketing Submitted by: Zabir Md Abdullah (08-12484-3) Rased Abdur (09-14501-2) Anoy Md. Shakib Ahamed (09-14497-2) 1 |Page * 2. AcknowledgementAll praises to the Almighty Allah, who has bestowed his kindness upon us by giving us theopportunity, time, courage, strength and patience to carry out and complete the report properly.We are very much thankful to our honorable course instructor, Mr. Stanley S. RodrickMadam for his valuable and intellectual guidance to prepare this reportWe are very much grateful to our group member zabir for giving us his ideas which is verymuch helpful to us.Then we must thank all of our respondents for cooperating with us by giving information of allthe questions about the topic. Without their help it was not possible to complete this report.Finally we must not lose opportunity of expressing our sincere appreciation to some of ourfriends, Shams and Rashed who shared and inspired us all the time. 2 |Page * 3. Company Overview Background—“Poverty and hunger are curses”- mission of PRAN-RFL group. So their aim is “to generateemployment and earn dignity and self respect for our competitors”...
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...entrepreneurs John Blogg and Femke Stevens. The concept has been praised for its unique retail formula and exclusive positioning. The brand has, since its establishment, expanded with 84 retail stores spread over twelve different countries using a master franchise business model. “Oil & Vinegar”, which is the actual and only brand of the company, offers a wide variety of products. All of them fall under one of the following categories: appetizers, herbs and spices, salads and dressings, oil and vinegar, pasta products, sweet food, biological products and gift sets. (ASIS-IBMS, General information O&V, 2011) The reason for writing this report is to research whether Oil & Vinegar is able to expand to Milan, Italy. Oil & Vinegar operates on the business-to-consumer food retail market where they are categorized as food specialists. The research will show whether the market is attractive or not. This report contains information about the four separate parts of feasibility, which are market-, product-, organizational-, and financial feasibility. From all parts together, a conclusion will be drawn. When all four parts are feasible, the project will be accepted. When one or more parts are not feasible, the project will be either dropped or rethought. The research for every feasibility part consists of different sub-subjects as well. These subjects will be explained further in the report. Every feasibility part looks for different factors in order to determine whether...
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...Contents 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 4 1.11 Indian weddings 4 1.12 Indian greetings 4 1.13 Indian Food 4 Introduction to American culture 5 1.14 American music 5 1.15 American religion 5 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY 6 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 7 2.0 LEVELS OF CULTURE 7 2.01 GLOBAL CULTURE 7 2.02 REGIONAL CULTURE 7 2.03 NATIONAL CULTURE 7 2.04 ETHNIC CULTURE 7 2.05 SOCIAL CLASS CULTURE 8 2.06 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 8 2.07 FAMILY CULTURE 8 2.08 GENDER CULTURE 8 2.09 AGE CULTURE 8 2.1 DETERMINANTS OF CULTURE 8 2.11 GEERT HOFSTEDE’S MODEL 9 2.12 INDIVIDUALISIM V COLLECTIVISM 9 2.13 POWER DISTANCE 9 2.14 LARGE POWER DISTANCE 9 2.15 SMALL POWER DISTANCE 9 2.16 MASCULINITY V FEMINITY 9 2.17 UNCERTAINITY AVOIDANCE 10 3.0 CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE 10 3.01 Culture is dynamic 10 3.02 Culture is pervasive 10 3.03 Culture is learnt 10 3.04 Culture is integrated 10 3.05 Culture is ethnocentric 10 3.06 Culture provides social cohesion 11 4.0 VIEWS ON CULTURAL TRENDS 11 4.01 The Convergent View 11 4.02 The Divergent View 11 5.0 ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION 12 5.01 ANALYSIS 12 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.01 WHAT IS CULTURE? Culture rules virtually every aspect of your life and like most people; you are completely unaware of this. Culture is vital because it enables its members to function with one another without the need to negotiate meaning at every moment. Culture is learned and forgotten, so despite its importance we are generally unconscious...
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...Consultancy Project Report McDonald’s By Haroon Zahid Qureshi CIIT/FA14-EMBA-207/CVC Master’s in Business Administration (Executive) COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Virtual Campus – Pakistan INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW OF FAST FOOD INDUSTRIES The food industry is on a high as Indians continue to have a feast. Fueled by what can be termed as a perfect ingredient for any industry - large disposable incomes - the food sector has been witnessing a marked change in consumption patterns, especially in terms of food. An increasing number of international fast food chains rushing to India is because all of them see tremendous potential in for this type of business. The large upwardly mobile population in the urban areas tend to eat out more often or business or for leisure. The various players operating in India are the well-established Indian chains like Nirula's, Haldiram's and multinational companies like McDonalds, Pizza hut, Domino's pizza, etc. In addition to these, apparently some of the best known international food chains are looking at India. Among them are Great American Disaster, The Burger King, Mexican food chain Tacogrill, Move-n-pick, etc. are some of them to name. The players are fighting on products, pricing, positioning and trying to convert their first trials into regular purchase by providing delightful service quality. The focus is on product quality and standardization on taste. Consistency is the key, as its standardization...
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...Chapter I Introduction Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavorings and colorings are used in addition to the natural ingredients. Philippines’ version for ice cream: Sorbetes is usually produced from unknown factories and sold from carts that roam the streets, exposing it to pollution. Thus, it is also called dirty ice cream; though it is not really dirty as the name implies. Kids love ice cream, and so do grown-ups, but to indulge in this frozen delight can mean a lot of fat and calories, depending on the choices. The calories in a cup of ice cream can vary anywhere from 180 to 600, depending on brand, fat content, sugar content, and flavor. Nonfat or fat-free ice creams contain virtually no fat: vegetable gums are added to make them creamy and mixtures are made in soft serve machines to whip in additional air and ice crystals. Most nonfat ice creams contain 90 to 100 calories per half cup but not all, leaving health-conscious consumers, who avoid calories and fat, fewer options, or none at all. A newly industrialized country, the Philippine economy has been transitioning from one based on agriculture to one based more on services and manufacturing. Despite this, the agricultural sector employs close to 32% of the country's total labor force of around...
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...things, ‘meaning that the humanities uplift the dignity and values of man and his tendencies.” Culture is the disparity between man and animal; thus to be cultured is to possess refinement in taste and manners and these include speech, knowledge, belief, arts and technologies. Arts enhance daily experience and they are linked to the very quality of life. The word art encompasses meanings, including ability, process and product. As ability art is the human capacity to make things of beauty and things that stir us; it is creativity. As process, art encompasses acts, such as drawing, painting, sculpture, and designing building and using the camera to create memorable works. As products, art is the completed work—an etching, a sculpture, a structure, a tapestry, a portrait, a song. Purposes of Art. Role of Humanities in human’s life. General View of the Arts Art was derived from the Aryan root word “AR” which means to put together, while still another,/ “while still another” origin of the word art come from Latin “ars” which mean ability or skill. A work of art is the product of the imagination of the artist dependent on the following factors like the material/medium, subject, theme, values, influences, period, belief, inspiration, preparation and other. Nature of Art Some of the purposes of Art are the ff:...
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...TERM PAPER ON STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING COMPANY LTD Date: April 4, 2011 Letter of Transmittal April 4, 2011 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Subject: Term Paper on Strategic Analysis of Agricultural Marketing Company Ltd. Dear Sir, It is our great pleasure to submit the Case Study on Blockbuster’s Challenges in the Video Rental Industry which is a part of the course Strategic Management of EMBA program to you for your kind consideration. We have made sincere efforts to study related materials for preparation of the report. Within the time limit we have tried our best to compile the pertinent information as comprehensively as possible and if you need any further information we will be glad to provide it. Thanking you, |SL |Name |Signature | |1. | | | |2. | | | |3. | | | |4. | | | Table of Content Introduction 05 Business Analysis 07 Porters’ Five Forces 08 Financial Performance 13 Future Plan 16 SWOT Analysis 17 Strategy Analysis...
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...Chapter A: Introduction Executive Summary SQUARE today symbolizes a name – a state of mind. But its journey to the growth and prosperity has been no bed of roses. From the inception in 1958, it has today burgeoned into one of the top line conglomerates in Bangladesh. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd., the flagship company, is holding the strong leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh since 1985 and is now on its way to becoming a high performance global player. SQUARE today is more than just an organization, it is an institute. In a career spanning across four and half decades it has pioneered the development of the local business in fields as diverse as Pharmaceuticals, Toiletries, Garments, Textile, Information Technology, Health Products, Food Products, Hospital, etc. With an average Annual turnover of over US$ 200 million and a workforce of about 3500 the SQUARE Group is a true icon of the Bangladesh business sector. Vision satement We view business as a means to the material and social wellbeing of the investors, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization. Mission statement Our Mission is to produce and provide quality & innovative healthcare relief for people, maintain stringently ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the shareholders, stakeholders and the society at large. Chapter B: ...
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...Lauder Business School, Intercultural Management and Leadership Wendy’s or Vapiano? In initial Research: How companies present quality of their products and services to the public Prepared by Svitlana Kyazimova Vienna, 2010 Table of content Introduction 1. What are my expectations from the restaurants? 2. Wendy’s valuation 3. Vapiano valuation 4. Personal experience of being a Vapiano customer Conclusion Introduction A quality is an attribute or a property. Subjectively, something might be good because it is useful, because it is beautiful, or simply because it exists. Determining or finding qualities therefore involves understanding what is useful, what is beautiful and what exists. Commonly, quality can mean degree of excellence, as in, "a quality product" or "work of average quality". The quality of a product or service refers to the perception of the degree to which the product or service meets the customer's expectations. The quality management and quality control should be performed in all the levels. The scheme bellow demonstrates how the quality management functions in the Fast-food restaurants: In my initial research I would like to investigate two companies from the same business sector which is Entertainment and the industry is Restaurants. My choice fell on fast food Wendy’s from Wendy's/Arby's Group (USA/Canada) and Vapiano International...
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...1.1 COMPANY PROFILE The idea of The Healthy Potato shop was conceived by Lance Kerwin Gagalang, Kyle Aldrich Mercado, and Bernard Dennis J. Chu, Marketing students from Colegio De San Juan De Manila. The Business was created because of the issues of factory made products being unhealthy. The firm decided to come up with delicious yet healthy snacks that eliminated health concerning issues that are produced at present. 1.2 NATURE OF PRODUCT Potato Heads product idea came from the owner’s passion for Healthy but delicious foods. Potato Head will be offering different kinds of Healthy Snack products. Potato Products that consumer will love and patronize. Potato Head’s products include the following: * French Fries - That will have different variants of flavor such as: 1. Cheese, Barbeque-Spiced French Fries, Garlic Fries * Mojos – Healthy made mojos with Original, Barbeque and Cheese flavours. * Twister Fries – twister Fries with optional flavours and dips. 1.3 SIZE AND GROWTH TREND OF THE MARKET SCHOOL | 2014 | 2015 | GROWTH RATE | Colegio de San Juan de Letran | 9, 554 | 9, 936 | 4% | Lyceum of the Philippines | 16, 383 | 17, 529 | 2% | Mapua Institute of Technology | 10, 672 | 10, 885 | 6% | PamantasanLungsod ng Maynila | 10, 301 | 10, 507 | 2% | Source: Intramuros Administration The figures cited above represents the size and growth trend of the target market in a particular school. The Healthy Potato will be offered in front...
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...create long-term and mutually beneficial exchange relationships between an entity and the publics (individuals and organizations) with which it interacts. Though this fundamental purpose of marketing is timeless, the manner in which organizations undertake it continues to evolve. No longer do marketing managers function solely to direct day-to-day operations; they must make strategic decisions as well. This elevation of marketing perspectives to a strategic position in organizations has resulted in expanded responsibilities for marketing managers. Increasingly, they find themselves involved in charting the direction of the organization and contributing to decisions that will create and sustain a competitive advantage and affect long-term organizational performance. The transition of the marketing manager from being only an implementer to being a maker of organization strategy has resulted in (1) the creation of the chief marketing officer (CMO) position in many organizations and (2) the popularity of strategic marketing management as a course of study and practice. Today, almost onehalf of Fortune 1000 companies have a CMO. Although responsibilities vary across companies, a common expectation is that a CMO will assume a leadership role in defining the mission of the business; analysis of environmental, competitive, and business situations; developing business objectives and goals; and defining customer value propositions and the marketing strategies that deliver on these propositions...
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